Mens Rea And Actus Reus Flashcards
R v Pittwood 1902
Criminal liability where the defendant is under a contractual duty to act.
R v Stone and Dobinson
Criminal liability for failing to act when there is a special relationship between the victim and the defendant.
Transferred Malice
R v Latimer 1886 - mens rea will only be transferred when the same criminal act has been committed.
R v Miller 1983
Criminal liability where the defendant has created a dangerous situation.
R v Woollin 1999
Authority for indirect intent.
Case authority for indirect intent
Nedrick 1986
Direct Intent
A person directly intended to commit the offence in question.
Cunningham - a defendant can only be convicted of recklessness if he did, in fact, foresee the risk and went on, with that foresight, to take that risk. Therefore, the test of recklessness in subjective.
Criminal Liability for Omissions
1) where there is a special relationship between the victim and the defendant.
2) where the defendant is under a contractual duty to act.
3) where the defendant is under a statutory duty to act.
4) where the defendant has created a dangerous situation.
Indirect Intent
A person did not directly intend to commit the offence in question, but: 1) the action performed has a virtually certain consequence, 2) the person in question did foresee the act to have a virtually certain consequence.