Men Should Weep Key Quotations Flashcards
“Maggie: Oh stummicks! Stummicks! Am I no seek of folk an their stummicks!”
Act 1 Scene 1
Character – Maggie
Theme – poverty, role of women
“Lily: Maggie hes she no got a pair of knickers tae her name?”
Act 1 Scene 1
Character – Lily
Theme – poverty
Relationship – Maggie and Lily
“Maggie: He’s a man and I’m a woman! We’re flesh an’ blood.”
Act 1 Scene 1
Character – Maggie
Theme – love
Relationship – Maggie and John, Maggie and Lily
“When very agitated Maggie “combs” her hair with her fingers.”
Act 1 Scene 1
Character - Maggie
“Lily: I hope ye don’t think I’m envying you because you managed tae get the haud o a man. Look at ye! Dae ye ever run a comb through your hair?”
Act 1 - Scene 1
Character – Lily
Theme – love, role of women
Relationship – Maggie and Lily
Maggie: “ye dry John? I’ll pit the kettle on.”
Act 1 Scene 1
Character – Maggie
Theme – role of women
Relationship – Maggie and John
“John: I’d hae a system!
Together: He’d hae a system!”
Act 1 Scene 1
Character – John, Maggie, Lily
Theme – role of women, role of men
Relationship – Maggie and John, Lily and John
“Alec: I love her but she disnae love me. When I want tae kiss her she shoves me aff.”
Act 1 Scene 2
Character – Alec, Isa
Theme – love
Relationship – Alec and Isa
“Isa: Ach he wis a rotten tattie lang afore I was daft enough tae get landed with him.”
Act 1 Scene 2
Character – Isa, Alec
Theme – role of women, role of men, love
Relationship – Alec and Isa, Alec and Maggie
“John: A wee bit Ayrshire bacon would go great with these…They exchange a look of greedy longing and lick their lips.”
Act 1 Scene 2
Character – John, Maggie
Theme - poverty
“John: It strikes me it’s past time to be rough wi her… Jenny was aye a kind wee lassie.”
Act 1 Scene 2
Character – John, Jenny
Theme – role of men, role of women, (family) love, violence
Relationship – John and Jenny
“She shakes herself free and she and John stand glaring at each other. Maggie watching fearfully.”
Act 1 Scene 2
Character – John, Jenny, Maggie
Theme – role of men, role of women, (family) love, violence
Relationship – John and Jenny
“Jenny: I’m done wi the fruit and veg! Look what they done tae my hauns!”
Act 1 Scene 2
Character – Jenny
Theme – poverty, role of women
“He shakes her roughly…John hits her across the face.”
Act 1 Scene 2
Character – John
Theme – role of men, (family) love, violence
Relationship – John and Jenny
“for a brief moment [Jenny] faces him boldly, then he wilts…”
Act 1 Scene 2
Character – Jenny
Theme – role of women
Relationship – Joh and Jenny
“Maggie: No it’s no bronchitis. It’s TB!”
Act 2 Scene 1
Theme – poverty
“Maggie: Jenny, ye’ll no leave us, will ye?”
Jenny: (sighing) Aye, I’m gaun.”
Act 2 Scene 1
Character – Maggie, Jenny
Theme – role of women, (family) love
Relationship – Jenny and Maggie
“John: (wretched) I thought ye’d have gaun.”
Act 2 Scene 1
Character – John
Theme – family love
Relationship – John and Jenny
“John: she’s as guid as dead tae us.”
Act 2 Scene 1
Character – John
Theme – family love, role of women
Relationship – John and Jenny, John and Maggie
“John: Aw we’ve done wrong is tae be born intae poverty…whiles it turns ye intae a wild animal…”
Act 2 Scene 1
Character – John
Theme – role of men, poverty
“Isa: You’re no the only pebble on my beach by a long chalk.”
Act 2 Scene 2
Character – Isa
Theme – Love
Relationship – Alec and Isa
“[Alec] gets a hold of her by the throat. She makes strangling noises. He panics. Drops her.”
Act 2 Scene 2
Character – Alec, Isa
Theme – Love, violence, role of men
Relationship – Alec and Isa
“Isa: Love! Hee-haw! There’s nae sich thing!”
Act 2 Scene 2
Character – Isa
Theme – Love
Relationship – Alec and Isa
“Maggie: Rin doon quick and get a gill o whiskey… An get a packet o Woodbine tae…”
Act 2 Scene 2
Character – Maggie, Alec
Theme – (family) love, poverty, role of women
Relationship – Maggie and Alec
“John: it’s no ma fault! I’ve been out lookin for work.”
Act 2 Scene 2
Character – John
Theme – role of men, role of women, poverty
Relationship – Maggie and John
“Maggie: “oh yous men – big saft idiots the lot of ye.”
Act 2 Scene 2
Character – Maggie
Theme – role of men
Relationship – Maggie and John
“Maggie: (screaming at Ernie) Look at yer new boots! (She seizes him. Shakes him.)
Act 2 Scene 2
Character – Maggie
Theme – (family) love, violence, poverty
“new football boots…new dress…Maggie:…he’s waitin on his Daddy, wha’s oot at the shops!”
Act 3
Character – Maggie
Theme – poverty, role of men, role of women, (family)/Love
Relationship – Maggie and John
(Maggie has torn off all the paper and brought out a red hat…she is quite overcome…)
Act 3
Character – Maggie
Theme – poverty, role of men, role of women, love
Relationship – Maggie and John
“Maggie: Ye can close the doors o your heart on him and once you’ve done that tae yer man, batterin will no get him back in.”
Act 3
Character – Maggie
Theme –role of men, role of women, love
Relationship – Maggie and John
“([Alec] is on the floor rocking himself like a baby and weeping.)”
Act 3
Character – Alec
Theme – love, role of men, role of women, violence
Relationship – Alec and Isa
“(Over his shoulder [Isa] is sneering, at the same time stroking the back of his head.)”
Act 3
Character – Isa
Theme – love, role of men, role of women, violence
Relationship – Alec and Isa
“Maggie: Lily, I’ve said it often tae ye…whaur would I be wi’oot ye?”
Act 3
Character – Maggie, Lily
Theme – (family) love, poverty, role of women
Relationship – Maggie and Lily
“Jenny: Mammy seems tae think they’re letting Bertie hame, but they’re no. No here. No tae this.”
Act 3
Character – Jenny, Maggie
Theme – poverty, (family) love
Relationship – Maggie and Jenny
“(holding out her fat roll of notes.)”
Act 3
Character - Jenny
“John: Ye can tak that back tae yer fancy man. We’re wantin’ nane of yer whore’s winnins here.”
Act 3
Character – Jenny
Theme – poverty, love, role of women
Relationship – Jenny and John, Jenny and Maggie
“Maggie: (with uncharacteristic force)
Act 3
Character – Maggie
Theme – role of women
Relationship – Maggie and John
“Coming right up to him and completing his humiliation before Lily and Jenny.)
Act 3
Character – Maggie
Theme – role of women, role of men
Relationship – Maggie and John
“John has sunk into a chair. He covers his face with his hands.”
Act 3
Character – John
Theme – role of men
Relationship – Maggie and John
“Jenny: Daddy forget it! It disnae matter!”
Act 3
Character – Jenny
Theme – (family) love, role of men, role of women
Relationship – Jenny and John
“Maggie: I can manage him…I can aye manage him.”
Act 3
Character – Maggie, John
Theme – love, role of women, role of men
Relationship – Maggie and John