mental health Flashcards
What is Mental Status
- a persons emotional (feeling), and cognitive (knowing) function.
- optimal functioning and optimal mental status aims toward simultaneous life satisfaction in work, caring relationships and within the self.
- a good balance that allows functioning socially and occupationally
What is a mental disorder
- apparent when a persons response is much greater than the expected reaction to a traumatic life event
- It is a significant behavioral or physiological pattern that is associated with distress (a painful symptom), or a disability ( impaired functioning).
- this pattern also has a significant risk of pain, disability, or death, or loss of freedom.
Organic disorders
- are due to brain disease of known specific cause
- delirium, dementia, alcohol and drug intoxication and withdrawl
Psychiatric mental disorders
- no organic etiology
- anxiety disorders, schizophrenia
What does a mental status assessment document?
- documents a dysfunction and determines how it affects self-care in everyday life
Mental status functioning must be _______, through assessing an individuals behaviors. It can not be scrutinized directly like heart sounds, or skin characteristics.
Being aware of one’s own existence, feelings, and thoughts and aware of the environment. This is the most elementary of mental status functions.
Using the voice to communicate one’s thoughts and feelings. This is a basic tool of humans, and its loss has a heavy social impact on the individual.
Mood and Affect
Both of these elements deal with the prevailing feelings; affect is a temporary expression of feelings or state of mind, and mood is more durable, a prolonged display of feelings that color the whole emotional life.
The awareness of the objective world in relation to the self.
The power of concentration, ability to focus on one specific thing without being distracted by environmental stimuli
The ability to lay down and store experiences and perceptions for later recall. Recent memory evokes day-to-day events; remote memory brings up years’ worth of experiences.
Abstract Reasoning
Pondering a deeper meaning beyond the concrete and literal.
Thought process
the way a person things, the logical train of thought
Thought content
WHAT the person thinks, specific ideas, beliefs, the use of words
An awareness of objects through the five senses
Mental status in the aging adult
- aging process leaves parameters of mental status intact mostly
- no decrease in general knowledge and little to no vocab loss
- Response time may be slower than youth- takes longer to process info and react to it
- performance on timed intelligence test may be lower for aging person due to time it takes to respond. Not because of intelligence decline .
- recent memory is decreased with aging (24-hr recall, names of new acquaintances, etc.)
- remote memory is not affected
Mental status exam is a systematic check of _____?
emotional and cognitive functioning
Mental status can usually be assessed how?
- thought the context of the health history interview. This is sufficient for most people.
- during the interview, keep in mind the 4 main headings of mental status assessment
1. Appearance 2. Behavior 3. Cognition 4. Thought Processes (ABCT)
When is it necessary to perform a full mental status exam?
- when you discover and abnormality in affect or behavior in the following situations:
Patients whose initial brief screening suggests an anxiety disorder or depression.
•Family members concerned about a person’s behavioral changes, such as memory loss, inappropriate social interaction.
•Brain lesions (trauma, tumor, brain attack [also known as cerebrovascular accident or stroke]). A mental status assessment documents any emotional or cognitive change associated with the lesion. Not recognizing these changes hinders care planning and creates problems with social readjustment.
•Aphasia (the impairment of language ability secondary to brain damage). A mental status examination assesses language dysfunction as well as any emotional problems associated with it, such as depression or agitation.
•Symptoms of psychiatric mental illness, especially with acute onset.
In every mental status examination, what factors should you note from the health history that could affect your interpretation of the findings?
- Any known illnesses or health problems, such as alcoholism or chronic renal disease.
- Current medications whose side effects may cause confusion or depression.
- The usual educational and behavioral level—note that factor as the normal baseline, and do not expect performance on the mental status examination to exceed it.
- Responses to personal history questions, indicating current stress, social interaction patterns, sleep habits, drug and alcohol use.
How are the steps of the mental status assessment carried out?
- It is performed in a hierarchy. Most basic functions (consciousness) are assessed first.
- these must be assessed to ensure validity for the steps to follow
- Example= if consciousness is clouded then the person cant be expected to have full attention to cooperate with new learning. Could lead to erroneous conclusions
What is included in assessing Appearance?
- Posture- should be erect, and position is relaxed
- Body Movements- should be voluntary, deliberate, coordinated, smooth, even.
- Dress- appropriate for setting, season, age, fits appropriately
- Grooming/Hygeine- clean, well groomed, clean nails, etc. Be careful to be sure this reflects S.E.S.
Abnormal Posture
Sitting on edge of chair or curled in bed, tense muscles, frowning, darting watchful eyes, restless pacing occur with anxiety and with hyperthyroidism. Sitting slumped in chair, slow walk, dragging feet occur with depression and some organic brain diseases.
Abnormal Body Movements
Restless, fidgety movements or hyperkinetic appearance occurs with anxiety.
Apathy and psychomotor slowing occur with depression and dementia.
Abnormal posturing and bizarre gestures occur with schizophrenia.
Facial grimaces.
Abnormal Dress
Inappropriate dress can occur with organic brain syndrome.
Eccentric dress combination and bizarre makeup occur with schizophrenia or manic syndrome.
Abnormal grooming/hygiene
Unilateral neglect (total inattention to one side of body) occurs following some cerebrovascular accidents.
Inappropriate dress, poor hygiene, and lack of concern with appearance occur with depression and severe Alzheimer disease. Meticulously dressed and groomed appearance and fastidious manner may occur with obsessive-compulsive disorders.
Assessing Behavior: Level of Consciousness
Person should be awake, alert, aware of stim from the environment and within self. Responds reasonably soon to stim.
Abnormal Findings: Level of Consciousness
- loses track of conversation, falls asleep
- lethargic, drowsy, obtunded/confused