Menstrual Cycle - Follicular and Luteal Phase Flashcards
Why is pulsatile GnRH important?
− The pulses can be released in different frequencies, and this is important as it has an impact on which gonadotrophin is released
− Pulses are also important for keeping the receptor on the cell surface – if stimulation were continuous, the receptor would be downregulated and internalized.
What subunits do FSH and LH consist of?
- Dimeric glycoproteins – alpha and beta subunit
* Alpha subunits are identify in both, the beta subunit confers hormone specificity
Describe the acidic forms of FSH and LH?
Decreased receptor binding
Decreased bioactivity
Longer half life
- -> might be involved in the early follicular phase.
- -> seems to be present more in women who have gone through h menopause
Describe the basic form of FSH and LH?
More bioactive
Shorter half life
- -> may be involved in the late follicular phase, when we need to select the dominant follicle.
- -> More prevalent in women of reproductive age.
Describe the LH and FSH receptors
• GPCRs present on somatic cells in the ovarian follicles
• Generally coupled to Gas
− Activates adenylate cyclase which causes the conversion of ATP to cAMP
− cAMP activates PKA
− PKA phosphorylates and activates Arg-arg-X-ser/thr-X motifs in proteins
− These proteins can be enzymes involved in steroidogenesis
What pulses stimulate FSH?
Slow GnRH pulses - 1 every 2 to 3 hours
What pulses stimulate LH?
Fast GnRH pulses - more than 1 pulse an hour
How is FSH packaged within the cell?
Very little storage -released constitutively
How is LH packaged within the cell?
In electron dense granules, in association with the storage protein secretogranin.
Describe follicular development from germ cells to the primordial follicle
• Begins before the female is born → begins before birth, accelerates at puberty and ends at menopause.
- During week 4 of gestation, primordial germ cells migrate form the yolk sac to the fetal ovary and differentiate into oogonia.
- Mitosis occurs, but there is incomplete cytokinesis – leaves interconnected cells known as germ cell cysts/nests.
- Many germ cell cysts are lost by apoptosis, but between the 3rd and 7th month of gestation, they prepare to undergo meiosis – but become arrested in prophase I → this is the primary oocyte.
- The intracellular bridges break down, and you get enclosure of a single oocyte within a single layer of somatic cells – granulosa cells → This gives you the primordial follicle.
− It is thought around the time of birth, a female will have around 1 million primordial follicles
− they stay in arrested prophase I until they enter puberty
− environmental contaminants may results in a follicle that has two oocytes, not one. This is recognized as abnormal, and is destroyed. This has an effect on the reproductive lifespan of the individual.
White et al, 2010
The original dogma has always been that mitotic proliferation of oogonia is restricted to fetal life, but this is now being challenged due to the discovery of oogonial stem cells in the ovary:
• White et al, 2010:
• Studies have independently shown that mouse OSCs can be isolated form adult ovaries for long-term propagation in vitro, and for generation of fertilisation competent eggs in vivo afer intraovarian transplant.
• Other work has reported that de novo oocyte formation in adult mouse ovaries can be stimulated by small molecule inhibitors of histone deacetylases
• The potential clinical relevance of these findings with mice is unclear because of a lack of definitive evidence that ovaries of reproductive-age women contain a comparable population of oocyte-producing germline cells that match the characteristic features of mouse OSCs.
• Method below describes a way of purifying viable OSCs from adult mouse and human ovary tissue:
− Isolated cells expressing DDX4 from the human adult ovary (germ cell specific RNA helicase)
− Labelled them with GFP
− Introduced these cells to human ovary biopsies
− Found to be numerous GFP positive cells throughout the tissue. and these formed aggregates that look similar to follicles.
− Put this biopsies into SCID mice → GFP labeled cells look to be forming primordial follicles
➢ This work shows you can get follicles from mitotically active germ cells present in the adult ovary
• Could have a huge impact on ART in older women
Describe a primordial follicle
- Primary oocytes are located in the outer portion of the cortex
- A single squamous layer of follicle cells surrounds each primary oocyte, forming a primordial follicle
Describe a primary follicle
- Primordial follicles are activated to form primary follicles
- Follicular cells enlarge, forming several layers of cells around the growing primary oocyte → granulosa cells.
- Microvilli from the surrounding follicular cells intermingle with microvilla on the surface of the oocyte, forming the zona pellucida → the glycoprotein region that sperm need to penetrate.
- The microvilli increase the surface area for transfer of materials from the granulosa cells to the oocyte
Describe a secondary follicle
• Only a few primary follicles mature further
• The wall of the follicle thickens, and the deeper follicular cells secrete follicular fluid which accumulates in small pockets
• This pockets expand and separate the inner and outer layer of the follicle.
