Metabolism , Enzyne, Diffussion, Flashcards
a large of chemical reactions take place in the cells
Chemical reactions of metabolism
reactions that break down organic mater
reactions that build complex molecules to simpler substances
What is Cellular respiration?
It is the chemical reaction in which glucose and oxygen are turned into water, carbon dioxide, and energy (ATP)
What chemical reactions to plants do to survive?
They build new cells as proteins into their cells
What’s enzymes?
Helpers to speed up the chemical reaction in your body
How many enzymes in the human body?
Over 700 and each one is specific to a particular chemical reaction
Do enzymes have a shape?
Yes, that allows attaching to the molecule
What is a substrate?
It is what will be changed by the chemical reaction
What changes are done in your body when you eat an apple?
The digestive system changes the complex molecules in the apple into chemical substances your body can use
Carbohydrates are broken down into?
Proteins are broken down into?
Amino acids
Lipids are broken down into
fatty acids and glycerol
How these chemical substances go into the bloodstream?
Passing the thin walls of the small intestine, then walls of capillaries and lastly the bloodstream
Where are the nutrients absorved?
In the villi ( small intestine)
What is diffusion?
Diffusion is the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
Is sweat a form of diffusion?
Yes, Diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide gas occurs in the lungs. … Heat from the body diffuses away in the form of sweat that evaporates
Explain how the air you breath gets into your lungs?
First, nose and mouth
Then passes down the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles ending up in the alveoli
What happens next?
After your answer, draw a diagram
The oxygen dissolves in the alveoli and then by diffusion gets into the blood
And keeps going on.
Name the components of the circulatory system
Arteries, capillaries, veins, heart.
The heart is the pump that keeps the blood moving.
What is a heartbeat?
It is made up of cardiac muscle. It contracts and relaxes.
When does a person need a pacemaker?
Most often, pacemakers are used to speed up slow heart rates, but in some cases, they are used to slow down fast heart rates.
When a defibrillator is used?
To give the heart a jolt with electric current. To restart the heart of a person who has suffered a heart failure
What changes your heart rate?
Stress, vigorous exercise
Changes in your heart rate running a cross country
Cellular respiration increases, so the carbon dioxide level in the blood
What detects these changes?
By the receptors in the carotid artery ( neck) and aorta
What are receptors?
They are cells that detect stimuli changes
Do the receptor send messages to the brain to stimulate the heart to beat faster?
Yes, nerves can stimulate the heart.
What produces energy to the cell?
Mitochondria. They are the power generators of the cell, converting oxygen and nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the chemical energy “currency” of the cell that powers the cell’s metabolic activities.
What waste treatments does the liver do?
breaks down hormones
breaks down haemoglobin
breaks down toxic substances( like alcohol) and most medicines
converts ammonia to urea
How are the wastes removed
Through the liver to the kidneys and then excreted in the urine
Who invented the first artificial pacemaker
Australian anaesthesiologist Dr Mark Lidwell, he used it to resuscitate a newborn baby in 1926
What is an artificial pacemaker?
Small device placed in the chest or abdomen that use batteries to send electrical pulses to prompt the heart to beat at a normal rate
What hormone is produced when you are stressed or have fear?
What are horrmones?
Chemicals that act as messengers in the body.