Meninges Flashcards
Where is the dura mater derived from?
From where is the pia and arachnoid mater derived from?
Neural crest cells.
The two inner layers of the meninges are known as
The cranial dura mater has two layers:
Outer endosteal and inner meningeal layers
The endosteal and the meningeal separate enclosing an endothelium -lined spaced filled with venous blood:
The dural venous sinus.
Under normal circumstances, which space is absent in the cranial cavity.
Epidural or extradural space
Specializations of the Dura mater
- Falx cerebri
- Tentorium cerebelli
- Falx cerebelli
- Diaphragma sellae
Venous sinuses in relation to the falx cerebri
Superior sagittal sinus
Inferior sagittal sinus
Straight sagittal sinus
Confluence of venous sinuses.
Which dural fold is found in the median longitudinal fissure of the cerebrum?
Falx cerebri
Venous sinus in relation to the tentorium cerebelli
Right and left transverse sinuses - post. border
Superior petrosal sinuses - post. border
Straight sinus - sup. surface
Confluence of venous sinuses - post midline.
Which dural fold is found in the posterior cerebellar notch
Falx cerebelli
Which dural fold stretches across the sella turcica
Diaphragma sellae
Which dural fold is pierced by the infundibular stalk of the pituitary gland.
Diaphragma sellae