Met - Practice Exam Questions Flashcards
The effect of hoar frost forming on the wings of an aeroplane is -
Hazardous, because it can substantially increase stalling speed
One of the prerequisites for the formation of a thunderstorm is -
the presence of moist air through a considerable depth of the atmosphere
A strong pressure gradient is normally associated with -
An area of strong winds
Advection fog differs from radiation fog in that -
it can form at any time of day and may persist for long periods
Area forecasts for flights below 20 000 ft are available -
on request from Air Services Australia or MET office
The recommended speed for flight in turbulent conditions is -
A speed, which gives a compromise between excessive structural loads and the stall
During cruise you suspect that carburettor ice forming and apply full carburettor heat. The engine immediately loses power and begins to run roughly. Your immediate action should be -
Leave carburettor heat full ON
a condition which is most likely to produce mountain wave activity -
a stable layer of air near the height of the ridge
Select a phenomenon which is most likely to be associated with cirrostratus cloud -
the halo effect
The most likely cause of turbulence over land on a hot day is -
thermal activity
The initial effect of accumulating clear ice on an aeroplane in flight will be -
An increase in stalling speed
A wind blowing up sloping terrain during the day could be -
an indication which would be associated with a sudden decrease in headwind component during an approach to land -
A decrease in indicated airspeed and an increase in rate of descent
The validity period of a TTF is -
3 hr from the time of the report with which it is associated
A TAF is a statement of the conditions expected for a specified period in the air space within -
5 nm of the centre of an aerodrome
A hazard that dust storms are most likely to produce is -
severe visibility restriction over a widespread area to heights above 10000 ft
When air temperature increases with height through a layer of the atmosphere, the probability of vertical motion is -
Low as rising air becomes cooler than its surroundings
The flying conditions above a layer of small cumulus clouds are likely to be -
A sudden increase in head wind component during an approach to land will, with altitude and power constant, cause the airspeed to -
Increase and then return to normal
The pressure system which gives rise to a subsidence inversion is -
The strength of the pressure gradient force depends most on -
The spacing of the isobars
You would expect calm conditions at an aerodrome in the morning to persist for a longer period if -
Skies are overcast with stratus cloud
the cloud type which is most often associated with mountain wave activity -
altocumulus lenticularis [lenticular]
the latitude at which there would be the greatest difference between the gradient wind and the actual wind at 5000 ft -
5 degrees S
In an area of towering cumulus clouds, select a location, relative to the clouds, in which the least amount of turbulence is usually found -
Between the clouds
An aerodrome weather report is designated as SPECI when -
the weather conditions are fluctuating about or are below specified criteria
The type of precipitation from stratus is most likely to be -
A thunderstorm can occur well after a cold front has passed because -
the surface over which the cold air is passing is increasingly warmer than the cold air mass
The layer of the atmosphere in which most convection takes place is -
the troposphere
A thunderstorm is active approximately 10 km from an aerodrome. A hazard for which a pilot approaching to land at the aerodrome should be on the alert is -
Severe low-level wind shear
Strong horizontal wind shear can be encountered -
above a strong surface inversion
A METAR is issued routinely -
Every hour or half hour
The datum used to express wind direction in a TAF and ARFOR respectively, is -
True north in both messages
If the only cloud along a route is overcast cirrostratus, a pilot should encounter -
No precipitation
When the Coriolis force is exactly balanced by the pressure gradient force, the resulting wind is called -
Hoar frost would be most likely to form on an aircraft overnight -
in calm conditions and relatively humid air
The location in the vicinity of mountain waves where the rotor zone located -
under lenticular clouds
As height is decreased during a descent to land in a strong crosswind from the right, the crosswind component is likely to -
The major hazard to a landing aircraft associated with a microburst is -
Wind shear and downdraft
Compared to the gradient wind, the surface wind direction in the southern hemisphere is found to be -
further to the right in both highs and lows
A SIGMET contains advice of severe meteorological conditions -
within a specified area
One hazard that can be indicated by the presence of virga is -
micro burst activity
In summer over tropical inland regions, at what time of day can thunderstorm activity normally be expected to commence -
In the afternoon
The hazard to flight most likely to occur in the rotor zone associated with mountain waves is -
Severe turbulence
The area in which a tropical cyclone is most likely to form is -
over the Pacific ocean at about 15 degrees S
Squall lines are most often associated with -
You are planning a VFR flight by day proceeding 80 nm from the departure aerodrome. The maximum permitted crosswind component in an aeroplane’s flight manual is 20 kt. Select a weather condition forecast for the destination at the ETA which would necessitate the provision of an alternate
30 percent probability of visibility restricted to 7 km
Slant visibility in fog causes -
the runway is visible from ‘over the top’ but not in the circuit area or on final