Mess, Problems, and Puzzles Flashcards
Who has written the article about puzzle, problems and mess and whos views is it based on
The article “Problems, problems, problems… is written by Pidd
The views of the three different problems is from Ackoff
Name the three ways we have learned about problems and tell about their characteristics
Puzzles → Formulation and solution can’t be argued.
Problems → the formulation is agreed, but the solution is arguable.
Mess → both the formulation and solution are arguable.
Name all the thing you can about a puzzle
Formulation and solution can’t be argued
The issue that needs to be addressed is clear, the number of options is known and there exist only a single correct solution. The puzzle is fully structured and when a solution is found we can be sure that it is correct
Name all the thing you can about a problem
The formulation is agreed, but the solution is arguable
A problem has no single answer that is correct, there is an issue that needs to be handled
In a problem there may be agreement about the core issue, but there might turn out to be many equally valid solutions. Even when people agree on how to construct the basic issue, they may employ different approaches in attempt to solve the problem, it can be caused by their background, expertise, and so on
A problem could be transformed/reduced to a puzzle if the problem formulation is tightened enough, so there in the end only exists one solution.
Name all the thing you can about a mess
Both the formulation and solution are arguable
A mess is a set of circumstances in which there is extreme ambiguity and in which there may seek be disagreement. In a mess there is a whole range of possible definition and descriptions of what is going on, and there may be no way of knowing whether a solution exists at all.
In a mess there are many issues to be faced, they are interrelated, and the interrelationships are often as important as the issues themselves.
A mess is a system of problems with multiple stakeholders who may hold different views of what is feasible and desirable.
In most organizations, strategic decision-making and management is closer to the idea of a mess than to the idea of a puzzle or a problem.
What are the 3 criteria’s of a problem according to Ackoff?
1) The decision making, individual or group, has alternative course of action available
2) The choice made can have a significant effect
3) The decisionmaker has some doubt as to which alternative should be selected.
What can be done about problems according to Ackoff?
They can be resolved, solved, or dissolved
What types of approach to mess management (planning) are there according to Ackoff?
The clinical approach, the research approach, and the design approach.
Problem handeling approach: Resolving
Approach for problem solving according to Ackoff 1981. Selects a course of action that yields an outcome which is good enough. Relies on the past (what have we done in the past). It is clinical planning approach and it is qualitatively. Often problems keep reappearing and get worse over time
Problem handeling approach: Solving:
Approach for problem solving according to Ackoff 1981. To solve is to select a course of action that is believed to yield the best possible outcome that optimizes. Uses mathematical, real and simulated experimentation.
Problem handeling approach: Dissolving:
Approach for problem solving according to Ackoff 1981. To solve is to change the system rather than satisfice and optimize. It is to change the nature and/or environment in which the problem is embedded. It uses both the clinical and research planning approach.
Mess management: The clinical approach:
It deals with the messes and the system that contains them holistically, but it does not analyze them. The clinical planners gathers knowledge from those who works inside the system, such that they can create a formulate a consensual appreciation of the mess and decide on how to approach it. Clinical procedures are very participative and they try not to influence the method.
Mess management: The Research approach
It analyzes the mess to identify parts and interconnections, then it formulates the parts with as little interconnection as possible, so they can be treated independently (decomposition). Disadvantage: when decomposing the interconnections lose their essential capabilities and properties.
Mess management: The Design approach
A synthesis of clinical and research, where it adopts the advantages, and adding some new things. It involves a structured process of planning that has five phases:
1) Formulating the mess,
2) Ends planning,
3) means planning,
4) resource planning,
5) Design
Which of the problem solving methods is connected to each approach according to Ackoff
The Clinical –> Resolve
The Research –> Solve
The Design –> Dissolve
What is problem structuring methods (PSMs) according to Rosenhead
Problem structuring methods (PSMs) are a board group of problem-handling approaches whose purpose is to assist in structuring problems rather than directly with solving them.
The characteristics of PSMs (problem structuring methods) :
PSMs have the following characteristics: (p. 4)
• Focus on the process of problem structuring, rather than the solution
• Use of visual representations
• Encouragement of multiple perspectives
• Consideration of conflicting objectives
Name all the PSMs you can
-Hypergame analysis
- Interactive/Idealized planning
-Metagame analysis
-Soft systems methodology (SSM)
-Strategic assumption surfacing and testing
-Strategic choice approach (SCA)
Strategic options development and analysis (SODA)
Explain hypergame analysis
An interactive approach to take action in conflict situations
Explain Interactive/idealized planning
Aim to design a desirable organizational future and ways to make it happen
Generates scenarios to demonstrate the consequences of not taking action.
Explain metagame analysis
An interactive method of analyzing cooperation and conflict among multiple actors
Construct possible future scenarios, analysts and actors use theses as a framework to explore their ability to stabilize the outcome at a more preferred scenarios by the use of threats and promises.
Explain robustness
Focuses on maintaining useful flexibility under uncertainty. Enables participants and analysts to compare the flexibility maintained by alternative initial commitments.
Explain Soft System methodology (SSM)
Used to redesign systems
Participants build ideal-type conceptual models, one for each relevant world views.
They compare them with perception of the existing system in order to generate debate about what changes are culturally feasible and systemically desirable.
Explain Strategic assumption surfacing and testing
A method for tackling ill-structured problems where differences of opinion about what strategy to pursue are preventing decision.
First divide participants into groups each should produce a preferred strategy and identify key assumptions. Then reunite the groups, debate the strategies and assumptions then adjust to get an agreed solution.
Strategic approach (SCA)
A planning approach centered on managing uncertainty in strategic situations.
Model the interconnectedness of decisions areas
Interactive comparison of alternative decision schemes helps to bring key uncertainties to the surface used to identify priority areas.
Strategic options development and analysis (SODA)
A general identification method that uses cognitive mapping as modeling devise for eliciting and recording individuals’ views of a problem situation.
The merged cognitive maps provide the framework for workshop discussions and a facilitator guides the group toward commitment to a portfolio of actions.
Name all the specifications Rosenhead has outlined for why a decision-aiding technology is more appropriate to messy, strategic problems
Eliminates much of the scope for advanced mathematics, probability theory and complex algorithms.
Identifies rather an alternative approach employing representation of relationships, symbolic manipulation and limited quantification within a systematic framework
What are the properties of a mess according to Rosenhead?
Multiple actors, Multiple perspectives, Incommensurable and/or conflicting interests, Important intangibles, Key uncertainties
What is the purpose of PSM according to Rosenhead (1996)
To make sense of a messy situation
Ackoff (1981), a mess is defined as:
“A mess is a system of problems. A system is a whole
that cannot be decomposed into independent parts”.