Metabolism and Temperature Regulation Flashcards
How is glucose released into the blood stream after ingestion of a carbohydrate
- Ingested carbohydrates are of the forms:
- starches - large polysaccharides
- Sucrose (Fructose plus glucose)
- Maltose (Two glucose molecules)
- Carbohydrates are digested within the gastrointestinal tract to the simple sugars glucose (80%), galactose (from lactose) and fructose
- The reactions to digest the carbohydrates are catalysed by brush border enzymes together with amylase
- These sugars are absorbed into the portal blood stream and are transported to the liver
- In the liver, large amounts of glucose-6-phosphate together with other enzumes ensures that the majority of all monosacchraides are eventually converted to glucose
- Glucose is released by the hepatocytes as required or stored in the form of glycogen via the action of glycogen synthase
- Glycogen phosphatase is the enzyme responsible for slow breakdown of glycogen to glucose for maintenance of blood glucose in between meals
Describe the process that allows glucose to readily pass from the blood into the cellular cytoplasm
- Glucose is transported into most tissue cells by a process of facilitate diffusion
- Facilitated diffusion for glucose requires binding to a carrier protein
- There are 14 GLUT proteins in humans
- Facilitated diffusion happens in both direction from high concentration to low concentration
- Binding of a single glucose molecule to the transporter protein enables a conformational change and passage of glucose into the cell
Briefly describe the role and mechanism of action of insulin in cellular glucose transport
- Insulin greatly enhances the rate of transport by the GLUT membrane proteins
- Insulin binds to an insulin receptor on cells that are sensitive to the hormone including muscle and adipose cells
- Insulin binding activates a cascade of intermediate cellular products including numerous protein kinases such as protein kinase C
- The casecade leads to translocation of GLUT4 proteins to the cell membrane
- Increased GLUT 4 proteins enhances the rate of glucose diffusion into the cell
Briefly describe the process of glycogen formation
Where is glycogen formed and stored
- Glycogen is a large polymer of glucose molecules
- Most cells in the body can store small amounts of glycogen
- Liver cells can store large quantities of glycogen (5-8% of their total weight
- Muscle cells can store 1-3% of their total weight as glycogen
- Glucose enters the cell via facilitated transport
- Cellular glucokinase or hexokinase converts glucose (and other monosaccharides to glucose-6-phosphate
- Glucose-6-phosphate is converted to glucose-1-phosphate
- This is converted to uridine diphosphate glucose
- UDG is subsequently converted to glycogen for energy storage within the cell
Briefly describe the process of glycogenolysis (glycolysis)
- Glycolysis is the proces by which glycogen is broken down to form pyruvic acid, ATP and H+
- Pyruvic acid enters the citrate cycle to further generate energy in the form of ATP
- H+ is converted to lactic acid for removal from the cell
- Glycolysis is a 10-step process catalysed by separate enzymes
- The process is initiated with splitting of glucose away from the polymer by the phosphorylase enzyme
Which hormones can affect the rate of glycogenolysis and glycolysis
- Epinephrine
- activates adenylate cyclase and the formation of cAMP
- cAMP activates PKA which in turn activates phosphorylase
- Phosphorylase catalyses the initial step in glycogenolysis
- Glucagon
- Stimulates the formation of cAMP, primarily within liver cells
- Similarly to epinephine, stimulates phosphorylase and the initial breakdown of glycogen to increase glucose release and utilisation
- Insulin
- Augments the cellular uptake of glucose via enhances translocation of GLUT to the cell membrane
- Enhanced cell uptake of glucose promotes glycogen formation and storage of cellular energy
- Insulin inactivates liver phosphorylase the initial rate limiting step of glycogenolysis
- Insulin enhances both glycolysis and glycogen formation
Briefly describe the process and importance of oxidative phosphorylation in energy generation
- Only small amounts of ATP are generated by the breakdown of glygoen to pyruvate - 2 ATP molecules
- Similar to above, only 2 molecules of ATP are generated through the citric acid cycle
- However, during these processes, hydrogen atoms are released for oxidation
- Hydrogen atoms are split to form hydrogen ions and electrons
- The free electrons eventually combine with dissolved O2 and 2 x H2O to form 3 x OH-
- OH- Then combine to form H2O
This process generates large quantities of ATP and occurs solely within the mitochondria
Briefly describe the initial absorptive process for fats from the gastrointestinal tract
- Fats enter the gastrointesintal tract and are initially digested within bile micelles to become monoglycerides and free fatty acids
- The have highly charge exterior surfaces and are soluble in the chyme
- The micelles move to the brush border of the intestinal surface and are immediately dissolved into the cell through the cell membrane
- The lipids are soluble within the cell membrane
- This allows the bile micelles to continue digesting still more fat
- They are transported within the cell to the SER where they mainly form new triglycerides (3 x monoglycerides bound by one molecule of glycerol
- These form into chylomicrons - triglycerides in the centre with some cholesterol surrounded by a phospholipid and apolipoprotein shell
- The chylomicrons once formed are secreted from the basolateral surface of the epithelial cell and taken up by the lymph
Describe the process of chylomicron digestion to enable storage of fat within the body’s cells
- Lipoprotein lipase is expressed in many cells, especially adipose, skeletal muscle and cardiac cells
- This enzyme is transported to the surface of capillary endothelial cells
- Hydrolyses the phospholipids and triglycerides within the chylomicrons as they contact the endothelial wall
- Hydrolysis of triglycerides releases free fatty acids and glycerol
- Fatty acids can dissolve in the cell membrane and diffuse across into the cytoplasm
- These can then be used for energy generation or fat storage
- The fat storage cells synthesize glycerol which enables the conversion of free fatty acids back into triglycerides
What is the purpose of triglyceride hydrolysis?
