Meters And Monitors Flashcards
What is the Toxie Rae Pro Meter?
Is a Gas meter
On unit 1 reads Chlorine and the other Carbon Dioxide In ppm
What is the Mini Radiac Rad Meter?
Is a radiation detector that read Gamma only and should be kept in Rate Mode for normal operations.
What is the Sensit Combustible Gas meter calibrated with?
LeL range 4.4%-16.4%
What does the Toxie Rae 3 measure?
TWA (time, weight average)
40 hrs a week, 8 hrs a day 35 ppm
What is the sampling device called for the AP4C?
How is the Toxie Rae 3 calibrated?
It’s calibrated once a week with Isobutylene
How often is the MultiRae lite calibrated and Bump?
Calibrated once a month and Bump tested 3x a month
What is the Natural background in the DC area?
Ranges between 5-20 uR/hr
0.005-0.2 mR/hr
How does the AP2C detects the agents?
It detects the atoms of the phosphorus (contained in G & V agents) and the Sulfur (contained in HD, V agents)
What is the safety alarms on the Toxie Rae 3 based on?
STEL(short term exposure limit)
Is the acceptable average exposure over a short period of time, usually 15 minutes. Not exceeding 200ppm
How does the (AP4C & AP2C) search and detects the chemicals?
The device uses;
The Phosphorus (P) detection channel for Nerve agents for; G, V
The HNO(Nitroxyl) detection channel for; HN & AC
The Arsenic (As) detection channel for; L, ED, MD, PD, SA, DA, DC, DM
The Sulfur (S) detection Channel for; Blister agents H, HD, HL, HT
What are the levels of the LED/Haz on the Sensit mean and Percentage of LeL?
Amber Led/low 5-9.9% LeL
Red Led/Haz 1 10.0-24.5% LeL
Red Led/Haz 2 25-49.9% LeL
Red Led/Haz 3 50-100% LeL
How long does the MultiRae require for first response?
It requires 20 seconds for first response, 2 seconds per foot and 2 minutes for Hit. Stay on target for two minutes.
What are the radiation detection doses for the Mini Radiac?
1 uR/hr to 500 uR/hr (for Dose Rate)
0.1 uR/hr to 999 R/hr (for Total Dose)
What is the technology behind the MX 908?
It uses negative and positive atoms to determine the molecular weight.
What are the (3) modes Jerome test in?
Standard- for normal sampling or detection of EPA or ATSDR cleanup levels
Quick- for faster sampling
Search- for scanning an area to locate the source of contamination
What are the highs and lows to the gases on the MultiRae Lite?
LeL 10% & 20% O2 19.5% & 23.5% H2S (aka sewer gas) 10ppm & 20ppm CO 35ppm & 200ppm VOC 50ppm & 100ppm SO2 2ppm & 10ppm
HCN 4.7ppm & 25 ppm (2nd meter)