Methods Flashcards
What are methods and why do we need them?
A piece of code that needs to be executed many times in a program
What must we do before we can use a method?
Define it using the reserved word [def], name it and use [end] to complete
How do we invoke a method?
By typing it’s name and passing it in arguments
When would you use a parameter?
When you have data outside of a method definition’s scope, but you need to access it within a method’s definition
What is an argument?
Pieces of information that are sent to a method invocation to be modified or used to return a specific result
When do we pass arguments to a method?
When we call the method
What is the benefit of a method?
Gives us the ability to make changes in one place that affect many places in our program
What is the purpose of a default parameter?
So that the method always works whether it is given an argument or not
Where does a method definition create its scope?
Outside the regular flow of execution
How do you call a method?
Either the some_method(obj) call or a_caller.some_method(obj) call
Can methods be altered permanently outside of the definition?
Yes, by mutating the caller
True or False: Ruby methods always returns the evaluated result of the last line of the expression unless an explicit return comes before it
How do we explicitly return a value?
By using the keyword [return]
Is the reserved word [return] required in order to return something from a method?
Why are we able to chain methods together?
Because every method call returns a value