Met - Practice Exam Questions Flashcards
The effect of hoar frost forming on the wings of an aeroplane is -
Hazardous, because it can substantially increase stalling speed
One of the prerequisites for the formation of a thunderstorm is -
the presence of moist air through a considerable depth of the atmosphere
A strong pressure gradient is normally associated with -
An area of strong winds
Advection fog differs from radiation fog in that -
it can form at any time of day and may persist for long periods
Area forecasts for flights below 20 000 ft are available -
on request from Air Services Australia or MET office
The recommended speed for flight in turbulent conditions is -
A speed, which gives a compromise between excessive structural loads and the stall
During cruise you suspect that carburettor ice forming and apply full carburettor heat. The engine immediately loses power and begins to run roughly. Your immediate action should be -
Leave carburettor heat full ON
a condition which is most likely to produce mountain wave activity -
a stable layer of air near the height of the ridge
Select a phenomenon which is most likely to be associated with cirrostratus cloud -
the halo effect
The most likely cause of turbulence over land on a hot day is -
thermal activity
The initial effect of accumulating clear ice on an aeroplane in flight will be -
An increase in stalling speed
A wind blowing up sloping terrain during the day could be -
an indication which would be associated with a sudden decrease in headwind component during an approach to land -
A decrease in indicated airspeed and an increase in rate of descent
The validity period of a TTF is -
3 hr from the time of the report with which it is associated
A TAF is a statement of the conditions expected for a specified period in the air space within -
5 nm of the centre of an aerodrome
A hazard that dust storms are most likely to produce is -
severe visibility restriction over a widespread area to heights above 10000 ft
When air temperature increases with height through a layer of the atmosphere, the probability of vertical motion is -
Low as rising air becomes cooler than its surroundings
The flying conditions above a layer of small cumulus clouds are likely to be -
A sudden increase in head wind component during an approach to land will, with altitude and power constant, cause the airspeed to -
Increase and then return to normal
The pressure system which gives rise to a subsidence inversion is -
The strength of the pressure gradient force depends most on -
The spacing of the isobars
You would expect calm conditions at an aerodrome in the morning to persist for a longer period if -
Skies are overcast with stratus cloud
the cloud type which is most often associated with mountain wave activity -
altocumulus lenticularis [lenticular]
the latitude at which there would be the greatest difference between the gradient wind and the actual wind at 5000 ft -
5 degrees S
In an area of towering cumulus clouds, select a location, relative to the clouds, in which the least amount of turbulence is usually found -
Between the clouds
An aerodrome weather report is designated as SPECI when -
the weather conditions are fluctuating about or are below specified criteria
The type of precipitation from stratus is most likely to be -
A thunderstorm can occur well after a cold front has passed because -
the surface over which the cold air is passing is increasingly warmer than the cold air mass
The layer of the atmosphere in which most convection takes place is -
the troposphere
A thunderstorm is active approximately 10 km from an aerodrome. A hazard for which a pilot approaching to land at the aerodrome should be on the alert is -
Severe low-level wind shear
Strong horizontal wind shear can be encountered -
above a strong surface inversion
A METAR is issued routinely -
Every hour or half hour
The datum used to express wind direction in a TAF and ARFOR respectively, is -
True north in both messages
If the only cloud along a route is overcast cirrostratus, a pilot should encounter -
No precipitation
When the Coriolis force is exactly balanced by the pressure gradient force, the resulting wind is called -
Hoar frost would be most likely to form on an aircraft overnight -
in calm conditions and relatively humid air
The location in the vicinity of mountain waves where the rotor zone located -
under lenticular clouds
As height is decreased during a descent to land in a strong crosswind from the right, the crosswind component is likely to -
The major hazard to a landing aircraft associated with a microburst is -
Wind shear and downdraft
Compared to the gradient wind, the surface wind direction in the southern hemisphere is found to be -
further to the right in both highs and lows
A SIGMET contains advice of severe meteorological conditions -
within a specified area
One hazard that can be indicated by the presence of virga is -
micro burst activity
In summer over tropical inland regions, at what time of day can thunderstorm activity normally be expected to commence -
