Meta Model + Extended Meta Model Flashcards
The 3 distinctions of the Meta Model
Mind Reading
Cause + Effect
Complex Equivalences
Universal Quantifiers (all, always, ever, every)
Modal Operators (possibility/impossibility, nessesity/desire)
Lost Performatives
Unspecified verbs
Lack of referential index
Comparative deletions
Simple deletions
What are the 8 extended Extended Meta Model distinctions?
Static Words
Delusional Verbal Split
Either or Phrases
Pseudo Words
Multi Ordinality
What are Nominalizations?
Process words frozen in time.
“We lack communication”
Turn noun back into verb “who is not communicating?”, “how would you like to communicate?”
Recovers the process, actions, movements, etc.
What is Mind-Reading?
Claiming to know someone’s internal state.
“You have a problem with authority”
Question source of data
“How do you know?”
“What lets you know?”
What are Cause-Effect statements?
“Causation” assumed without adequate description.
“You make me angry”
Ask about process.
“How does what I’m doing cause you to feel angry?”
Recover the mechanism that explains the cause
What are Complex Equivalences ?
Two experiences interpreted as synonymous
“Her frown means she’s rejecting me”
Ask about the equation E.B. = I.S.
“How do you equate her frowning to being rejected?”
“Has anyone frowned at you that didn’t reject you?”
Recovers the external behavior and internal state
Recovers Complex Equivalence
Counter Example
What are Presuppositions?
“If you knew the importance of school you would study harder”
Ask about the assumptions
“What leads you to think that I don’t know the importance of school?”
Recovers assumed ideas.
What are Universal Quantifiers?
Universal generalizations such as all, every, never, no one, etc.
Find counter examples
Recovers exceptions, causes, details, counter examples
What are Modal Operators?
A. Modal Operators of necessity/desire as in should, shouldn’t, must, must not, have to, need to, it’s necessary
“I have to take care of her”
“What would happened if you didn’t?”
Recovers mode of operation
Recovers causes
B. Modal Operators of possibility/ impossibility as in can’t/can, will/will not, may/may not, possible/impossible
“I can’t tell him the truth”
“What prevents you?”
“What would happen if you did?”
What are Lost Performatives?
Value judgement apart from originator.
“It’s bad to judge”
Seek source of statement
“Who says it’s bad to judge?”
“Says who?”
“How do you know?”
Gather evidence
Recovers source
What are Simple Deletions?
“I am uncomfortable”
“About what, whom?”
Recover deletion
What is a Comparative Deletion?
As in good, better, best, worst, more, less, most, least.
“She’s a better person”
“Better than who?”
“Better at what?”
“Compared to whom or what?”
Recovers cooperative deletion
What is Lack of Referential Index?
Unspecified nouns and verbs.
Fails to specify a person or thing
“They don’t listen to me”
“Who doesn’t listen to you?”
Recovers the noun or the referential index
What are Unspecified Verbs?
Those verbs where the statement leaves out the person doing the thing acting or desired action.
“You don’t care about me”
“How specifically do I not care about you?
Specifies the verb
What are ‘Identification’ statements?
-‘‘Hes a democrat’’
‘‘How specifically does he identify with the term democrat?”
“In what way?”
'’Upon what basis do you evaluate her using the term ‘‘Jerk’’?’’
Recovers the process of identification or predictio. Invites one to create new generalizations
What are ‘Static Words’ statements?
'’Science says that….’’
‘‘What Science specifically?’’
‘‘Science according to who’s model or theory?’’
‘‘Science at what time?’’
Recovers the deleted details
What are ‘Over/Under Defined Terms’?
'’I married him because I thought he would make a good husband’’
‘‘What behaviors and responses would make a good husband for you?’’
‘‘what reference do you uses for the word husband?
Recovers the existential facts about the terms used
What is an example of ‘Delusional Verbal Splits’’?
'’His Mind has nothing to do with his depression’’
‘‘How can you have mind apart from body or body apart from mind?’’
Recovers the split that someone has created verbally in language
What are examples of ‘Either or Phrases?
'’If I don’t make this relationship work, it proves my incompetence’’
‘‘So you have no other alternative except total success or failure?
“You can’t imagine any intermediate steps or stages?
Recovers the continuum deleted by the either or structure
What are “Pseudo-Word’’ statements?
'’And that makes him a failure’’
‘‘What do you mean by failure?’’
Challenges a map that uses words that have no real referent
What are ‘Multi-Ordinality’ statements?
’’ What do you think of yourself?’’
‘‘On what level of abstraction do you refer to ‘‘self’’,’‘Self’’ can have many different meanings, depending on context and usage- How do you mean it?
Recovers the level of abstraction that the speaker operates from
Specifies the context and order