Methods Flashcards
Makes the first letter upper case
Method to append an element to the end of the list
Set method
set() method is used to create a new set object. A set is an unordered collection of unique elements.
Ways to use set method
- create a set from a list.
- create a set from a dictionary. Converts only keys.
A way to add element to a string
string += element
How to convert integer into a string
Method for lower case
replace method
Is a built in string method used to replace occurrences of a substring with a new string within a given string
Replace method syntax
string.replace(old_substring, new_substring, count)
count is optional. The max number of occurrences of old string to replace.
Ways to get rid of white space in a string
- with string.replace() method. Removes all white spaces
- string.strip() method - removes space at the beginning of a string and at the end
- str.lstrip(), str.rstrip() - removes it from left or right side
How to convert a list of strings into a string
With join method
How to convert a list with int to a string
With join() method
Example: lst =[…..]
str1= “ “.join([str(elem) for elem in lst])
How to turn a sentence into an array
It can’t be combined with other methods
Length of an element
Get the type of an element
if type(element) == int: