metalanguage Flashcards
Jakobson’s functions - referential
conveys information/communicative
Jakobson’s functions - emotive
interprets feelings, desires (about senders feelings/attitudes)
Jakobson’s functions - conative
engages the addressee - directed at receivers
Jakobson’s functions - phatic
establishes social connections
Jakobson’s functions - metalinguistic
talks about language - shared understanding
Jakobson’s functions - poetic
brings in aesthetic dimensions (does not have to have an artistic purpose - beautiful)
Phonological features - elision
removal of sound/syllable e.g. interesting > intresting
e.g. library > libry
Phonological features - reductions
unstressed sound change
e.g. were > wa
e.g. and > nd/n
Phonological features - insertion/epenthesis
adding sounds
e.g. athlete > ath e lete
e.g. umbrella > um ber ella
Phonological features - flapping
voiceless sound to voiced
e.g. footy > foody
Phonological features - assimilation
sounds change to merge/resemble nearby sounds e.g. handbag > hambag
e.g. don’t know > dunno
Morphological features - hypocoristic suffixation/ diminutive endings
shortening + adding suffix e.g. -ie, -o, -a, -y
Ambo, Maccas, Sparkie
Morphological features - reduplication
involves rhyming patterning
e.g. school-shmool
Lexical choice - swearing and expletives
links to slang but has its own social ‘rules’ (can be standard or non-standard) (exclamatory interjection) (fulfils social functions - closeness)
Lexical choice - dysphemisms
unpleasant or improper way of mentioning a taboo topic / harsh, direct, blunt