In the afternoon
The hazard to flight most likely to occur in the rotor zone associated with mountain waves is -
Severe turbulence
The area in which a tropical cyclone is most likely to form is -
over the Pacific ocean at about 15 degrees S
Squall lines are most often associated with -
You are planning a VFR flight by day proceeding 80 nm from the departure aerodrome. The maximum permitted crosswind component in an aeroplane’s flight manual is 20 kt. Select a weather condition forecast for the destination at the ETA which would necessitate the provision of an alternate
30 percent probability of visibility restricted to 7 km
Slant visibility in fog causes -
the runway is visible from ‘over the top’ but not in the circuit area or on final
If the ETA at the destination falls within the forecast periods of that aerodrome’s TAF with the following conditions, select a condition which would ALWAYS require you to nominate an alternate -
The most likely hazard to be encountered when flying in the vicinity of an active squall line is -
severe turbulence
The onset of a light wind during the formation of a radiation inversion will cause the inversion to -
Increase in depth
Anti-clockwise flow occurs
about a high in the southern hemisphere
A katabatic wind tend to reinforce -
a land breeze
An aeroplane takes off in calm conditions and climbs through a wind shear where it encounters a strong tail wind. The initial effect this change in wind velocity will have on IAS and the flight path is -
IAS will decrease; flight path will be shallower
A cloud type which is produced by turbulence within the surface layers of the atmosphere -
One of the prerequisites for the formation of a thunderstorm is -
a conditionally stable atmosphere
The cloud type which is responsible for the halo phenomena is -
Hoar frost which has formed on an aircraft parked in the open overnight -
May seriously affect performance and should always be removed before flight
One effect of surface friction upon airflow near the earth’s surface is to -
Increase cross-isobar wind flow
The pressure gradient force acts -
at right angles to the isobars towards the lower pressure
After take-off, the effect on airspeed if you encounter a wind shear where the headwind component increases is -
An increase in airspeed and then it returns to normal
The onset of a light wind beneath a radiation inversion will cause the inversion to become -
weaker but deeper
One condition associated with the term CAVOK in a TAF is that -
Visibility is 10 km or greater
A statement which best describes a backing wind -
it is changing direction anti-clockwise
There is very little convection within the stratosphere because -
the air at the top of the layer is warmer than the air at the bottom
The most common method of cloud formation is -
cooling of air by expansion until saturation occurs
the accumulation of ice on the blades of a propeller during flight will cause …..
Thrust will be reduced and vibrations are likely if ice accumulates
The temperature at the base of a stratocumulus cloud is -1 degrees C. The cloud is 2500 ft thick and the temperature at the cloud top is -5 degrees C. Flight through this cloud is likely to encounter -
rime ice
a cloud type in which clear ice most likely during flight above the freezing level -
the weather situation which would be most likely after the passage of a warm front in the southern hemisphere -
a process which is involved in the formation of hoar frost -
deposition of ice directly from the water vapour mixed with the air
During the mature stage of a tropical cyclone the central pressure -
remains constant
The condition most likely to produce advection fog is -
warm air passing over a cold surface
Thunderstorms associated with a cold front may be potentially more hazardous to aircraft than air mass thunderstorms because -
There may be numerous storms along the frontal line with little separation between cells
An approaching fast moving cold front may sometimes be recognised by the accompanying
A line of towering cumulus cloud, thunderstorms and rainshowers
Low level jet streams can be hazardous because they produce -
strong horizontal wind shear near the surface
The Coriolis effect explains the tendency of wind to -
turn left in the southern hemisphere
The term NOSIG indicates -
the weather described in the METAR is expected to remain unchanged for the next 3 hours
For a katabatic wind to form there must be -
a surface inversion
describes a squall line -
a low cloud moving rapidly in the warm air ahead of a cold front
The condition most likely to produce an advection fog is -
A warm airmass passing over a relatively cold surface
Variations in wind and temperature that normally occur with the passage of a cold front are -
the wind backs and temperature falls
The flying conditions most likely over land in a sea breeze are -
Moderate turbulence in clear air
