mental health report Flashcards
explanation of mental welling as a continuum
mental health is a term used to describe one’s mental state, it is compared with mental illness on the mental health continuum. mental well-being as a continuum, not only consists of being mentally healthy, but also mental health problems and mental disorders. individuals can move between states of flourishing and languishing on the continuum. both internal and external factors effect one’s mental well-being.
stress is a state of psychological and physical arousal caused by internal and external stressors, which are considered beyond a persons ability to cope with them.
a feeling of apprehension, dread or uneasiness in response to an unclear or ambiguous threat
defined as an intense, persistent and irrational fear, in response to a specific object, activity or situation.
stress, anxiety phobia
all tie in together as stress - anxiety-together cause phobia, which is mental disorder. stress anxiety contribute to mental disorder, but jot mental disorders in themselves, anxiety can become disordered
biological development
gaba dysfunction- makes post synaptic neurons less likely to fire. feels panicked around dogs, strengthens neural pathways making them more likely to fire in future, this is LTP
psychological causes
classical conditioning.. operant conditioning, negatively reinforcing, vicarious learning, catastrophic thinking
psychological causes
classical conditioning.. operant conditioning, negatively reinforcing, vicarious learning, catastrophic thinking
social causes
stigma, external and internal issues
biological treatment
bendoziazepunes, acts in gaba receptors in the brain to increase gabas inhibitory effects, stop post synaptic neurons. relaxation techniques, breathing retraining.
psychological treatment
cognitive behaviour therapy, challenges maladaptive thoughts. systematic desensitisation, fear hierarchy, use relaxation techniques in between
social treatment
psychoeducation, nature of illness, treatment plan, management strategies, challenge maladaptive thoughts discourage avoidance behaviours
patient confidentiality, withdrawal rights, aware of side effects of medication, placebo effect, experimenter effect, third party to eliminate bias and a double blind procedure
patient confidentiality, withdrawal rights, aware of side effects of medication, placebo effect, experimenter effect, third party to eliminate bias and a double blind procedure