Methods Flashcards
Light microscope
routine laboratory scope used for studying tissue sections
Transmission electron microscope - TEM
study cytology/internal structures of cells; study of electron micrographs
Scanning electron microscope - SEM
study surface features of cells/tissues; 3-D picture of tissue
Polarizing microscope
facilitates determination of whether or not biological materials have different refractive indicies along different optical axes
Phase microscope
study living tissue; works on principle of different refractive indicies of cellular & sub-cellular components
interference microscope
modification of phase microscope used for study of living tissue
fluorescence microscope
uses UV light as light source; used to examine the presence of fluorescent material in tissue sections
confocal scanning microscope
uses laser energy beam; used to opticallhy section a cell and with the appropriate computer equipment can reconstruct a 3-D image of the cell
Fixation techniques - preparation steps
- Fixation w/ 10% buffered formalin, glutaraldehyde, alcohol or osmic acid
- Dehydration w/ alcohol
- Clearing of alcohol w/ agent miscible in paraffin (toluene, xylene, benzene)
- Infiltration & Embedding - replace clearing agent w/ paraffin, methacrylate, celloidin or gelatin
- Sectioning 5-7micrograms thick w/ microtome
- Staining w/ Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)
How are frozen histological sections useful?
Used in surgical biopsies and in research studies for the localization of enzymes
Name some artifacts
post-mortem degeneration, shrinkage, precipitates, wrinkles & folds, nick due to knife, mishandling/pinching of tissue
ALL of these can lead to misinterpretation
What is the difference b/w acidic and basic staining?
Acidic dyes are negatively-charged and form salts w/ positively charged tissues. Basic dyes are positively-charged and form salts w/ negatively-charged tissues
What is an H&E stain and how is it used?
Hematoxylin - blue to purple. +, basic stain that stains basophilic substances. E.g. nuclear components such as DNA due to large PO4 groups.
Eosin - red to pink. -, acidic stain that stains acidophilic (eosinophilic) substances. E.g. proteins w/ large numbers of basic groups associated w/ side chains.
Match the following special staining techniques w/ appropriate tissues:
Stains: Trichrome, Elastic & Silver
Reticular fibers, silver impregnation, elastic
Trichrome - collagen
Elastic - elastic fibers/tissue
Silver - Reticular
Match the following special staining techniques w/ appropriate tissues:
Stains/techniques: Feulgen, Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), Oil red O & Sudan Black, Immunochemistry
Feulgen - DNA (leukofuchin –> aldehyde Schiff)
Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) - carbohydrate
Oil Red O and Sudan Black - Fats
Immunochemistry - proteins