Menopause Flashcards
Agents that reliabily improve \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: estrogen acupuncture venlafaxine (Effexor) placebo
hot flashes
the most reliable determinant of whether a woman has reached menopause
LMP 12 full months ago or longer
estrogen+progestin ___________ the risk of colorectal cancer
most effective therapy for hot flashes
dyspareunia can often be resolved with:
vaginal estrogen
normal physiologic change in the HPO axis which causes the ovaries to stop functioning and periods to stop marking the end of reproductive years
usual age of menopause =
average age of menopause =
average 51
Diagnostics for ___________
Periods stop for 12 consecutive months w/o taking exogenous hormones (using LMP)
Lab hormone testing (not recommended during perimenopause)
Hormone Changes during ____________:
Fewer ovarian follicles develop w/ each cycle →
those follicles less responsive to FSH
ovaries have less estradiol, progesterone, and androgens →
negative feedback loop is lost
anterior pituitary production of FSH and LH continues
Eventually, ___________ stops which causes hormone levels to stop fluctuating making periods stop
follicle production
FSH during ____________:
follicles less responsive to FSH → eventually remains high
FSH during ____________:
HIGH in response to decreased estrogen → ovarian stromal tissues to increase testosterone production
Increase to >/=30– likely indicates menopause (not required for dx)
LH during ___________:
eventually remains HIGH
LH during ___________:
HIGH in response to decreased estrogen → ovarian stromal tissues to increase testosterone production
Estrogen during ___________:
Ovaries produce less estradiol, progesterone, and androgens so estrogen eventually remains LOW
most potent form of estrogen, mainly in reproductive years, low in postmenopausal years following the peripheral conversion of androstenedione
Estradiol - E2
estrogen form secreted by the placenta, synthesized from fetal androgens during pregnancy
(Small amounts in nonpregnant women)
By-product of estradiol and estrone
Estriol - E3
weakest form of estrogen, mostly found in postmenopausal women, children, and men. Postmenopause produced by adipose conversion of androstenedione secrete by adrenals (95%) and ovaries (5%) also by the metabolism of estradiol
Estrone - E1
Ovaries no longer produce estrogen or functional follicles when?
after menopause
After menopause, coricostromal and hilar cells of stromal tissue are steroidogenic which leads to significant levels of ___________ and ____________ for many years
androstenedione and testosterone
Circulating levels of this hormone remain relatively constant in PRE and POST menopause partly due to presence of high FSH and LH that cause ovarian stromal tissues to increase production
vasodilation that causes hot flashes is result of a surge of ______
increased body temp followed by decreased core temp causes:
night sweats
night sweats along with normal aging lead to less time in sleep stage ___ and ___
3 and 4
causes vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, and UTI predisposition
Urogenital atrophy
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of Menopause: longer time to lubrication less overall vag secretions and elasticity petechiae and bleeding fewer lactobacilli → more infections tissue atrophy
Sexual Dysfunctions
___________ Symptoms of Menopause:
More common in obese
Begin in perimenopausal period
Peak in first 2 years after final LMP
Most symptomatic women will experience s/s on average of 5 yrs after menopuase
⅓ will experience s/s for 10 years or more
Hormonal Treatment for __________:
Standard treatment if appropriate
Micronized P 300 mg/night → less hot flashes/night sweats, increased sleep
Vasomotor Symptoms
Lifestyle Mods for ___________:
avoid hot drinks/spicy food/ETOH/caffeine/smoking; stress, anxiety management; increase water, breathable clothes, decrease room temp, fans, layers, paced respirations, cold drinks, exercise (start before menopause), chill towels & pillows, decrease stress, soy isoflavones
Vasomotor Symptoms
Nonhormonal Medical Treatment for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Vitamin E- up to 800 IU Soy isoflavones - for 6 wks - 1 yr Black cohosh St john’s - often w/ cohosh Antidepressants Anticonvulsants Antihypertensives
Vasomotor Symptoms
CAM for ______________:
Vasomotor Symptoms
Hormonal Therapy for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Low-dose ET or EPT Oral Progestin (mildly sedating)
Sleep Disturbances
Lifestyle Mods for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Regular exercise - especially yoga Sleep hygiene Avoid caffeine, ETOH, nicotine Decrease stress Mindfulness Manage hot flashes
Sleep Disturbances
Nonhormonal Medical Treatment for _____________:
Sleep Disturbances
CAM for ______________:
relaxation techniques
Sleep Disturbances
Hormonal Treatment for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Vaginal estrogen (consider cancer hx - topical preferred)
Vaginal Symptoms
Nonhormonal Medical Treatment for _____________:
Dyspareunia - Ospemifene & intravaginal DHEA
Lubes - water, silicone, oil
Unscented moisturizers to support normal pH - several times/week and between sex
Vaginal Symptoms
CAM for ______________:
Vaginal Symptoms
Hormonal Treatment for __________:
ET- vaginal or transdermal
Urogenital Symptoms
CAM for ______________:
Pelvic floor training
Urogenital Symptoms
Lifestyle Mods for ___________:
Stress management
Relaxation techniques
Mood Symptoms
Nonhormonal Medical Treatment for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Valerian Kava (anxiety, hepatotoxic) Ginseng St.John’s Wort
Mood Symptoms
Lifestyle Mods for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Social networking Nind engagement Stimulating work Puzzles Not smoking ETOH moderation Exercise
Mental Function
Nonhormonal Medical Treatment for _____________:
Omega-3 fatty acids
Mental Function
Lifestyle Mods for ___________:
Stop smoking
Nonhormonal Medical Treatment for _____________:
Calcium supplement
Vitamin D
___-___% of women experience s/s of vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) due to decreased estrogen
Moisturizers don’t replace ________ at time of sex
Not recommended for __________:
Petroleum jelly products
Fragrances (including products with them)
Vaginal Dryness
For vaginal ___________, consider silicone based iso osmolar product or propylene glycol free product
unopposed estrogen hormal therapy given to those WITHOUT a uterus recommended when only vaginal symptoms are present
Estrogen therapy (estrogen only) (ET)
causes increased endometrial cancer due to proliferating endometrial lining if given to woman with a uterus
Estrogen therapy (estrogen only) (ET)