Messiba Signature Cocktails Flashcards
Mish Mish
Salt rim
0.5 Simple
0.5 Kefir
1.5 Apricot agave
1.75 Mish Mish batch
Square lime peel
8 (11) foam
0.75 lemon
0.50 eucalyptus honey
1.75 DVASH batch
3 dash lemon bitter
1 oz fermented syrop
2.25 GAZOZ batch
Whip shake
Dump in purple glass
2 pschitt of soda
Flowers (dragon square, baby’s breath flower & flower ? And leafy garnish
Turkish Old Fashioned
3 dash of Red-eye bitter
Fast candied black walnut demerara
2.25 Turkish OF batch
King ice
Expression orange twist over glass
Orange coin
0.75 oz lime
0.75 oz mint/lemon preserved syrop
1.5 oz cucumber juice
2 oz Limonana batch
Dump in the glass
Flower (fennel and pea tendrils)
Arak service
2 oz Arak in rock glass
1 King ice with lemon pill & flower in an other rock glass
1 decanter 3 OZ fluffy grapefruit juice
Stack & serve
0.5 pistachio syrop
1.5 oz Expresso shot
2 oz Motek batch
Shake double strain
Pistachio powder
Ex Sababa / Milk punch
3.5 “ex Sababa or Milk Punch” lightly stirred in mixing glass
Strain into rock glass
Garnish orange zest and star anise