Metamorphic Rocks (Non-foliated textures) Flashcards
Rocks that formed as a result of metamorphism.
Metamorphic Rocks
A sub-branch of Petrology that focuses on the composition, characteristics and origins of metamorphic rocks.
Metamorphic Petrology
What are the different textures under non-foliated metamorphic textures?
A. Hornfelsic Texture
B. Granoblastic Texture
C. Cataclastic Texture
A fine-grained (<1.0 mm diameter), non- foliated fabric that develops by contact metamorphism, with predominantly equant grains.
Hornfelsic Texture
Non-foliated metamorphic rocks that are derived from fine-grained protolith rocks that develop in metamorphic aureoles, adjacent to igneous intrusions.
-Evidence of baking and chilling
Characterized by large (>1.0 mm diameter) equant grains or large inequant grains that lack foliation, occur in high grade rocks that form at elevated temperature and pressure conditions, and develop during metamorphism of a wide range of protoliths under uniform stress conditions.
Granoblastic Texture
or simply quartzite, is a non-foliated, metamorphic rock with a granoblastic texture that contains >90% quartz and derived from quartz-rich protoliths, such as sandstone or chert.
Differentiate Quartzolite, Quartz Arenite, and Quartzite.
These rocks are primarily composed of quartz. Quartzite contains a small percentage of feldspar, while quartz arenite is prone to weathering and erosion due to its sedimentary nature. In contrast, quartzite is more compact because of its metamorphic origins.
Granoblastic, metamorphic
rock rich in calcite and/or dolomite, derived from recrystallization of limestone or dolostone protoliths from dynamothermal, burial, or contact metamorphism.
Also called tactite, is a granoblastic calc-silicate rock formed by contact metamorphism metamorphic of rocks carbonate through metasomatism from the release of silica and volatiles from the magma which also generates calc-silicate mineral assemblages and/or metallic ore deposits
Metamorphic rocks that show fractured, angular particles that form in response to the brittle crushing of grains during deformation in the upper crustal fault zones.
Cataclastic Texture
Metamorphic rock with cataclastic texture derived from metamorphism of sedimentary or igneous breccias that develop during dynamic or dynamothermal metamorphism.
Cohesive metamorphic -
rock with cataclastic texture produced by brittle deformation in zones under low temperature, high strain, dynamic metamorphic conditions.
Glassy-metamorphic rocks produced by high strains generating localized melting in fault zones, and commonly occur as vein material in cataclastic rocks such as fault breccias and cataclasites.
How do we differentiate pseudotachylites from obsidians?
While both have glassy textures, Pseudotachylites have oriented grains and Obsidians have conchoidal fractures.