Mental Health: Gottesman et al (2010) Flashcards
Summary and background
Investigated couples who have psychiatric illnesses and their offspring to calculate the risk of their offspring also being diagnosed with a psychiatric illness.
To investigate the importance of genetic influence on offspring, where both parents have been admitted with a severe psychiatric disorder.
Records of families from the national register in Denmark were used.
Participants were born or alive after 1968 and offspring followed up to 52 years old.
Patients were diagnosed used ICD-8 and ICD-10 to check for concurrent validity.
The study measures the cumulative incidences of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in the offspring up to the age of 52.
2 parents (w/ schizophrenia) = 3.9 times higher risk (than 1).
-> 27% incidence rate o also being diagnosed with schizophrenia.
1 parent (w/ S.) = 31.7 times higher risk (than 0).
-> 7%
Control group:
Risk of offspring being diagnosed = 1.12%
(Neither parent admitted = 0.48%)
There is a greater risk of being admitted with a psychological disorder if both parents have been admitted with a disorder, compared to the general population.
State the strengths of Gottesman et al’s study.
1- High in ecological validity
2- Representative sample
3- Ethical: records were available. Anonymity assured.
4- Valid: diagnosis over time from ICD-8 to ICD-10 was valid. (Concurrent validity).
5- Useful to advise people on risks associated with having children, adopting and genetic counselling.
State the weaknesses of Gottesman et al’s study.
1- Difficult to rule out influence of shared environment.
2- May be unethical to use results to discriminate people from having children, adopting or for increasing health insurance premiums.
3- May only apply to Denmark.
Issues & debates
-> Ecological validity
-> Concurrent validity (diagnosis in ICD-8 and ICD-10).
-> Population validity (looks at Denmark’s whole population - but can’t check for accuracy, which limits validity).
Issues & debates
Nature vs Nurture
Shows evidence for inheritability (impact genes have on) mental disorders e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder for parents’ offspring 67.5% were diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder when both parents diagnosed with schizophrenia.
However, shared environment may be a nurture influence.
Issues & debates
Less representative of other countries outside of Denmark.
However large sample size makes it more generalisable to everyone in Denmark.
Issues & debates
Determinism vs freewill
Study supports genetics / genes as being responsible for determining the likelihood of an individual / offspring developing a mental disorder (nature) e.g., schizophrenia / bipolar / unipolar disorder / depression.
This means the study believes the viewpoint that whether an individual develops a mental disorder is predetermined and thus not due to external factors e.g., environmental (nurture) or the decision the person makes.
Data from study allows potential parents to make an informed decision of whether to have a child e.g., if both / 1 parent(s) have a mental disorder, their child is likely to develop one, so could choose against it.
Issues & debates
Individual vs situational
Supports belief of genetics being responsible for behaviour by giving evidence for the probability that offspring will inherit the genes from their parents that would make them likely / not to develop a mental disorder, depending on whether their parent(s) have been diagnosed with one or not.
Study acknowledges that a shared environment could be an influence.
What are 2 suggestions a psychologist might make about how the findings could be used?
1- To conduct genetic counselling
For couples to offer support for people who have been diagnosed with a mental disorder.
E.g., giving advice / help with family planning -
-> Gottesman gives evidence for how there is a greater risk that the offspring would develop a MD if both parents have been diagnosed
-> could influence couple’s decision.
2- Findings could be used to aid / prompt future research.
Gives evidence for genes being responsible for mental illness.
-> If specific genes that are responsible for it can be identified (future research), it may be possible to use GENETIC ENGINEERING to prevent / decrease the chance that children develop MD especially with parents who both have been diagnosed (higher risk).
3- Suggest early interventions to help with parenting
(extension for genetic counselling).
4- Further research (extension)
-> Why some couples go on to have children with the same disorder as them, but not all do.
Genetic influence definition
The impact of inheritance on the likelihood of developing a mental disorder.
(E.g., schizophrenia / bipolar disorder).
Give one reason to agree with Gottesman
Ps were diagnosed using both the ICD-8 and ICD-10, meaning the study had high concurrent validity.
Give one reason to disagree with Gottesman
Ps were all from Denmark, meaning the sample is ethnocentric and therefore may not be generalisable to a larger population.
The population of Denmark (2.7 million) alive in or born after 1968 and with a clear link to their biological parents established from the civil registration system (followed up to 52 yrs old).
Children aged 10 years or older in 2007 with register link to parents.
What were the mental disorders the study looked at?
1- Schizophrenia
2- Bipolar disorder
3- Unipolar disorder
4- Depression
What was the control group?
A group of people with only one parent being admitted.
A group of people with neither parent admitted (clean group).
The general population (unclean group).
What were the different conditions in the study?
1- Admitted with both parents with schizophrenia / bipolar disorder.
2- 1 parent with schizophrenia / bipolar disorder.
3- 1 parent with bipolar & 1 with schizophrenia.
4- Neither parent ever admitted
5- General population.
How was the information (about the Ps) gathered?
Secondary data.
Used medical records and office for national statistics.
Why is this study useful?
-> Decisions about marriage and children
-> Genetically alter embryos to prevent disorder.
-> Find problem before it occurs.
Why is this study not useful?
-> May only apply to Denmark (ethnocentric).