MET Flashcards
Rectus sheath above and below arcuate line
Above Arcuate Line:
EO passes anteriorly, IO splits and half goes anterior while half goes posterior, TA and transversalis fascia go posteriorly.
Below Arcuate Line:
EO, IO, TA all move anteriorly, TF goes posteriorly.
Blood supply to Abdominal Wall
Superior epigastric artery: below the costal margin the internal thoracic artery becomes the SEA
Inferior epigastric artery: comes from the external iliac.
Lateral side supplied by lower IC and lumbar arteries.
Protein-wasting malnutrition, micronutrient & anti-oxidant deficiencies
Severe malnutrition, muscle wasting, protein loss.
Iron Function, Deficiency and Excess
Function • O2 transport • Myoglobin function • Absorbed in upper small bowel. o Transferrin o Stored as ferritin
• Microcytic anaemia
• Lethargy/fatigue
• Cognitive impairment
• Haemochromatosis: lethargy, fatigue, diabetes, cirrhosis.
Osteomalacia & rickets
Vitamin D Deficiency
Osteomalacia = reduced bone strength, increase in bone fracture, bone pain, bending of bones
Rickets = prior to epiphyseal fusion –> expansion of growth plate and growth retardation
Function of Vitamin D
Increases absorption of calcium in the gut
Has two different sources.
o Intake in diet
Salmon, tuna fish, milk, liver, egg etc…
o Intake through UV sunlight
Through 7-dehydrocholesterol –> Generates vitamin D3.
If one intake compromised other can compensate.
Wernicke’s Encephalopathy & Korsakoff’s Psychosis
Thiamine Deficiency (Vitamin B1)
Wernicke’s Encephalopathy
o Horizontal nystagmus
o Opthalmoplegia
o Cerebellar ataxia
Korsakoff’s Psychosis
o Additional loss of memory and confabulatory psychosis (disturbance of memory)
Thiamine Deficiency (Vitamin B1)
Dry: peripheral neuropathy (motor and sensory)
Wet: enlarged heart, tachycardia, peripheral oedema, peripheral neuritis
Shoshin: lactic acidosis, cardiac failure
Function of Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
Involved in:
o Glycolysis and Krebs cycle
o Branched-chain amino acids metabolism
o Pentose Phosphate Cycle Metabolism
Absorbed in the jejunum.
Niacin Deficiency (Vitamin B3)
Early: loss of appetite, irritability, vomiting, abdominal pain
Late: vaginitis, oesophagitis, diarrhoea, depression.
o Casal’s necklace = skin rash (especially in areas exposed to sunlight)
FOUR Ds = dermatitis, diarrhoea, dementia, death.
Function of Niacin (Vitamin B3)
Generic form for two forms: nicotinic acid and nicotinamide
o Forms NAD and NADP/NADH and NADPH.
Absorbed in the jejunum.
Types of Feeding
Enteral –> oral, nasogastric, orogastric, gastrostomy etc…
• Gastrostomy brain injury, Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease
Parenteral –> Peripheral and Central
• Short bowel, small bowel, acute pancreatitis
Blood glucose range before and after meals
Kept within range of 3.5-5.5 mmol/L (before meals)
Less than 8mmol/L (2 hours after meals).
Cell in Islets of Langerhans
- Alpha Cells: producing glucagon
- Beta Cells: producing insulin
- Delta Cells: producing somatostatin
- PP Cells: producing pancreatic polypeptide
- Epsilon Cells: producing ghrelin.
Mechanism of Insulin Secretion
- If glucose is higher than 5 millimoles it can go through the transporter in the cell.
a. Ensured by Km of glucokinase (affinity for glucose molecules) - Glucose –> Glucose-6-phosphate –> pyruvate
- Generates ATP (rise in ATP: ADP ratio).
a. Closure of potassium-ATP channels –> Membrane depolarization - Voltage-gated calcium channels open –> Trigger insulin secretion.
Two phases of insulin secretion
First phase: rapidly triggered in response to increase glucose
Second phase: sustained, slow release of nearby formed vesicles.
What other substances can trigger insulin release
• AAs: arginine and leucine
- Arginine directly depolarises beta cell membrane
- Leucine causes allosteric activation activation of GDH
- Glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1)
- Fatty acids.
- Acetylcholine.
- CCK.
Actions of Insulin
Glycogen synthesis in muscles (G6P –> G1P –> UDP-glucose –> glycogen)
o Translocation of GLUT4 transporters to plasma membrane
Glucose uptake and lipogenesis (synthesises alpha-glyceryl phosphate –> TGs)
Inhibits lipolysis
How can the liver affect K+ levels
Promotes potassium intracellular uptake
Albumin Functions and regular level
Large protein synthesised in the liver
o Most abundant protein in plasma and is usually trapped within capillaries (35-50g/l)
Functions to maintain oncotic pressure.
