Menstrual cycle II Flashcards
Describe dominant follicle selection and how does the switch to positive feedback occur ?
Where are LHr found on the follicle at this stage?
At the end of follicular phase E2 feedback becomes positive and persistent (300pM, 48H) causing exponential rise in LH that has to exceed a threshold.
This is what causes the release in LH
LH surge relatively precise predictor of timing of ovulation
Where are LHr found on the follicle at this stage?- Theca and granulosa cells in the dominant follicle
Describe the clearance of LH compared to HCG
LH is rapidly cleared from serum, in contrast to hCG which is cleared slowly & binds with great affinity to LHCGR
Describe the changes in the preovulatory follicle prior and after the LH surge
a) ) Preovulatory follicle prior to the LH surge:
- oocyte is surrounded by the zona pelucida and cumulus granulosa cells that connect to the mural granulosa cells that line the interior of the follicle.
-The granulosa cell compartment is separated from the theca cell compartment by a basal lamina. The theca cell compartment is composed of an inner theca interna and an outer theca externa. Unlike the granulosa cell compartment, the theca cell layer is highly vascularized (red). Circulating leukocytes are present in the vessels. The theca externa blends into a layer of connective tissue that is separated from the ovarian surface epithelium by a basal lamina.
The preovulatory follicle after LH stimulation:
-Loss of OSE & breakdown of underlying basal lamina and GC & TC at apex to allow for rupture.
-GC basal lamina is disrupted allowing extension of blood vessels into GC layer and for infiltration of theca cells & leukocytes into GC compartment. COC detaches from surrounding GC to expand.
What factors are responsible for holding the oocyte in meiotic arrest?
-High cAMP → keep maturation promoting factor (MPF) inactive
-cGMP enters oocytes from cumulus cells via gap junctions to inhibit oocyte cAMP phosphodiesterase PDE3A activity (PDE3A normally degrades cAMP)
other cells/ ovarian environment & integrity of the follicle?
What are the effects of LH in ovulation
Within 3-12h of LH surge we see:
- Detachment of COC from surrounding mural GC, followed by cumulus cell expansion – formation of unique extracellular matrix between cumulus cells (aka “mucification”)
Comprised of long chains of hyaluronan
Visco-elastic properties of CC matrix important for successful ovulation, ovum pick up by oviducts and penetration of sperm - ↓cGMP production and closure of gap junctions
3.Activation of PDE3A → ↓cAMP → activation of pathways leading to breakdown of nuclear membrane in primary oocyte aka germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD)
4.Resumption of meiosis in oocyte → completion of Meiosis I & release of 1st polar body
5/Arrests again in Metaphase II
How is cAMP produced endogenously
The cAMP is produced endogenously in oocyte through the stimulation of the Gs G-protein by the GPR3, transported into oocyte from adjacent cumulus cells, and/or held by PDE3A inhibitor(s) in the follicular environment.
What are the proposed models for the for maintenance of meiotic arrest at diplotene stage in follicular oocyte.
Refer to diagram form slide 7
The NO produced through nitric oxide synthases in cumulus-granulosa cells stimulate generation of cGMP through GCs pathway. The cGMP from encircling somatic cells is transferred though gap junctions to the oocyte. An increased level of intraoocyte cGMP level may inactivate PDE3A in the oocyte. The NO is also produced by oocyte itself through iNOS-mediated pathway and possibly inhibits PDE3A through cGMP pathway. The inhibition of oocyte PDE3A prevents cAMP hydrolysis and increase intraoocyte cAMP level. The increased cAMP level may activate PKA which in turn inactivate CDC25B phosphatase and thereby MPF. The inactive MPF does not induce meiotic resumption and diplotene arrest is maintained. The reduced production of H2O2 and Ca2+ release from mitochondria may also maintain meiotic arrest at diplotene arrest.
