Metabolism 8: Cholesterol and Bile Acids Flashcards
What is cholesterol used for?
Component of cell membranes
Stored as cholesterol Ester
Precursor for bile acids in liver
Precursor for steroid hormones of endocrine tissues
What are steroid hormones that use cholesterol?
progesterone estradiol Testosterone Cortisol Aldosteron Vitamin D3 Dehydroepiandrosterone
What happens to cholesterol/cholesterol esters taken in from the diet?
Taken along with dietary TAG in the intestines and pakcaged into chylomicrons
What happens to cholesterol that is synthesized int he body?
Packaged in the liver along with TAGs into VLDL (Very low density lipoproteins)
Becomes IDL, LDL as it is transported to peripheral tissues
What is mevalonate?
intermediate in cholesterol biosynthesis formed in the rxn caalyzed by HMG-CoA Reductase
What is HMG-CoA REductase?
It is the rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis that converts HMG-CoA to mevalonate using 2 NADPH
What does the 6C compound Mevalonate convert to eventually?
Lanosterol (30C)
How is mevalonate converted to Lanosterol?
Mevalonate (6C) -> Isopentenylpyrophosphate (5C) -> Dimethylallylpyrophosphate (5C) -> Farnesypyrophosphate(15C)
2 molecules of farnesyl pyrophosphate ->form Squalene (30C) -> Squalene is converted to Lanosterol (30C) via cyclization
What does lanosterol(30C) eventually convert into?
Cholesterol (27C)
WhatWhat inhibits HMG-CoA REductase?
AMP, glucagon, cholesterol, mevalonate(neg feedback), CoASH
What activates HMG-CoA REductase?
What inhibits mRNA production of HMG-CoA REductase?
Sterols (cholesterol)
What inhibits the translation of the mRNA for HMG-CoA Reductase?
Nonsterol Metabolite from mevalonate
What increases enzyme degradation of HMG-CoA Reductase?
Mevalonate, cholesterol
What increased phosphorylation and thus inhibition of HMG-CoA Reductase?
AMP, glucagon
Where and how are bile salts made?
Made in the liver using cholesterol
What is the rate limiting enzyme in bile acid biosynthesis?
7-a-hydroxylase (Cholesterol -> Bile acids)
What enzymes convert cholesterol into their storage ester forms?
ACAT (Cholesterol -> cholesterol esters)
What does excess cholesterol lead to?
Increased cholesterol use and inhibits cholesterol synthesis
Inhibits HMG-CoA Reductase- dec synthesis
Activates ACAT- inc storage/use
Activates 7-a-hydroxylase- inc bile acid synthesis
What does cholesterol deprivation lead to?
Activates cholesterol synthesis and inhibits cholesterol use
Activates HMG-CoA Reductase- inc synthesis
Inhibit ACAT: dec storage/use
Inhibit 7-a-hydroxylase dec bile acid synthesis/use
What are the 3 rate limiting enzymes in lipid metabolism?
ACAT: cholesterol storage
HSTL: hydrolyze TAG to FA and glycerol
CPT-1: transfer fatty acyl-CoA into mitochondria
What is the rate limiting enzyme for fatty acid biosynthesis?
Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase