Simple Queue Service (SQS)
SQS is a message queuing service that allows you to build loosely coupled systems. Example : Build a money transfer app that performs well under heavy load. SQS lets you build an App that is loosely coupled, allowing components to send, store, and receive messages. The use of a messaging queue helps to improve performance and scalability.
Simple Notification Service (SNS)
SNS allows you to send emails and text messages from your applications. Example Send an email when CPU utilization of an EC2 Instance goes above 80% - SNS works with CloudWatch when an alarm’s metric threshold is breached to send an email.
Simple Email Service (SES)
SES is an email service that allows you to send richly formatted HTML emails from your applications. Send a market email and track open or click - through rates. SES allows you to send richly formatted HTML emails in bulk and gain valuable insights about the effectiveness of your campaign.