Describe the triggers for triglyceride hydrolysis
- Triglycerides are utilised throughout the body for the storage of energy
- When this energy is required in other parts of the body, such as during fasting, triglycerides must be released into the blood for transport
- Triglycerides are predominantly hydrolosed to free fatty acids and glycerol for transport to other parts of the body
- Reduced glucose availability to the storage cells will trigger hydrolysis
- One of the glucose breakdown products is necessary for maintenance of the glycerol portion of triglycerides.
- When this product (alpha-glycerophosphate) is low, the glycerol is hydrolysed
- Hormone sensitive lipase can also promote rapid hydrolysis
Briefly describe the functions of the adipose tissue
- Energy storage in the form of triglycerides
- Heat / cold insulation
- Hormone secretion
- Leptin
- Adiponectin
- Both have an effect on appetite and energy expenditure
Briefly describe the role of the liver in lipid metabolism
- Degrade fatty acids into the small molecules that can be used for energy
- acetyl-CoA
- Synthesize triglycerides
- Predominantly from carbohydrates
- The liver is the primary source of unsaturated (or desaturated) triglycerids
- Under the action of a dehydrogenase
- Synthesize other lipids, mainly from fatty acids
- cholesterol
- phospholipid
What is the role of carnitine in fatty acid oxidation
- Carnitine is present with the cytoplasm
- Carnitine acts as a carrier to transport fatty acids into the mitochondria from the cytosol
- Upon entry into the mitochondria, carnitine splits from the fatty acid
- The fatty acid is then free to be degraded and oxidised
Briefly describe the steps involved in beta oxidation.
- Fatty acid is transported into the mitochondria in combination with carnitine
- Carnitine is split away
- The fatty acid combines with Coenzyme A and ATP to form fatty acyl-CoA
- The second carbon from the CoA binds with oxygen
- The beta carbon becomes oxidized
- The 2 carbon portion of the fatty acid is released as acetyl CoA
- Another CoA molecule binds to the new beta carbon and the process repeats
- Acetyl CoA can enter the citric acid cycle for ATP and H+ generation
The liver can produce acetyl CoA at a rate excessive to its metabolic demand. How is this additional acetyl CoA eventually utilised by other cells.