Good indicator of mortality risk
o As inflammation falls albumin level should normalise.
Arises from inadequate protein intake
In hospital: major cause is inflammation and sepsis associated with infection
Increased C-reactive protein, white cell count.
Capillary walls become more porous and albumin drifts out.
NOTE: low albumin DOES NOT reflect poor nutritional status (poor intake).
Blood Supply to the Liver
25% through celiac trunk
75% through hepatic portal vein.
What vessels contribute to the portal vein
Splenic (inferior mesenteric veins joins here) and superior mesenteric veins meet posterior to head of pancreas to form portal vein
Porto-Systemic Anastomoses
(P) Left gastric vein and (S) Azygous and hemiazygos
- Sign/Symptom: Oesophageal varices, hematemesis
(P) Superior rectal vein and (S) Inferior Rectal Vein
- Sign/Symptom: Recto-anal varices
Anterior Abdominal Wall:
(P) Paraumbilical veins* and (S) Intercostal and inferior epigastric
- Sign/Symptom: Caput medusa.
(P) Duodenal, pancreatic, right and left colic veins and (S) Lumbar veins
- Sign/Symptom: Retroperitoneal haemorrhage.
Causes of Ascites
fluid in peritoneal space caused by:
• Porta Hypertension, Hypoalbuminaemia
• Aldosterone related renal sodium retention
Venous Drainage of the Oesophagus
Oesophageal veins (azygos vein branches)
Left gastric veins (portal vein).
What anatomical structure does the common hepatic duct lie in
free margin of lesser omentum
Stimulation of Glucagon Secretion
Low blood glucose concentration: 80-90mg/100ml
Increased blood amino acids (alanine and arginine)
Exercise (exhaustive blood concentration of glucagon increases)
What receptor does Glucagon react with
G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)
Process of Glycogenolysis
Glucagon activates cAMP which activates PKA
–> Mediates production of glucose from glycogen
Glycogen stores depleted in 24 hours
Process of gluconeogenesis
Uses AAs, glycerol and lactate.
Inhibition of phosphofructokinase-1 and pyruvate kinase are critical
Enzymes in glycolysis.
Increased amino acid uptake into the liver
Process of lipolysis
Glucagon activates hormone sensitive lipase
Allows triglycerides to be broken down.
• Glycerol used in gluconeogenesis.
• Fatty acids used in beta oxidation –> Generate ketone bodies when in excess (Occurs because C substrates in the Kreb’s cycle are used up in prolonged fasting)
Also, involves the activation of the carnitine shuttle
Transport fatty acids into the mitochondria
• Mediated by CPT-1
Regulation of Glucagon
Inhibited: by insulin and somastatin
- Insulin converts cAMP to 5’AMP through phosphodiesterase –> This switches signalling OFF (does not stimulate PKA).
Catecholamines and Glucocorticoids
Both released from the adrenal cortex
Catecholamines = QUICK RESPONSE –> Released in response to stress and hypoglycaemia.
o Synthesized from phenylalanine and tyrosine
Glucocorticoids = LONGER RESPONSE
Cortex cells = have many LDL receptors, enabling cholesterol uptake.
o Enables steroid hormone synthesis
Epinephrine in metabolism
Catecholamine • Inhibits insulin secretion • Stimulates glycogenolysis in the liver and muscle. o Produce cyclic AMP and PKA • Stimulates glucagon secretion • Increases lipolysis in adipose tissue
Cortisol in metabolism
secreted in response to ACTH from pituitary (Negative feedback loop)
o Functions in metabolism
Enhances gluconeogenesis
Inhibits glucose uptake
Stimulates muscle proteolysis
Stimulates adipose-tissue lipolysis.
= rapid mobilisation of AAs and FAs from cellular stores
o Resisting Stress and Inflammation
Maintains blood pressure, suppresses inflammation.
If prolonged = can induce muscle wasting.
Why do glucocorticoids take longer to cause response
It passes through the plasma membrane and binds to nuclear receptor in cell.
• Goes into the nucleus and stimulates transcription of genes.
Thyroid Hormones
T4 (thyroxine) and Triiodothyronine (T3)
Activate nuclear receptors and transcription of large number of genes:
Increases in the number and activity of mitochondria
Stimulation of carbohydrate metabolism
Stimulation of fat metabolism
Increased basal metabolic rate
Group of GI hormones including glucagon-like peptide-1 and gastric inhibitory peptide:
o Enhancement of insulin secretion.
