Metabolic Processes Flashcards
• Endoplasmic Reticulum
Carries materials through cell & aids in making proteins
• Cell Membrane
Controls movement in/out of cell
• Golgi Body
Processes, sorts, delivers proteins
• Mitochondria
converts organic material into energy
• Mitochondrial DNA
descendants of old prokaryotes in cell= have own DNA
• Endosymbiotic Theory
Bacteria turned into chloroplast
• Leber’s Syndrome
Genetic (mitochondria DNA) disorder that can cause blindness in some, but only minor vision loss in others
-ammino acid in protein in ETC changed-> less effective= affects cells with high ATP demand (i.e. eyes)-> weaken/die
• Cytoplasm
Supports and protects organelles
• Nucleus-
controls chem. Rx, stores info for mitosis
• Nucleolus
Produces ribosome
• Chromosome
contains genetic information
• Ribosome
builds protein
• Cytoskeleton & Microtules
maintains cell structure
• Lysosome-
- Digest macromolecules
rids cell of toxins
• Chloroplast
conducts photosynthesis
• Vacuole-
Secretory, excretory, storage functions
• Cell wall-
protects cell interior
• Prokaryotic Cell
Simple cell with circular DNA, small and simple ribosomes, and no organelles or nucleus.
• Eukaryotic Cell-
Complex cell with nucleus, linear DNA, large and complex ribosomes, and other organelles
o Glycoprotein-
Oligosaccharide (few sugars)
- attatched to membrane protein
- Functions- Cell recognition of immune cells, hormone receptors
o Phospholipid Bilayer
Polar heads (Phosphate) face out, non polar tails (Fatty Acids) face in
o Integral Protein
- Usually spans width of bilayer, slides laterally
- Moves things in/out of cell (channels,pumps)
- Acts as enzyme (i.e. ATP Synthase)
- Receptors (Hormone receptors)
- Anchors (attaches to cytoskeleton)
- Cell recognition (ID)
- Intercellular joinings (join cells together)
o Cholesterol
- anchors phospholipids in place, reduces fluidity (OH group anchors phosphohead on one, NP chain anchors FA on another)
- prevents crystallization of FA at low temp.
o Concentration Gradient
difference in concentration b/w 2 areas
o Passive Transport
- no energy required (Diffusion)
• Greater [] gradient, shorter distance, larger SA, higher temp= greater diffusion rate
• Simple Diffusion
• Facilitated Diffusion- carrier protein carries solute across membrane
• Osmosis- diffusion of water across semi-permeable membrane
• Isotonic solution
- [water] outside cell= [water] inside cell
- equal water moves in/out of cell
• Hypotonic solution
- more water outside cell
- Water moves into cell, cell swells
• Hypertonic solution
- more water inside cell
- water moves out of cell, cell shrivels
o Active Transport
energy required (low [] to high [])
o Bulk Transport
- movement of large quantities in/out of cell (i.e proteins)
- requires energy
- Exocytosis- Exit cell
- Endocytosis- enter cell
“cell eating”, membrane extends/surrounds molecule/cell & forms vesicle
• Pinocytosis
“cell drinking”, cell pinches in and forms vesicle
• Receptor Mediated Endocytosis
- molecule binds to receptor site on “pit”, pit deepens and forms vesicle
- Inside of pit coated in protein clathrin
o Cystic Fibrosis
- genetic disease
- Normally CFTR protein lets chloride ions leave mucus producing cells, taking water with it, resulting in thinner mucus
- CFTR protein doesn’t allow chloride out of mucus producing cells. Therefore thick mucus blocks lungs and digestive system= hard to breathe, can’t digest.