2b: A proposed model of LH/hCG-induced meiotic resumption from diplotene arrest in in preovulatory oocyte. LH/hCG reduces iNOS activity and induces disruption of gap junctions between cumulus-granulosa cells and oocyte. The interruption of communication between cumulus-granulosa cells and oocyte may block the transfer of cGMP produced through NO–GCs pathway. The reduced iNOS activity and thereby decreased intraoocyte NO level further decreases oocyte cGMP level. The net reduction in cGMP level may activate PDE3A that reduces cAMP level generated by oocyte itself through GPR3/AC pathway. The decrease in the cAMP level results in the inactivation of PKA activity, which in turn stimulates CDC25B phosphatase in the oocyte. The activated CDC25B phosphatase induces MPF activity that finally induces resumption of meiosis. Generation of tonic level of ROS and Ca2+ release from mitochondria may also be associated with the induction of meiotic resumption from diplotene arrest
What happens to the oocyte upon the completion of meiosis? & Why is there an unequal division of the cytoplasm ?
Early oocytes classified as immature i.e. at germinal vesicle (GV) or metaphase 1 stage
Meiosis I is completed with half chromosomes but nearly all cytoplasm remaining in the secondary oocyte
Remaining chromosomes move with small bag of cytoplasm to form discarded polar body (PB)
Why unequal division of cytoplasm?
secondary oocyte contains all the nutrients to nurture the oocyte. Need to conserve for the oocyte all the materials synthesised earlier - takes the fertilised zygote through growth and implantation
describe meiosis in the oocyte
Chromosomes of secondary oocyte immediately enter 2nd meiotic division, form the 2nd metaphase spindle and arrest
This arrest is maintained by cytostatic factor (protein complex)
Egg is ovulated in this arrested state
What are the other effects of the LH surge
LH surge induces expression of progesterone receptor (PR) in GC in all species and results in luteinisation of DF cells (both granulosa and theca)
E2 production falls and P is stimulated (P & 17α-OHP)
Blood flow to the follicle increases & new vessels appear in avascular GC
Prostaglandins and proteolytic enzymes eg collagenase and plasmin, are increased in response to LH and progesterone. What do they do?
Digest collagen in follicle wall
appearance of apex or stigma on ovary wall
What stimulates ovulation?
Cascade of events → release of COC → Ovulation
Increased secretion of chemokine/cytokines from GC & TC triggers massive infiltration of leukocytes from circulation → acute inflammatory response
In humans – ovulation occurs randomly from either ovary during a given cycles, some indication more common from right ovary
Progesterone essential for ovulation
Progesterone inhibitor (RU486) suppress ovulation
Prostaglandins-E and -F and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (HETE metabolite of arachidonic acid) reach a peak level in follicular fluid just prior to ovulation
Prostaglandins stimulate proteolytic enzymes (proteases)
HETEs may stimulate angiogenesis and hyperemia (↑blood flow)
Of interest, some studies have suggested that ovulation occurs more commonly from the right ovary and right sided ovulation carries a higher potential for pregnancy [34].
The mechanism causing the postovulatory fall in LH is unknown. The decline in LH may be due to the loss of the positive feedback effect of estrogen, due to the increasing inhibitory feedback effect of progesterone, or due to a depletion of LH content of the pituitary from downregulation of GnRH receptors
Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid methyl esters (HETEs) are metabolites of arachidonic acid that are generated along with prostaglandins (PGs) during acute inflammatory reactions.
Hyperemia = increase of blood flow
What is the fundamental aspect of follicle rupture in ovulation
No increase in intra-follicular pressure
Progressive weakening of stigma region and OSE overlying follicle prior to rupture – fundamental aspect
The first major advance beyond this descriptive stage came with the demonstration that antral pressure does not increase prior to follicle rupture. This observation eliminated a number of hypotheses concerning ovulation and focused attention on the deterioration and weakening of the follicle wall at the stigma. That the follicle wall weakness prior to rupture is established beyond doubt by gross observations of its increased fragility during various manipulative procedures, by stress-strain measurements in vivo and in vitro, and by histological observations. Progressive weakening of the stigma region by thinning and degeneration is a fundamental aspect of the preovulatory maturation of follicles, and it would appear to be a necessary prerequisite to rupture.
What is involved in the rupture of the ovarian wall?
check diagram
OSE=simple layer of epithelieal cells (squamous/cuboidal/columnar depending on location), which is supported by a basement membrane that lies over the TA (held together by desmosomes and gap/tight junctions). Preferential growth of the DF brings it in close apposition with the OSE.