• Adjacent cells form a layer of thecal cells (contaiing LH receptors):
− Theca interna → sex steroid synthesis
− Theca externa → structural support
What are oocyte secreted factors, and what is their role?
Oocyte secreted factors (paracrine factors)
• GDF9 (stimulatory)– absence causes sterility
• BMP 15 (stimulatory) – absence causes sterility
• FOXO (inhibitory)– inhibit PI3K/AKT signaling until de-depression by Kit
These bind to cell surface ser/thr kinases and activate Smad signaling molecules. This results in translocation to the nucleus, where they act as transcription factors
OSFs regulate granulosa cell: • Proliferation and differentiation • matrix production (important after ovulation, as it says with the ovulated oocyte, allowing it to migrate down the fallopian tube) • Estradiol production • Metabolism
What are granulosa cell secreted factors, and what is their role?
- Kit ligand (stimulatory) – stimulates growth and survival via oocyte expressed Kit
- AMH (inhibitory)– anti mullerian hormone. Women can take a test to measure their ovarian reserve – this is AMH. AMH suppresses early stage follicular growth. If a womans AMH levels are low, her ability to suppress follicle development is poor, so many of her follicles will already have developed. She will therefore have a low follicle reserve
• The granulosa cells influence the oocytes nutrition.
− Oocyte cant metabolise gluycose, cant take up alanine and cant take up cholesterol
− It outsources the metabolism to granulosa cells
− Granulosa cells metabolise the nutrients, then pass them through the finger like projections to the oocyte
− Thought that this may protect the oocyte from catabolic metabolism and oxidative sress
• The granulosa cell also influences the oocyte meitotic arrest – keeps the oocyte in meiosis I.
− They supply the oocyte with cAMP and cGMP
− cGMP prevents the hydrolysis of cAMP
− This active cAMP activates a signaling pathway, which culminates in maturation promotion factor inhibition, promoting cell cycle arrest.
How do the granulosa cells and the oocyte communicate?
- The oocyte and granulosa cells are quite a distance away because of the glycoprotein zona pellucida
- The granulosa cells influence the oocyte via gap junctions – the granulosa cell has finger-like projections through the zona. Connexin 43 is important in this gap formation
Describe a tertiary follicle
- Primary and secondary follicle development is happening all the time – only a single secondary follicle is destined for further development.
- This happens every menstrual cycle → is FSH dependent.
- Granulosa cells differentiate into mural granulosa cells that form a wall around the edge, and cumulus granulosa cells that surround the oocyte.
- The oocyte projects into the antrum – an expanded central chamber of the follicle generated by the secretion of follicular liquid by the two layers of granulosa cells → FSH dependent
- These tertiary follicles also produce sex steroids.
- The follcile spands the entire width of the ovarian cortex, and distorts the capsule creating a buldge on the ovary surface
• Thecal and granulosa cells work together to produce the sex hormones
− LH stimulates the theca to produce androgens
− FSH induces granulosa cells to synthesise aromatase which converts androgens to estrogens
Describe hormonal influences in the follicular phase:
Early follicular phase:
• Not much estrogen production, therefore no negative feedback to the hypothalamus
• Slow pulses of GnRH simulate increase in FSH → early phase is dominated by FSH
• Causes the secondary follicles to being to differentiate into tertiary follicles.
- Activin at this stage - promotes production of FSH
Mid follicular phase:
• Gonadotrophins stimulate androgen production by the thecal cells, these are aromatized to form the estrogens.
− The theca interna expresses the LH receptor
− LH binds to the receptor on the theca interna in the tertiary follicle
− The thecal cells then produce androgen
− Androgens are lipophilic – they diffuse across the plasma membrane of the neighbouring granulosa cell
− The granulosa cell expresses the receptor for FSH. FSH binding stimulates the activity of aromatase
− As a consequence, testosterone is convered to 17B-estradiol
So just like in the male, sex steroid production is a cooperation between two somatic cell types, the thecal cell (analogous to the leydig cells) and the granulosa cells (analogous to the sertoli cell).
• As the tertiary follicle is stimulated by FSH and LH, you get much more estrogen being produced.
• As a consequence of this, you get a negative feedback to the hypothalamus, and then FSH levels start to drop.
- Inhibin is also predominanting later on, this suppresses FSH.
Late follicular phase:
• Follicles are producing high amounts of estrogen
• Eventually estrogen crosses a threshold that gives positive feedback rather than negative → only occurs in females, result of estrogen stimulating kisspeptin receptors on the AVPV
- ER-a is essential for positive feedback, however → GnRH neurons only express ER-B
- Suggests that estrogen cannot be stimulating GnRH neurons directly
- Not only does the AVPV have more kisspeptin neurons in females, these neurons express ER-a
- Mutations in the Kiss1 gene or GPR54 block the LH surge
What are the 3 things involved in dominant follicle selection?