Diabetic causes
o Accumulation of lipids and their metabolites
o Increased concentration of circulating FFAs
o Chronic inflammation –> Altered adipokine levels
• Cytokines secreted by adipose tissue
• Lead to chronic inflammation
• Hyperinsulinemia
o Increased lipid synthesis worsens Insulin Resistance
When a tissue is insulin resistant the pancreas tries to create more insulin however the cell doesn’t respond. This increases the synthesis of lipids which makes the whole thing worse.
Both lead to increased insulin resistance –> Diabetes T2
Hyperglucagonaemia in diabetes
Occurs even when glucose is high because = alpha cells become resistant to high levels of glucose/insulin through glucolipotoxicity.
OR defect in insulin secretion.
Nothing to tell cells to stop secreting glucagon
Treatments for:
Decreases Glucose and Gluconeogenesis
Stimulation of Insulin Secretion
Glucagon Peptide 1 Stimulation
Decreases Glucose and Gluconeogenesis
• TZD = increases level of transcription of genes.
• Biguanides (Metformin).
Stimulation of Insulin Secretion
• Sulfonylureas
• Meglitidines
o Stimulates closure of potassium channels in beta cells –> increase in calcium –> secretion of insulin.
Glucagon Peptide 1 Stimulation
• Metformin: inhibits DD-4 (molecule usually inhibits G1P) increasing GL1P activation
• Sitagliptin: increases GL1P (stimulates insulin secretion).
What pathway in glucose can excess alcohol inhibit
gluconeogenesis is inhibited
Signs and Symptoms for acute hypoglycaemia (only T1D)
Mild –> Autonomic: Trembling, sweating, anxiety, hunger
Moderate –> Neuroglycopaenic: Confusion, disorientation, weakness, tiredness
Severe –> confusion, fitting, seizures, coma - Diabetes emergency (mainly for T1D)
Occurs in patients using blood glucose lowering medication (insulin)
• Missed meal
• Overdose medication.
• Alcohol consumption.
Prolonged Hypoglycaemia
Growth hormone and cortisol secreted
o Decrease glucose utilisation and convert to fat utilisation
Leads to: Neuroglycopaenic (shortage of glucose or brain) symptoms
Hyperglycaemia complications
Due to Protein Kinase C Pathway Stimulation
Macrovascular complications of Hyperglycaemia
Increases uptake of LDLs by modification of low LDLD receptor.
Pro-inflammatory cytokine production
Microvascular complications of Hyperglycaemia
o Kidney disease (nephropathy) –> Damage to blood vessels in glomerulus
• Proteinuria, glomerular hypertrophy, decreased glomerular filtration
o Nerve disease (neuropathy) –> 4 types
Peripheral: pain or loss of feeling in hands, arms, feets and legs
Autonomic: change in digestion/bowel and bladder control (branches supplying autonomic nerves are affected).
• Also, means don’t have pain (15-20%)
Proximal: causes pain in thing and hips
Focal: affect any nerve in the body
o Blindness (retinopathy)
Non-proliferative: dilation of veins and micro aneurysms
Proliferative: fragile new blood vessels near optic disk (tend to bleed).
Fat deposition in skeletal muscle –> Worsens insulin resistance
Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young
Pancreatic beta cell dysfunction.
• Inherited (autosomal dominant).
Gestational Diabetes
Diabetes in pregnancy
• Increased complications during the second half of pregnancy
• Increased risk of developing T2D
Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults (LADA
Antibodies to beta cells.
• Like T1D, Patients become insulin dependent.
Type 3c Diabetes
Due to disease of exocrine pancreas
What state of K+ do acidemia and alkalosis lead to
acidemia leads to hyperkalaemia
alkalosis leads to hypokalemia
- H+ enters tissue and binds to protein displacing potassium which exits the cell.
- H+ leaves cells and potassium enters.
Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
Loss of bicarbonate: CL- compensates (HCO3-/Cl- symporter) for loss Causes include: Severe diarrhoea Losses via NG tubes Administration of Acidifying Salts.
Reduced Kidney H+ Excretion:
If kidneys do not excrete acids efficiently, bicarbonate is needed to buffer them.
Bicarbonate travels into the blood and combines with H+
Exchanged with Cl- to keep charge neutral –> CL- then also exists into the blood (along with K+).
Leads to hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
Elevated Gap Acidosis
Increase in unmeasured anions and decrease in bicarbonate
Causes include:
o Ketoacidosis
o Lactic acidosis
o Renal failure
Low Gap Acidosis
o Albumin is a negatively charged protein
o Its loss causes retention of bicarbonate and CL to compensate electrical charge.
