Mental Illness Study - Zapf et al. Flashcards
Examine the accuracy of the Fitness Interview Test, revised edition (FIT-R) as a screening instrument for assessing fitness to stand trial
Study 1 Participants
- 100 men remanded to Forensic Psychiatric Institute (FPI) in BC
- Most were single, white, unemployed
- Paid $5
Study 1 Measures
- Fitness Interview Test - Revised (FIT-R)
- Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R-Patient Edition (SCID-P)
- Screening measure
- Semi-structured interview assesses 3 psychological abilities in CCC fitness standard
3 Sections of the FIT-R
- Understanding the nature and object of the proceedings
- Understanding of possible consequences of proceedings
- Ability to communicate with counsel
Study 1 Procedure
-FIT-R and SCID-P administered
~Unfit= met criteria for mental disorder and impaired on 1+ of the 3 FIT-R criteria
-Coded official determination of fitness in the institution-based evaluation at FPI
Study 2 Participants
- 100 men identified as suffering from psychotic symptoms at time of admission
- most were single, white and unemployed
- Paid $5
Study 2 Procedure
-FIT-R and BPRS administered
~Unfit=met criteria for mental disorder by 1+ FIT-R psychological abilities
-Coded official determination of fitness in the institution-based evaluation at FPI