- Oocyte secreted factors (GDF-9 & BMP-15) –> cause granulosa cells to proliferate. Granulosa cells produce estrogen, so more granulosa cells = more estrogen.
- Sensitivity to the decline of FSH –> mediated by Activin/Inhibin and Estradiol
- Insulin-like growth factors
What is the role of Activin in dominant follicle selection?
− Enhances granulosa cell proliferation
− Stimulates FSH production
− Promotes sensitivity to FSH
What is the role of Inhibin in dominant follicle selection?
− Inhibits FSH production
− Sensitises the follicle to FSH
− Promotes LH stimulated androgen production
What is the role of Estradiol in dominant follicle selection?
- The theca interna is responsible for the production of androstenedione, and indirectly the production of 17B-estradiol, by supplying the granulosa cells with androstenedione that is converted to 17B-estradiol by aromatase in the granulosa cells.
- FSH induces the granulosa cells to make aromatase
- The resultant estradiol stimulates the formation of LH receptors on granulosa cells, which usually just have FSH receptors
So estrogen:
• Has an autocrine effect –acts back on the granulosa cels to enhance aromatase activity to increase its own production
• Stimulates the granulosa LH receptor – so the follicle will be responsive to the LH surge
• Suppresses FSH – feeds back to the arcuate nucleus, causing a decrease in GnRH production and a suppression of FSH.
What is the role of IGFs in dominant follicle selection?
• Cause an increase in the follicular fluid of the dominant follicle
• Augments the stimulatory effects of gonadotrophins on steroidogenesis
• Stimulates granulosa cell proliferation
• IGH binding proteins inhibit IGF activity and follicular development – you need suppression of this for IGF activity
− FSH suppresses IGF binding protein production
• Proteolysis of IGF binfing proteins 4 and 5 have been detected in the follicular fluid of several species
• The putative proteases for this are: kallikreins, MMPs and PAPP-a
− FSH stimulates IGF binding protein protease activity
What are the 4 features of the dominant follicle?
High inhibin: low activin ratio
Sensitive to low FSH levels
High IGF: IGFBP ratio
Express LH receptors on the granulosa cells
What are the 4 features of the retarded follicle?
Low inhibin: High activin ratio
Insensitive to low FSH levels
Low IGF: IGFBP ratio
Unresponsive to LH
What does LH stimulate during the LH surge?
• Resumption of meiosis
− Oocyte completes the 1st meiotic division
− Forms the secondary oocyte → arrested in metaphase of meiosis II
- LH binds to the LH receptor in the granulosa cells
- Leads to the production of EGF like proteins and stimulates a signaling cascade involving MAPK
- This leads to phosphorylation of connexins (important for the gap junction formation between the granulosa cells and the oocyte)
- This disrupts the entry of cAMP and cGMP into the cell – so cAMP not hydrolysed – so you lose the pathway that leads to MPF inhibition
- MPF is now activated – so meiosis can resume.
LH also stimulates:
- Progesterone secretion
- Ovulation
How is oocyte meiosis asymmetric in size?
• Meiosis I generates:
− large, polarized secondary oocyte (1/2 chromosomes, all the cytoplasm)
− A small polar body (1/2 chromosomes, no cytoplasm)
• Meiosis II is only completed at fertilization
− When this is completed, you get the second polar body
How do you get this asymmetric division and why is it important?
• Asymmetric division – the spindle is acentric
− spindle positioned by microfilaments, myosins, MLCK
− corticle granule and microvilli reorganization by small GTPases
• Asymmetric division important for maintenance of cytoplasmic stores for the oocyte (contains all the organelles), sperm binding, and generating the correct chromosome complement.
• The microvilli are organised so they are not at the place where the chromosomal material is excluded – this is a security mechanism to ensure the incoming genetic material is at a different position to the outgoing.
Describe the role of the corpus luteum
- After ovulation, what is left of the follicle is known as the corpus luteum
- Thecal cells are now small lutein cells → produce progesterone (previously were producing androgen)
- Granulosa cells are now large lutein cells → producing both progesterone and estradiol (so there is still estrogen production, but progesterone is dominant).
- LH is required for the maintenance of the corpus luteum.
Describe hormonal influences in the luteal phase
Early luteal phase:
• Progesterone production is increasing as we now have the corpus letum
• Progesterone acts on the uterus, which is now in its secretory phase
Late luteal phase:
• Sustained high levels of progesterone and estrogen have negative feedback on the arcuate nucleus
• Causes decreased firing through kisspeptin neurons, decreased GnRH and decreased LH
• LH is needed to maintain the corpus luteum – decreased LH causes degeneration
• Leads to decrased estrogen and progesterone.