LH stimulates secretion of Plasminogen Activator (PA)
Collagenase disrupts fibril network of theca & tunica albuginea & promotes digestion of basement membrane of follicle and OSE
TNF induces cell death, proteolysis, stigma formation and eventual follicular rupture
detailed exp: LH from circulation (acts on follicle of course to resume meiosis etc) but also binds to LHRs on OSE, to cause release of plasminogen activator, which converts Plasminogen to Plasmin. This then activated collagenase via MMP-1 formation to disrupt the fibril network in tunica albuginea and also digest basement membranes of follicle and OSE. Also get cytokine production, primarily TNFalpha, which also induces proteolysis via MMP-2 production and promotes apoptosis, stigma formation and eventual rupture.
What happens upon ovulation
Secondary oocyte (arrested in metaphase II) with cumulus cells is extruded from the ovary
follicular fluid may pour into Pouch of Douglas
egg ‘collected’ by fimbria of uterine tube
egg progresses down tube by peristalsis and action of cilia
Ciliated cells are controlled by which hormones?- oestrogen
Residual part of follicle collapses into space left by fluid – a clot forms and whole structure become corpus luteum
How is inflammation associated with ovulation?
The follicular fluid is “inflammatory”
Inflammation definitely present, but too much is detrimental…
Higher “inflammation markers” in FF associated with decreased pregnancy rate (specifically C Reactive Protein, CRP)
Gingivitis associated with poorer IVF outcomes!
How does the ovulatory wound heal?
Ovary faces monumental task of repairing damage caused by follicle rupture after each ovulation
Basic steps are known but the underlying mechanisms are still unknown
Interestingly the ovulation wounds scar, but not for long – quick resolution
Maybe steroidogenic environment helps – mitogenic (oestrogen)
Recently identified stem cell/progenitor population that may contribute to maintenance of OSE
What are the signs of ovulation
A slight rise in basal body temperature, typically 0.5 to 1 degree, measured by a thermometer
Tender breasts
Abdominal bloating
Light spotting
Changes in cervical mucus
Slight pain or ache on one side of the abdomen
Describe the changes in the cervical mucus- how can you tell your ovuluation
The cervical mucus or cervical fluid changes throughout MC
Immediately after menstruation, the cervical mucous is scant and viscous
In late follicular phase, ↑ E2 levels, the cervical mucous becomes clear, copious and elastic.
Quantity ↑ 30 fold compared to EFP
The stretchability/elasticity of cervical mucous evaluated between two glass slides and recorded as the spinnbarkeit
After ovulation, ↑progesterone levels, the cervical mucous again becomes thick, viscous and opaque and ↓ quantity produced
How can you predict ovulation?
The use of apps that record detailed menstrual cycle data presents a new opportunity to study the menstrual cycle
The mean follicular phase length was 16.9 days (95% CI: 10-30) and mean luteal phase length was 12.4 days (95% CI: 7-17) NPJ Digit Med 2019 Aug 27;2:83. doi: 10.1038/s41746-019-0152-7. eCollection 2019
Mean cycle length was 28 days (range: 23–35); 34% of women believed they had a 28-day cycle, but only 15% did.
Ovulation day varies considerably for any given menstrual cycle length, thus it is not possible for calendar/app methods that use cycle-length information alone to accurately predict the day of ovulation.
In order to identify the fertile period it is important to track physiological parameters such as basal body temperature and not just cycle length.
Study– how were Menstrual Cycle Length and Covid-19 linked
Our primary outcome was the mean change within individuals in cycle length (in days), from the three cycle prevaccination average to the first vaccine dose cycle, comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated groups.
For vaccinated individuals, cycle four was the first vaccine dose cycle; the cycle of the second dose varied based on when this second vaccine dose occurred (cycles four through 13), if applicable. We designated the cycle after the second vaccine dose cycle as the postvaccine cycle in order to determine whether any menstrual cycle changes attenuate or disappear after vaccination.
For the unvaccinated cohort, we designated cycle four as the notional first vaccine dose cycle, cycle five (the cycle when the largest proportion of vaccinated individuals received their second dose) as the notional second vaccine dose cycle, and cycle six as the postvaccine cycle; cycles one, two, and three were considered the equivalent of pre-vaccination cycles.
Cycle length changes due to covid-19 vaccination appear similar across the different vaccine types. We found no differences in menses length in any group of vaccinated individuals, compared with the unvaccinated cohort.
What do ovulation prediction kits measure
The Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test accurately tracks a woman’s personal menstrual cycle to identify a wider fertile window than other home ovulation tests, by tracking the changing levels in the urinary metabolites of E3G and LH.
