MEMS: Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Flashcards 1) Jurgen Fritz. Cantilever biosensors. Analyst, 2008, 133, 855-863. 2) Kyo Seon Hwang et. al. Micro and nanocantilever devices and systems for biomolecule detection. Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 2, 77-98.
used to manufacture integrated circuits and MEMS
Minaturise for
enhanced performance
scalable fabrication and quality
cheaper at larger volumes
Force effects required for pzieoelectric effect as close together High surface to volume ratio - good thermal dissipation Quick Response Lower Power Consumption reduced footprint -array dynamic range electrical integration minimally invasive
High frictional forces
Manufacturing inaccuracy can be higher
strong surface effects- aggregate due to charges
Piezolelectric l
ceramic and crystalline display linear electromechanical response to stress or electric field
Piezoelectric used in MEMS
actuate mechanical movement
transduce mechanical response to discernible electrical response
Piezoresistive effect
semi-conductor material (doped silicon) undergoes mechanical stress which resistance properties
transduce mechanical event into an electrical response see change in resistance
temperature sensitive, compensate with Wheatstone bridge
Electrostatic effect
decreases with the square of the distance
actuation - attractive/repulsive force between moving and fixed plates as voltage applied between them
Sensing - capacitance (energy store) changes as distance between plates changes
Pressure sensors
blood pressure
intracranial/cerebro spinal fluid/intraocular/endoscopes for organs
biological sensor - recognition element in contact with transducer —> electrical signal
MEMS functionalised with a recognition biomolecule that can pull down a specific target molecule and lead to a physical mechanical change that can be observed
Deliver drugs topically
microfabrication of microneedles - no pain, not long enough to reach nerve endings, also continuous extraction
shallow penetration - reduce infection
deliver where most effective, larger molecular
Ideal Bio-MEMS (3)
dynamic range
low limit of detection
quick analysis time
Advantages of Bio-MEMS
Could show excellent LOD due to scaling
Microfabrication - low cost mass production
Label free
Array format for multiplexing (different markers)
Beam anchored at one point
Microneedles cantilever
stiff to penetrate skin - short thick and wide
Diagnostic cantilever
flexible - long thin and narrow
transduction through mechanical deflection or or dynamic mechanical motion
Properties of microcantilever dependent on
geometry and material properties
stiffness Kspring = EWTcubed/4Lcubed
Static mode of detection/stress mode/deflection mode
mechanical compliance of cantilever increases with uniform reduction in size (smaller LOD) (when binding analyte) (surface stress not weight)
Static mode cantilever action
bend up or down
similar to bimetallic strip on heating (one metal expands more)
Static mode mechanism
biomolecules bind - surface stress developed electrostatic repulsion/attraction conformational change hydration change steric interaction
Probe coating contracts relative to cantilever
creates tensile surface stress - bends up
Probe coating expands relative to cantilever
creates compressive surface stress - bends down
Recognition molecule bind one side
and not the other
Activate - thiol chemistry
Passivate - silane chemistry
Measure/Record microcantilever detection
beam deflection/optical lever detection - reflective gold
recorded on position-sensitive photodetector
Advantage of optical lever detection
sensitive - 0.1nm resolution
Disadvantage of optical lever detection
bulky external optical equipment with two alignments