menstraul cycle Flashcards
is the absence of menstruation, often defined as missing one or more menstrual periods:
primary amenorrhea
absence of menstruation by age 14 without sex. characteristics. absence of menstruation by age 16 with sex. characteristics
secondary ammenorrhea
This is when a woman who already menstruates does not get her period for 3 months or more.
irregular, frequent bleeding
defined as excessive and prolonged uterine bleeding occurring at irregular and/or frequent intervals
menstrual bleeding/menses occurring less frequently
than 36 days apart
IUD does not need to remove it, reassess 48 hrs, cont abx, then consider removing ONLY AFTER ABX is done. IF removed start Emergency contraceptive pills
46 years old Hx of HTN, when can she stop contraception, when can she stop?
still needed women >44 years old, she can use condoms instead.
Hysterectopy sterilization
she will need uses contraception for 3 months when she has the hysteroligram - confirming bilat tubal plugged up
how to treat a patient with endometriosis
heavy menstrual bleeding.
Prolonged or excessive menstrual blood
loss with regular cycles
Midcycle bleeding
light menstrual
bleeding occurring in ovulatory women at
the midcycle estradiol trough
frequent menstrual
bleeding/menses occurring more frequently
than 21 days apart
Contact bleeding
post coidal bleeding
painful menstrual cyle
Primary Dysmenorrhea
no pelvic pathology, begins 1 to 2
years after onset of menstruation;
associated with ovular cycle
Secondary Dysmenorrhea
accompanied by pelvic
pathology such as endometriosis, PID,
fibroids, adenomyosis, and endometrial
Biphosphonates(Fosamax)- first line agent for osteoporosis(prevention for fractures)
Give with water 60 min before anything goes into mouth, AVOID laying down for 60Min. Walk around.
Period immediately prior to menopause and first year after menopause average 5 years prior to menopause
Midlife menopause term
Perimenopause and early menopause
Climateric menopause term
The phase during the aging of women marking the transition from the reproductive to the non reproductive states