Meterology Flashcards
What is Absolute humidity?
- The amount of water vapour in a unit volume of air.
- Measaured in grams per cubic meter (g/m3).
What is relative humidity?
The ratio of absolute humidity to the maximum amount of water vapour that can be contained within the air at that temperature.
- Usually expressed as a percentage.
What is Dew point?
- The temperature at which a parcel of air is saturated and has a relative humidity of 100%.
- When the air parcel is cooled below the dew point the water vapour within the air mass will begin to condese out.
What are the cuases of saturation?
- Mixing.
- Evaporation.
What is ‘Mixing’ in relation to causes of saturation?
- When two high-humidity with a large temperature difference mix resulting in a saturated mixture of air.
- May occur at the boundary between a warm and cold air mass.
What is ‘Evapouration’ in relation to causes of saturation?
- When unsaturated air can become saturated if water evaporates into it from a body of water.
- As the water evaporates into the air, water vapour will increase and excess vapour will condense out.
What is the ‘Adiabatic’ process?
- Where a parcel of air changes temperature due to expansion or compression, without heat energy being added to, or removed from the parcel by external sources.
What will hapen if an unsatureated parcel of air is cooled beyond its dew point?
The air will become saturated and some of the water vapoiur will condense out, forming clouds.
What is the differnece between absolute and relative humidity?
Absolute Humidity:
- The amount of water vapour in a unit volume of air.
- Measaured in grams per cubic meter (g/m3).
Relative Humidity:
- The ratio of absolute humidity to the maximum amount of water vapour that can be contained within the air at that temperature.
- Usually expressed as a percentage.
What is the troposphere?
- The lowest layer of the atmosphere.
- The layer which contains almost all of the water and most of what we consider as ‘weather’.
What happens to air as it rises?
It cools due to expansion.
What is Dry Adiabatic LApse Rate (DALR)?
- The rate that an unsaturated parcel of air cools as the altitude increases.
(Unsaturated means that the parcel of air is at a temperature that is above its dew point).
What is Saturated Adaibatic Rate (SALR)?
- The rate that a saturated parcel of air cools as the altitude increases.
(Saturated means that the parcel of air is at a temperature that is below its dew point).
What is Enviromental Lapse Rate (ELR)
The rate that the air around the parcel cools as the latitiude increases. It varies due to height, season, location etc.
What is Lapse rate?
- The rate of temperature change with altitude.
- Measured in Degree C/Km.
At what rate does unsaturateed air cool with altiutude?
10 Dergee C/Km.
What type of atmospheric stability results in clear skies?
Absolute stability, where the parcel of air is always cooler than the surrounding air and there fore wants to sink back down to its original latitude.
What does SALR stand for?
Saturated Adaibatic Rate.