Metal Manufacturing Final Flashcards
Procces where items are metled toghether usually below 540 F. for non ferrous metals
Non ferrous metals melted togherther above 540 F
Soldering on Silver alloy metals above 800 f
Hard soldering?silver brazing
Permanent Mechanical Fastener with a Head And Tail side. Has Buck tail
procces to make sure molten solder will stick
Soldering individual pieces, and then combine and heat them toghether
Sweat Soldeirng.
ultizises a metal ball where diameter of indention is read. the narrower the more hardness
Burnel Hardness tester
uses diamond indicator. dial gauge indidgates hardness
Rockwell Hardness tester
drops a hammer with diamond shore throgh glass tube. heat of rebound indicates hardness.
SHore scelerscope
As Su and Hb go up
elognation goes down
requires oxygen, fuel, and gas
Oxyfuel welding
Limitations of Oxyfuel
Primarrly ferrous material. there are fire hazards mus topeate under “hot
Uses cyanide for hardening
Liquid hardnenign
Uses heat to rapidly melt metal
Flame Hardening
Utlizies high frequency current. Fast proccess
inudction hardneign
Do not blank on closed container of any kind
Reduces Hardness to improve machinability. usuualy done to ferrous metals
metal heated to slightly above normal tempeture. cooled slowly
Part is heated to a predetemined tempetaure fllowe dby controlled cooling.
Rapidly cooling after heating. steel remains brittle and hard
The surface of steel is hardening without affecitng internal structure of the metal
Surface hardenign
rapid heating, rapid cooling. almost no heat transmitted to interior of part.
Laser hardening
risky over 14 psi
advatanges of Oxyfuel welding
low cost, portable, no electricity required
advantages of oxyfuel cuttign
extrmely protable, low cost, no electricity
welding tanks have this to monitor gas pressure
gauges, regulators
Case hardening
small amounts of nitrogen introduced to the surface.
limitations of stick
low effiecency, operating factor, skilled operator, slag, spatter
advantages of stick welding
portable, all postion welidng, can be used outside, low startup cost.
welding hazards
fume gass, use ventialtion to keep air breathing zone cleaner.
welding hazards radiation
Electric arc welding rays can burn eyes and skin.
Stick slage is lighter than
molten metals
Doce polairty
dc, heat concentrated at electrode, lower penetration.
doce reverse polarity
heat concentrated at workpiece, medium to deep penetration
Ac polarity
medium penetration medium travel speed
a power source will try to keep a
constant current
voltage is proportional to
Arc length
Duty cycle
reduces the current carrying capacity of work and will lead to an eratic arc
frayed cable
ectorode coating types. increases hardeness and strenght. provide shielding and form slag. Deoxides and increase slag.
Carbon. calcium. manganese
a duty cycle of the welder
time in a 10-minute period that a welder can safely maintain the current.
modes of metal transfer
Short circuitign. Globular, spray
eletricla connections
lugged and twist mate.
advantages of mig (short circuiting)
low cost. all position. handles poor set up
disadvantages of mig(short cicuiting)
Only on thin material
a of mig( globular)
deep penetration. low gas cost.
d of mig(globular)
excessive splatter. flat/horizonatal postion only
a of mig(spray)
smooth weld bead. little ot no splatter
d of mig(spray)
Higher shieldign gas cost. high raidated heat.
Heat concentrated at electrode, shallow pnetration. elcetron go towards it.
Dcep reverse polarity
50 % heat at plate 50% heat at electrode . medium penetatrion
Ac polarity
elelctrode positive
reverse polarity
electrode negative
straight polarity
Electrode, tungsten, alloy
the ball is x the times of the diameter
1 1/2
Argon. helium, argon helium mix are exmaples of
shielding gas
Argon is hotter than hydrogen
tubular wire wiht flux core in it.
a of FCAW
outdoor usability. nos helieding gas costs
d of fcaw
smoke and fumes, slag.
uses endless wire where a shieleing gas within the welding gun protects the welding zone from environment.
advant of GTAW
hiq quaility wleds. better control over process.
d of GTAW
hard to master. slower than other welding
a of saw
versatile. portbale. can be used outdoors
d of saw
high opertor skill. not pootrbale. requires alot of housekeeping.
two wires - two power sources. lead and trail wire
tandem arc
two wire one power source
tiny twin arc
compact rugges and portatbale. self porblled.
electrons travel from the workpiece to the electrode.
straight polarity
electrons travel from the electrode to the workpiece
reverse polarity