E3G is urinary metabolite of oestradiol, allowing women to identify days of high fertility leading up to ovulation
By measuring these 2 hormones, the Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test typically identifies 4 fertile days, 2 more than any other ovulation test, for more opportunities to get pregnant naturally.12 The Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test is more than 99% accurate at detecting the LH surge.13 The digital display shows an unmistakable result in the form of a smiley face when a fertile day is detected.
Lifespan of the egg → up to 24h after ovulation
Lifespan of sperm → median=1.5days but sperm can survive up to 5 days in the sperm supportive mucus of fertile days of cycle » sperm survival is dependent on the type & quantity of mucus within cervix AND the quality of the sperm
Describe the formation of the corpus luteum
Massive angiogenesis to form new capillaries
The luteinized granulosa cells combine with newly formed theca-lutein cells and surrounding stroma in the ovary to become the corpus luteum (CL).
The corpus luteum is a transient endocrine organ that predominantly secretes progesterone, and its primary function is to prepare the estrogen primed endometrium for implantation of the fertilized ovum. The basal lamina dissolves and capillaries invade into the granulosa layer of cells in response to secretion of angiogenic factors by the granulosa and thecal cells [43]. Eight or nine days after ovulation, approximately around the time of expected implantation, peak vascularization is achieved. This time also corresponds to peak serum levels of progesterone and estradiol.
What hormones are made by the corpus luteum
Hormones made by corpus luteum:
describe the demise of the corpus luteum
What determines the life-span of the CL?
Life span of CL depends on continued LH support or hCG from pregnancy (luteotrophic support)
Process is not well understood
In humans and higher primates NOT due to luteolytic agents but loss of luteotrophic support (i.e. below threshold levels of LH enough for maintenance for a whilst)
CL undergoes luteolysis if no pregnancy and forms a scar tissue called the corpus albicans.
Cell death occurs, vasculature breakdown, CL shrinks
removal of CL essential to initiate new cycle
Describe menstruation
Progesterone withdrawal results in increased coiling and constriction of spiral arterioles
Endometrium releases prostaglandins that cause contractions of uterine smooth muscle and sloughing of degraded endometrial tissue
Use of prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors decreases amount of menstrual bleeding
Average duration of menstrual flow is 4-6 days (range 2-8 days)
Average amount of menstrual blood loss is 30ml with >80ml abnormal
What are the non-ovarian & ovarian causes anovulation
Anovulation is a common cause of infertility in women – affecting up to 40% of infertile women.
Can be due to non-ovarian causes eg obesity, thyroid disorders
Ovarian causes can be - primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) aka premature ovarian failure due to loss of follicles
Luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome (LUF)
Effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS
What are the disorders that prevent ovulation:
Luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome (LUF)
Effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Describe Luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome (LUF)
Normal follicle growth in follicular phase and normal hormonal profile but absence of follicle rupture and no release of oocytes
Form a CL with trapped oocyte and luteal phase length is normal
Diagnose using repeated transvaginal ultrasound
LUF occurs in women with normal menstrual cycle at rate of 5% but in infertile women at rate of >25% (reviewed Duffy et al, 2019, Endocrine Reviews, 40:369-416)
Linked to dysregulation of ovulation associated inflammatory changes
e.g. reduction in prostaglandin synthesis/action. EVIDENCE: Patients treated with high dose prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors (eg Indomethacin) → block in prostaglandin production and follicular rupture
The lack of cytokine - Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 3 (CSF3) - has been linked to LUF formation in infertile women. In anovulatory women, a single injection of CSF3 during late follicular phase resulted in ovulation in most of the women
How do NSAIDs affect LUFs
NSAIDs commonly used for relieving pain, lowering fever and reducing swelling.
NSAIDs work by suppressing prostaglandins, the essential stimulators of inflammation
Concept of ovulation as an “inflammatory response” → concern regarding effects of NSAIDs and ovulation
Ovarian follicle expresses 2 types of prostaglandin synthase – PTGS1 (constitutive) and PTGS2 (inducible)
↑PTSG2 expression just before ovulation
Administration of NSAID that specifically inhibit PTGS2 → delayed follicle rupture & oocyte release
Most studies of NSAID inhibition of ovulation use doses that are at or above the maximum dose prescribed