A pilot is planning a private flight which passes over a bay in a single-engine aircraft. The total distance for the flight is less than 50 nm and the aircraft will be beyond gliding distance from land over part of the route. Select a statement which is correct regarding the planning requirements for this flight -
A weather forecast is required
The most rapid build up of clear airframe ice would occur during flight through -
Freezing rain
The cloud type with which low ceilings and reduced surface visibility is most likely to be associated is -
A fohn wind is likely to result in -
a lower humidity in the lee of the mountain at low level
The cloud type with which virga is most often associated is -
When must a meteorological forecast be obtained for a flight in an aircraft with a maximum take-off weight not exceeding 5700 kg? A forecast must be obtained when the flight is -
Away from the vicinity of an aerodrome
a hazard which may be present during the cumulus [the developing] stage of a thunderstorm -
Severe airframe icing
The temperature range in which rime icing is most likely to occur is -
-10 degrees C to -20 degrees C
A VOLMET is a broadcast of selected meteorological information which is made -
on a routine basis on HF for specified aerodromes
The most dangerous effect of a mature thunderstorm is -
There is little vertical development of cloud within the south east trade winds because of -
the presence of the trade wind inversion
An AIRMET differs from a SIGMET in that -
it contains advice of meteorological conditions below 10,000 feet only
The equatorial trough features extensive cloud and weather because -
it is a region where converging airstreams rise over warm ocean due to the intensity of solar radiation
A radiation fog can deepen with small increase in the wind strength because -
Cold air near the ground is mixed to greater depth
Wind information given in aerodrome forecasts indicates the direction -
From which the wind is blowing in degrees true
The cloud type most likely to be associated with heavy continuous rain is -
The belt of high pressure that appears over the Australian continent during the winter months is called
the sub-tropical ridge
The equatorial trough moves further north than it does south because -
the mid-summer surface temperatures are higher at any given latitude in the northern hemisphere because of the greater land mass
A situation in the atmosphere where the environmental temperature increases with height is said to be -
The term geostrophic wind refers to the steady flow of wind -
along straight isobars
Comparing the visibility and turbulence above and below a subsidence inversion it is found that -
visibility is greater and turbulence is less above the inversion
A pilot is landing at a coastal aerodrome orientated east-west, with the sea to the South, on a hot summer afternoon. The most likely wind direction at the aerodrome would be -
The equatorial trough moves further north than it does south because -
the mid-summer surface temperatures are higher at any given latitude in the northern hemisphere because of the greater land mass
a hazard which is normally associated with mountain waves -
Cloud height in METAR and TAF message refers to he height above -
The aerodrome reference point
The TAF service provided for a domestic aerodrome with more than 40,000 movements per year and a control tower is -
issued 6 hourly and valid for 12, 18 or 24 hr
a set of instrument indications which would indicate a sudden decrease in headwind component during a descent -
A decrease in indicated airspeed and an increase in rate of descent
The most rapid build-up of clear airframe ice would occur during flight through -
freezing rain
Vertical movement within the atmosphere becomes less vigorous above the height of the tropopause because -
the environment no longer gets colder with increased height
the temperature range in which clear airframe ice is likely to be most severe -
0 degrees C to -15 degrees C
The type of weather associated with monsoonal airflow in summer in Northern Australia would be -
Widespread thunderstorm activity and heavy rain
The term INTER 0103/0109, as used in a TAF means that -
There will be intermittent changes to the prevailing conditions between 0300 UTC and 0900 UTC on the first.
Conditional stability exists when -
Saturated air is unstable but unsaturated air is stable
In an area of towering cumulus clouds, the location in which the least amount of turbulence is likely to be found is -
Between the clouds
The situation in which clear icing is most likely is -
after leaving the freezing level on climb in nimbo stratus cloud
The global winds that blow from the sub-tropical ridge to the equatorial trough in the southern hemisphere are called -
the south east trade winds
For flights where a forecast is required, during which of the following periods, in relation to your ETA, must the TAF for your destination be valid -
At least 30 min before to at least 60 min after
Surface wind, when compared to gradient wind flow, is found to be -
veered to the right and slower