Causes include: o Haemorrhage (loss of albumin through blood) o Nephrotic Syndrome o Intestinal Obstruction o Liver Cirrhosis
Ammonium production (kidney)
titratable acids –> H+ + HPO42- –> H2PO4- and ammonium (NH4+)
Action of these kidney cells:
Alpha-intercalated = secrete acid, reabsorb bicarbonate
Beta-intercalated = secrete bicarbonate, secrete acid
Glutamate Pathway in acidosis
Allows to produce bicarbonate (production of alpha-ketoglutarate to glucose = side products are NH4+, HCO3-)
Hormonal Regulation of the Acid/Base Status
Aldosterone = increases pH
Angiotensin II = increases PH
Parathyroid = prevents reabsorption of HPO42 and increases pH
Orexigenic peptide and neurons
Agouti Related Peptide (AgRP)
NPY Neuron
Melanocortin receptor antagonists –> Inhibit the satiety centre.
o Appetite stimulating
Anorexigenic peptide and neurons
Proopiomelanocortin (POMC)
(Cocaine, Amphetamine Regulate Transcript (CART) Neuron
Melanocortin receptor agonists –> POMC undergoes post-translational modification –> melanocortins (Stimulate satiety centre)
o Appetite inhibiting.
Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
Predominant POMC derived products
If deficient will result in hyperphagic (abnormally great desire for food) obesity
Anorexigenic peptides
Serotonin (5HT) = anorexigenic
• Acts through Htr1b and HTr2c receptors that increase signalling from POMC neurons
• Htr1b decreases AgRP neuron signalling
o These receptors interact with ARC (arcuate nucleus)
PPY 3-36 = anorexigenic • Synthesized in gut. • Mechanism of action o Inhibits NYP neurons (Y2 receptors) o Stimulates POMC neurons o Decreases food intake.
GLP-1 and PPY = anorexigenic
• Released by cells in the gut lining
o Inhibits NYP and stimulates POMC.
Cholecystokinin = anorexigenic
• Secreted from I-type enteroendocrine cells in duodenum and SI
Leptin = long acting anorexigenic
• Secreted by adipose tissue (amount of leptin = amount of adipose tissue).
o Indicates total energy storage.
• Pattern: start with relatively low leptin during the day. It rises and starts to fall at night.
o Fasting causes a decrease in leptin
ALSO Drop AGRP levels
Malonyl CoA
Potent controller of appetite
o Inhibits lipolysis (carnitine shuttle) at high levels
o Lipolysis is stimulated at low levels.
Not Hungry = result of malonyl-CoA increased in cytoplasm (for FA synthesis) –> High levels sensed by hypothalamus
• Turns down AgRP and NPY
• Decreases appetite.
Hungry = less malonyl-CoA in cytoplasm (no FA synthesis) –> Sensed by hypothalamus
• Increases AgRP and NPY.
Insulin contribution to Obesity
It decreases the rate of lipolysis in adipose tissue (and lowers plasma fatty acid level).
o Increases uptake of TGs from blood into adipose tissue
Stimulates FA and TG synthesis in tissues.
Decreases rate of fatty acid oxidation in muscle and liver.
T2D Drugs on Insulin Levels:
insulin injections, sulfonylureas – increases insulin release
TZD – increases level of transcription of genes
DPP IV inhibitors
SGLT-2 inhibitor – SGLT-2 in the kidney to help reabsorb glucose
Thrifty gene hypothesis
Selective advantage of obesity in populations with frequent starvation
Syndromic Monogenic Obesity
Mental retardation, dysmorphic features in addition to obesity
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome - Ciliopathy
Cilia mediate leptin receptor signalling
Polygenic Obesity
Involves CNS, food sensing and digestion, insulin signalling, lipid metabolism, muscle and liver biology, gut microbiota as well as:
Adipocyte Differentiation
• Ciliopathies
• Mutations in PPARy2.
o Targeted by TZD drugs.
Main site of adaptive thermogenesis
Brown Adipose Tissue
lipase inhibitor
o Reduces amount of fat absorbed from food
Wolffian and Mullerian ducts
Mesonephric = Wolffian Ducts (precursor male internal sex organ)
Paramesonephric = Mullerian Ducts (precursor female internal sex organ)
Embryonic Kidneys
Ascent of the Kidney
Metanephros located in the sacral region (S1)
Ascends as the embryo unfolds –> To the lumbar region (T12)
Function of the Kidney Within Foetus
Involved in generation of amniotic fluid
Functional at the end of the first trimester.