Messalina Flashcards
Her infatuation
Messalina infatuated with the best looking man in a Rome Gaius Silius, she forced him to divorce his wife.
Why did Silius not refuse
Refusal meant certain death, some hope of avoiding detection and the affair was lucrative.
Messalina benefits him
She showered him with wealth and distinctions and made a show of her affection.
“As though the empire had changed hands” his house was filled with imperial ex-slaves and furniture.
In the meantime what was Claudius doing
HE was unaware
busy with the functions of a censor
Silius moving up
urged concealment should be dropped, we do not have to wait till Claudius dies of old age
I am ready to marry and adopt Britannicus.
peace of mind will only be yours if we can forestall Claudius
why did Messalina agree to go further
Messalina found the sheer outrageousness attractive.
once supreme, Silius might despise his mistress if she refused
It might seem fantastic and unbelievable “older men heard and recorded it”
Claudius leaves
left to sacrifice at Ostia
A formal marriage
The imperial household shuddered (freedmen afraid) everything to fear from a new emperor.
Afraid of Claudius’ uxoriousness and the many assassinations ordered by Messalina
Narcissus’ actions
Narcissus induced the emperor’s two favourite mistresses to act as informers with gifts and assurances of the increased influence Messalina’s fall would bring them.
Calpurnia informed Claudius, Cleopatra confirmed. Narcissus said that Silius controlled his mansion, slaves. “Are you aware you are divorced?” Nation, senate and army have witnessed the marriage. “Act promptly, or her new husband controls Rome”
Claudius’ interrogates
Interrogated his closest freinds controller of the corn supply and controller of the guard. His entourage insisted he must go to the camp and secure the guard.
“Am I still emperor…is Silius still a private citizen?”
The BAcchic ritual
HEr hair streaming
Describes a Bacchic ritual, dressed like Maeneads frenzied, disreputable chorus yelling.
Rumours and messengers came in about Claudius knowing all.
Messalina’s actions once found out
(Juxtaposition, she is now alone) With her children OCtavia and Britannicus, begged the senior priestess of Vesta Vibidia.
With only three companions she walked to the other end of the city, started on the road to Ostia In a cart used for removing garden refuse. Appalled by her crimes no one pitied her.
Narcissus’ power
For better trust, command of the guard was entrusted to The command of Narcissus for that one day. Afraid that Claudius’ mind may be changed be people such as Lucius Vitellius, he asked for a place in the same carriage and sat with them. .
Claudius kept changing his mind
kept contradicting himself, being invective and then reminiscing. Lucius Vitellius kept being ambiguous and cryptic “How wicked, how sinful!”
Messalina tries to convince Claudius
Messalina reminded him of their children, Narcissus kept shouting her down. The two children were brought forward.
Claudius was silent
Vitellius did not know what was going on
Narcissus takes charge
Narcissus took charge
He took a Claudius to Silius’ house, the statue of his condemned father(placed in defiance of a senatorial decree) heirlooms of Neros and Drususes that had come to the house among the wages of sin
conducted him to the camp
Silius’ death
Silius asked for a quick death, did not attempt defence or postponement.
Many executed. Mnester said that he had been forced under the command of Messalina. Moved Claudius due to indulgent nature, but the ex-slaves convinced him otherwise.
Claudius forgives Messalina
Claudius at home ordered for “the poor woman” to appear the next day to defend herself
Messalina’s shameless insolence
she composed an appeal
in the Gardens of Lucullus (Asiaticus’)
Claudius too forgiving
“the poor woman”
asked for her to appear the next day to defend herself
NArcissus’ quick actions to end MEssalina
ordered a guard colonel and staff officers to kill Messalina
sent an ex-slave to block her escape
MEssalina being shameless
prostrate on the ground with her mother
her mother tells her the guards are coming, the only thing to do is to make a “decent end”
But decency did not exist in her lust-ridden heart
Weeping and moaning
the ex-slave, with a slave’s foulness of tongue insulted her
she held a dagger to her throat but could not do it
“and so the officer ran her through”
Claudius’ reaction
gave no sign of any human feeling even when he saw the accusers exalting and his children mourning
Senate’s actions
decreed Messalina’s name and statues removed from all sites
awarded Narcissus and honorary quaestorship