Messenger of the Watch Flashcards
What is the MOOW job?
To assist OOD with functions on the quarterdeck
When is colors?
morning at 0800 and evening determined by POD
When do you muster the color guard?
15 minutes prior to colors
What happens during first call to colors?
Quarterdeck is secured
What is the Bravo flag?
transfer of fuel
What is the India flag?
coming alongside
What is the Kilo flag?
personnel working aloft
What is the Lima flag?
Signaling other ship to stop
What is the Romeo flag?
getting ready to replenish
What is teh Oscar flag?
man overboard
What is the Papa flag?
general recall
What is the Quebec flag?
Boat recall
Where is the ensign raised when not underway?
Where is the ensign raised when underway?
at the gaff
When is the divine services flag raised above the national ensign?
during divine services
What flag insignia is for the president?
spread eagle