What are the intermediary products that are formed
- When the acetyl CoA is excessive to cellular needs, two molecules condense to form one molecule of acetoacetic acid
- Acetoacetic acid is released into the blood stream and can be transported throughout the body
- A part of the acetoacetic acid is converted to beta-hydroxybutyric acid and minute quantites are converted to acetone
- Acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyric acid and acetone diffuse freely through the cell membrane
- These ketone bodies are produced readily and in large quantities
- However, as they are rapidly transported and very readily absorbed by the cells, the blood levels remain low
Under what conditions does ketosis occur and in which circumstances will ketones become increased in the body
- Ketosis is the process by which ketones are produced during fatty acid metabolism
- Ketosis occurs when there are not enough carbohydrates or glucose within the body to provide adeuqate fuel for energy generation
- Ketones are produced after beta-oxidation of fatty acids
- 2 molecules of acetyl-CoA combine to form acetoacetic acid
- Acetoacetic acid is then partly converted to beta-hydroxybutyric acid and acetone
- Ketones can increase in the body whenever there is insufficient carbohydrate to provide energy
- Starvation
- Dietary manipulation - high fat / high protein, ultra-low carbohydrate
- Diabetes mellitus - insulin deficiency leads to cellular depletion of glucose due to reduced GLUT facilitated transport
Briefly describe the important steps in conversion of glucose to triglycerides (lipogenesis)
- Carbohydrates are converted into acetyl-CoA
- Acetyl CoA is converted to Malonyl CoA via a carboxylation reaction
- The malonyl-CoA undergoes esterification with additional carbon pairs added
- Once the fatty acids are ~14-18 carbons in length, they are transported to the SER where 3 FA are combined with one glycerol molecule by a dehydration reaction
- Glycerol is provided to the SER via glucose metabolism - production of alpha-glycerophosphate
- Therefore, reduced glucose metabolism inhibits formation of triglycerides
Note the major metabolic pathways that are interruptued in the absence of insulin
- Reduced glucose transport into the cell
- Reduced glucose metabolism into pyruvic acid
- Reduced acetyl CoA to the citric acid cycle
- Reduced alpha glycerophosphate - reduced glycerol for triglyceride formation
- Increased proteolysis and catabolism
- Increased beta-oxidation of triglycerides / fatty acids
- Increased lipolysis
- Reduced glycogen synthesis
- Reduced activation of phosphofructokinase and glycogen synthase
- Increased gluconeogenesis
- Increases arterial smooth muscle tone
Briefly explain the equilibrium between free fatty acids, triglycerides and the effect of changing glucose levels
Fats are present in adipose cells as two forms - triglycerides or free fatty acids
- When there is excess glucose available - increased alpha-glycerophosphate present (from glucose metabolism), more triglycerides are formed (fatty acids reduced)
- This process effectively binds the fatty acids so they are less available to be used for energy generation
- Secondly, when glucose is available, acetyl CoA is rapidly produced
- High quantities of acetyl CoA in conjunction with reduced free fatty acids promotes the formation of more fatty acids to balance the equilibrium
- Furthermore, the intermediaries of the citric acid cycle accelerate the acitivity of acetyl-CoA-carboxylase.
- This enzyme catalyses the rate limiting step of carboxylation of acetyl-CoA into malonyl-CoA, the first step in fatty acid synthesis
What is an adipokine?
List some of the known and important adipokines
- An adipokine is a cytokine secreted by adipose cells
- Over 100 biologically active adipokines have been discovered
- Leptin
- Adiponectin
- Angiotensinogen
- Apelin
- Chemerin
- IL-6
- TNF-a
- Plasminogen activator inhibitor
- Visfatin
What are the 2 major known actions of the adipokines
- Regulators of inflammation
- Can be pro- or anti-inflammatory
- Affectors of energy balance by promoting insulin resistance
The adipokines can have local (apocrine) or systemic (endocrine) effects
What are the roles of the adipokine hormone leptin?
- Anti-obesity hormone
- Leptin increases with increasing body condition
- Binds to brain receptors (OB-R) and suppresses food intake, increases energy expenditure and influences food related behaviour
- Stimulates angiogenesis
- Inhibits apoptosis
- Acts as a mitogen
- Regulates immune and reproductive function
- Modulates insulin sensitivity
- Exerts an pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic effect
- Inhibits aponectin
Briefly describe the leptin levels in dogs and cats that are a good body condition or obese
How might those levels change after a meal?
- Most obese animals have higher serum leptin than those of thin animals
- Resistance to or lower sensitivity to leptin may be reduced or defective receptors or reduced tissue signalling
- In obese dogs, a study observed increased leptin levels and deficient leptin transport across the blood-brain barrier
- In dogs, leptin levels can double or triple after eating when compared to fasted dogs
- In cats, there is a mild increase after a meal only
Briefly describe the proposed effects and regulation of adiponectin
- Adiponectin is most likely secreted by mature adipocytes
- Serum adiponectin is reduced in obese animals
- Possibly due to inhibition by inflammatory cytokines
- Effects are target organ mediated
- Increased insulin sensitivity
- Lower serum glucose levels
- Reduced liver and muscle triglyceride concentrations
- Stimulates beta-oxidation and use of glucose together with reducing hepatic gluconeogenesis
- Reduced inflammatory responses (anti-inflammatory)
- Reduced atherosclerosis in humans
Adipose is an important source of angiotensinogen
Briefly explain how increased angiotensinogen contributes to morbidity in obesity
- Angiotensinogen is the precursor molecule to angiotensin
- Angiotensins modulate and upregulate adipose tissue lipogenesis
- Angiotensin can down-regulate lipolysis
- They also play a role in adipose cell differentiation
- Enhanced activation of the local tissue RAAS may play a role in local tissue inflammation
- May allow insulin resistance to progress
- May increase the production of leptin
- May supress the production of adiponectin