- Mucus rich source of nutrients for bacteria= frequent infections
Cellular Respiration
o C6H12O6 +6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O +ATP
o Produces ATP for chem, mechanical, transport work
o Subtrate-level phosphorylation-
ATP formed directly
o Oxidative phosphoylation-
- ATP formed indirectly from high energy molecules
• Aerobic
Oxygen present. Most efficient (36 ATP)
• Glycolysis
- 2 ATP used, 4 ATP, 2 NADH made
- Forms 2x 3C pyruvate
- In cytoplasm
• Trans Rx
- Pyruvate joins with CoA-> Acetyl-CoA (2 x 2C)
- 2 CO2, 2 NADH made
- In matrix
• Kreb’s Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)
- CoA comes off - join with oxaloacetate (4 C) to form citrate (6C) (cycle)
- 5 C at Ketoglutarate, 4 C at Succinyl-CoA
- Makes 2 ATP (GDP->GTP->ATP), 6 NADH, 2 FADH2, 4 CO2
- All C from glucose gone
• ETC & Chemiosmosis
- 1 NADH-> 6 H+-> 3 ATP
- 1 FADH2-> 4 H+ -> 2 ATP
- NADH Reductase-> Coenzyme Q-> Cytochrome B/C1 ->Cytochrome C -> Cytochrome C oxidase -> ATP Synthase
- Energy to pump 2 H+ across inner membrane into inter membrane space as e- pass. Builds electrochem gradient
- e- leaves cytochrome C oxidase with oxygen and H+, forming water. MUST HAVE OXYGEN TO LEAVE OTHERWISE ETC IS BLOCKED
- 2 H+ re-enters matrxi via ATP synthase-> 1 ATP formed
- NADH from glycolysis-> FADH2 b/c NADH can’t cross mitochondria membrane
- 8 NADH, 4 FADH2 used, 32 ATP made
• Anaerobic
- No oxygen present
- inefficient, only done when necessary (2 ATP made) or by prokaryotes/ simple eukaryotes with no mitochondria
• Lactic Acid Fementation
- Glucose- Pyruvate (Glycolysis)-> Lactate
- Uses 2 NADH
- Done by eukaryotes (humans)
• Ethanol Fermentation
- Glucose- Pyruvate (Glycolysis)-> Ethanol
- Uses 2 NADH, releases 2 CO2
- Done by prokaryotes (bacteria)
• Other Metabolic Pathways
• Proteins- become amino acids
- a.a. a. go through deamination (removes NH3 group).
- Alanine-> pyruvic acid-> pyruvate
- Aspartic acid-> oxaloacetate
- Glutamate-> ketoglutamate
• Fats- Undergo beta-oxidation (breaks down FA into acetate & combine with CoA). Becomes Acetyl-CoA
- Glycerol becomes G3P
- Hormones- become succinate
- Cholesterol- becomes Acetyl-CoA
- Nucleic Acids- Glutamate-> Ketoglutamate
o Chlorophyll
- green pigment that absorbs light and begins photosynthesis
o Porphyrin Ring- Part of chloryphyll
-Mg atom surrounded by hydrocarbon ring
-Contains electrons that absorb light energy
o Phytol Tail- Hydrophoic tail anchors chloryphyll to a membrane
o Absorption Spectrum
graph illustrating wavelengths of light absorbed by pigment
o Accessory pigments
pigments that work with chloryphyll a to absorb photons that chloryphyll a can’t i.e chloryphyll b, carotenoids
o Chromatography
a way of separating a mixture of pigments
• Non-Cyclic Light Rx
- Light hits PSII (680), excites electrons from chlorophyll a, electrons passed on to primary electron acceptor (PQ-piastoquinone) -Z protein splits water into oxyegn, H+, electrons. H+ builds electrochem gradient, electrons replace ones lost in PSII
- PQ transfers 2 H+ across thylakoid membrane. Electrochem gradient builds
- At the same time, light strikes PSI. Electrons release. Replaced by electrons from PC (plastocyanin)
- Electrons move to Fd (ferrodoxin) and FNR (NADP reductase). NADPH produced
- ATP Synthase makes ATP (4 H+ = 1 ATP
- PSII->PQ->Cytochrom B6f->Pc->PSI->FD->FNR-> ATP synthase
- Done by plants and algae
- Uses pigments a,d,phycobilins
o Cyclic Light Rx
- Light strikes PSI (700), electrons travel from rx center to FD, Cytochrome b6f (pumps hydrogen across membrane)
- electrons passed to Pc, returns to PSI, cycle repeats
- Proton electochem gradient used to make ATP via ATP Synthase
- PSI->FD->Cytochrom B6f->Pc->Repeats
- Used by bacteria and plants
- Uses pigments a,b,carotenoid,xanthophylls,anthocyanins
o Light Independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle)-
- Occurs in stroma
o Phase 1 (Carbon Fixation)- RuBP and CO2 join to form 2 PGA (catalyzed by enzyme Rubisco
o Phase II (Reduction)- PGA-> BPG via ATP breakdown BPG-> G3P via NADPH breakdown
- 6 ATP used
- 6 G3P forms, 1 leaves
o Phase III (Regeneration of RuBP)- 5 G3P-> 3 RuBP
-Uses 3 ATP
o Photorespiration
- Rubisco binds both oxygen and CO2. Increased temp= more O2
- turns oxygen into Co2 (like cell resp)
- C4 Cycle- CO2 enters stomato, diffuses into mesophyll cell (No Rubisco). PEP Carboxolase (only binds CO2) fixed carbon dioxide to oxaloacete->malate/aspartate (transported to bundle sheath cell)-> CO2-> G3P
- Bundle sheath cells are deep in leaf (hard for oxygen to reach), have thylakoids with reduced PSII (keeps O2 low).
- CAM Plants- Intake CO2 at night (prevents water loss)->Oxaloacetic acid->malice acid->CO2->G3P