Mergers And Acquistions Flashcards
Motives for m&a
- Lower cost per unit of output- where economies of scale are achieved by the holding company (increasing profitability and therefore dividends)
- Corporation tax advantages- whereby a post m&a holding company can achieve operations in low tax regimes, reducing corporation tax liability
- Enhanced risk diversification- where the post holding m&a company reduces its risk by taking on more products or services
- Replace inefficient management- where target directors have under performed in pervious years
- Target has undervalued shares- if recent past in decline of company has resulted in a fall in share price
Cash for shares advantages
- Easy to understand
- Cannot fall in value
- Shareholders retain the same level of control over their company and therefore no dilution of holding company post m&a
- Simplicity and preciseness give a greater chance of success
- Allows the recipients to spread their investments
Cash for shares disadvantages
- May trigger capital gains tax liability
- May lead to excessive gearing if bidder borrows (whereby the acquisition company does not have sufficient cash to make the purchase)
Shares for shares characteristics
- Capital gains tax can be postponed
- They maintain an interest in the combined entity whereby if they were content shareholders prior to m&a they now should receive a higher post m&a
- No immediate outflow of cash therefore no requirement of the bidder to increase its gearing
Soft acquisition defences
- Attack logic of the bid (where target firm is very different from bidder)
- Improve the image of the firm (highlight financial success)
- Attack the value creating record of the bidder where previous m&a may not have been successful
- Try to get an office for fair trading block to prevent m&a from taking place
- Encourage unions, positions, customers and suppliers to lobby
Hard acquisition defences
- Management buy out- where directors of target firm borrow in order to buy shares of target firm
- Share repurchase- target company buys the shares of the target firm market
- White knight- where the directors of target firm seek a better company to buy them out
- Poison pills- directors of target firm write contracts that will make them less attractive to the bid
- PAC-man defences- where the target directors seek to buy the bidding company (attack)
- Golden parachutes- target directors write contracts that are in their own interest