Mental hydraulics Flashcards
NP for TFT nozzles
100 psi
FL for 2.5” handline with TFT
15 psi per 100’
A 1 1/4” smooth bore require what NP
50 psi
A 1 3/4” smooth bore requires what NP
80 psi
You would calculate a ladder pipe or ground monitor master stream, with a fog nozzle flowing 750 gpm, using what friction loss variables?
2 - 2 1/2s = 30psi per 100’
3 - 2 1/2s = 15psi per 100’
4” = 10 psi per 100’
gpm for 1” smooth bore
210 gpm
FL for ladder pipe is
You add ____ psi for fog _____ psi smooth bore to this FL number
60 psi (elevation, back/head pressure)
100 psi for fog
80 psi smooth bore
total FL for ladder pipe with smooth bore?
Fog tip?
140 psi
160 psi
gpm for 1 1/8” smooth bore
265 gpm
EP for 300’ ,1 3/4” hose to the 3rd floor
200 psi
gpm 1 3/4” smooth bore
750 gpm
FL in 100’ of 4” hose flowing 1000 gpm
20 psi per 100’
gpm 1 1/2” smooth bore
500 gpm
If you doubled the gpm what happens to the FL
EP for 2 1/2” hose, 350’ long with a 1 1/8” tip
110 psi
EP for a ground monitor with 1000 gpm TFT, supplied by 3- 2 1/2” lines 300’ long
185 psi
600’ of 2 1/2” with a 1 1/8” tip, what is the EP
140 psi
EP if you have 2- 2 1/2” lines to a ground monitor with a 1 3/4” smooth bore and 400’ length
225 psi
2 1/2” hose line with a 1 1/4” tip 600’ long
170 psi
2- 2 1/2” lines to a ground monitor 200’ long with a 500 gpm TFT
165 psi
A 2 1/2” line, 700’ long with a 1 1/8” tip
155 psi
A 1 3/4” line, 300’ long with a TFT
190 psi
A 2 1/2” line 1000’ long with a 1” smooth bore
150 psi
A 2 1/2” line, 650’ long with a 1 1/4” smooth bore
190 psi
Pumping a ladder pipe with 300’ of 4” hose with a 2” smooth bore
200 psi
EP when pumping 2- 2 1/2” lines 400’ each to a ladder pipe with a 750 gpm fog nozzle
280 psi
EP for deck gun with a 500 gpm TFT
110 psi
100’ 1 3/4” stinger line
130 psi
EP for 700’ of 2 1/2” line with a TFT
205 psi
EP with a 400’ 2 1/2” line with a 1 1/4” tip
130 psi
200’ of 2 1/2” line with a 1” tip
70 psi
1- 2 1/2” hose line 100’ flowing 325 gpm
70 psi
400’, 1 3/4” hose line to the 6th floor
245 psi
2 1/2” hose line, 450’ long with a 1” straight bore nozzle
100 psi
EP for a single 2 1/2” hose line, 450’ long, pumping 250 gpm with a TFT
175 psi
EP for pumping a deck gun with a 1 3/4” smooth bore tip?
100 psi
750 gpm
EP pumping a deck gun with a 1000 gpm fog
130 psi
EP for a ground monitor with a 1 3/4” smooth bore tip supplied by 2- 2 1/2” hose lines 300’ long
195 psi
EP for a ladder pipe with a 750 gpm fog nozzle, supplied by 3- 2 1/2” hose lines, 200’ long
190 psi
EP for ladder pipe with 1 1/2” smooth bore supplied by 2- 2 1/2” hose lines, 150’ long
180 psi
FL for a dry standpipe appliance
150 psi
EP for 1” booster line? gpm?
200 psi
38 gpm
EP for 1 3/4 high rise pack is
120 psi
What psi would you pump the high rise pack to 2nd floor
150 psi
120 pack, 25 appliance, 5 floor
Max EP for large diameter hose
180 psi
What do we test are 4” at
300 psi
EP required when pumping to a standpipe with the high rise pack attached to the outlet on the 5th floor
165 psi
EP for a portable monitor with 1 1/2” smooth bore supplied by 4”, 250’ long
120 psi
EP for a portable monitor with 1 3/4” smooth bore, supplied by 3- 2 1/2” lines, 300’ long
150 psi
EP when pumping to a standpipe with a high rise pack attached to outlet on 9th floor
185 psi
EP for portable monitor with 750 gpm fog tip supplied by 4” hose, 350’ long
165 psi
EP for portable monitor with a 2” smooth bore supplied by 4” hoseline, 500’ long
205 psi
To convert 2- 2 1/2” siamese lines to a single 2 1/2” line, you divide one leg by?
convert 3- 2 1/2” lines divide by?
How much does a cubic foot of water weigh
62.5 lbs
weight of one gallon of water
8.35 lbs
what psi to pump to sprinkler system
150 psi
FL for ground monitor supplied by 2 lines,
1 1/2”
1 3/4”
20 psi 500 gpm
30 psi 750 gpm
40 psi 1000gpm
How many additional lines may be added if pressure between static and residual drops 0-10*
3 like lines
additional lines added if pressure drops above 25*
0- already have more going out than coming in, need another water supply
additonal lines added if pressure drops 11-15*
2 like lines
additional lines added if pressure drops 16-25*
1 like line
What are coefficients for: 1”, 1 1/2”, 1 3/4”, 2 1/2”, 4 ‘
150, 24, 15.5, 2, .2
Pressure at the bottom of a column of water 1 foot high
.434 (half pound per foot per floor, 5 psi per floor)
How many square inches in a square foot
144 square inches
How many cubic inches in a cubic foot
1728 cubic inches
Gallons in a cubic foot
7.48 gallons
Distance in feet that 1 pound pressure will raise water
2.304 feet
What is base pressure for ground monitor with fog tip
125 psi (100 NP + 25 appliance)
Base pressure for ladder pipe with fog tip?
smooth bore?
160 psi (60 FL + 100 NP) 140 psi (60 FL + 80 NP)
Breakdown of pumping high rise pack to 2nd floor
150 psi (50NP + 70FL+ 25 appliance + 5 per floor)
gpm of high rise nozzle and what is it
Metro One nozzle, 200 gpm constant gallonage
FL for ground monitor with 4” supply line. 1 1/2”, 1 3/4”, 2”
5 psi
10 psi
20 psi
FL for ground monitor supplied by 3- 2 1/2” hose lines:
1 1/2”, 1 3/4”, 2”
10 psi
15 psi
20 psi
how many gallons of water in 100’ 1 3/4”
12 gallons per 100’
how many gallons of water in 100’ 2 1/2”
25 gallons
how many gallons in 100’ 4”
65 gallons
EP for 2 1/2” hose line with a 1 1/8” 300’ long
95 psi
EP for 2 1/2” hose line 450’ long with a 11/4” tip?
150 psi