Meningitis Flashcards
when to act
headache, pyrexia, neck stiffness, altered mental state
what is the emergency treatment if not yet in hospital
benzylpenicillin- 1.2g IM/IV
what organisms are involved in meningitis
meningococcus, pneumococcus. haemophilus influenza, listeria monocytoogenes. CMV, Cryptococcus, TB, immunocompromised- HIV, organ transplant, malignancyt
malaria, encephalitis, septicaemia, subarachnoid, dengue, tetanus
early features
headache, leg pains, cold hands, abnormal skin colour
late features
meningism, conscious level decr, coma, seizures + focal CNS signs, petechial rash
what signs are seen in meningism
Kernigs (pain and resistance on passive knee extension with hip fully flexed). Brudzinski- forced flexion of neck ands legs flex
what are signs of galloping sepsis
slow capillary refill, DIC, bp drops, temperature and pulse incr or normal
start antibiotics- cefotaxime for 55 yrs. acyclovir if viral encephalitis suspected.
U&E, FBC, LFT, glucose, coag screen, blood culture, throat swabs, rectal for viruses. serology- EBV, HIV. LP usually done after CT but if GCS 15 can not do it. send CSF for MC&S, gram stain, protein, glucose, virology, lactate. CXR
what are the contraindications of LP
suspected intracranial mass lesion, focal signs, papilloedema, trauma, middle ear pathology major coagulopathy. measure opening pressure: 7-18cm CSF is normal. in meningitis may be >40. typically 14-30.
what causes a decr in CSF glucose
sepsis, parasitic meningitis, herpes encephalitis, hypoglycaemia, sarcoid, CNS vasculitis.
what predicts bacterial meningitis in CSF
CSF lactate level of >3.5 mmol/L