Metabolism Flashcards
total of all physical and chemical reaction in which the body builds itself and maintains itself, and by which it breaks down substances for the production of energy.
principle circulating sugar in the blood and the majoor energy source of the body
produced as intermediate products of fat metabolism
ketone bodies
a byproduct of glucose and glycogen metabolism in anaerobic muscle energetics
lactic acid
24 different building blocks of protein
amino acid
any of a large group of monobasic acids, especially those found in animal and vegetable fats and oils
fatty acid
the building up of complex compounds from simpler compounds (e.g. amino acids forming proteins)
breaking down of complex chemical compounds to simpler chemical compounds (e.g. proteins to amino acids)
the base rate of metabolism the body seeks to maintain
metabolic set point
the minimum amount of energy required by metabolism to sustain life; expressed in calorie/hr/sq m of body surface
BMR (basal metabolic rate)
the tendency of foodstuffs to produce energy as heat
thermic effect
unit of energy/heat; the amount of heat needed to warm 1g of water 1 degree celsius
unit of energy used in nutrition studies; =1000 calories; represented by “C”
way to measure the mix of “fuel” used by the body; aka how much fat, protein, and carbs are being burned for energy
RQ (Respiratory Quotient)
how easily a food is converted to body weight; high efficiency means it is easily converted and vice versa
food efficiency
the more heat liberated from a food, the more oxygen is required; the higher the metabolic rate
what is the relationship between thermogenesis and oxygen?
chemical act of combing with oxygen or removing hydrogen
- Strength/power: 0-3 sec mx effort, immediate ATP stores, e.g. powerlift
- Sustained power: 0-10 sec near max effort; ATP/CP stores; e.g. sprints
- Anaerobic power/endurance: ATP, CP, and Lactic acid, 1-2 mins; e.g 400m
- Aerobic Endurance: oxidative, over 2 mins
what are the 4 basic groups of physical activities based on the energy systems used to sustain them?
organic compound found in muscle which releases energy when broken down