Memory Recall Limitations Flashcards
The maximum operating limit speed is _____KIAS/MACH.
350 KIAS /.82 MACH
The maximum operating pressure altitude for the 319/320 is _____ feet
The recommended operating speed in severe turbulence above 20,000 feet is _____
.76 Mach/275 KIAS
The recommended operating speed in severe turbulence below 20,000 feet is ____ KIAS
The maximum tailwind for landing (including gusts) is _____ KIAS
The 320 maximum tailwind for takeoff (including gusts) is _____ KIAS
The 319 maximum tailwind for takeoff (including gusts) is _____KIAS
The maximum crosswind for takeoff/landing with dry reported braking action (including gusts) is _____ KIAS
The maximum landing weight for the 319 is _____ pounds
137,700 pounds
The maximum landing weight for the 320 is _____ pounds
142,200 lbs
The minimum altitude for autopilot engaged after takeoff (at least 5 seconds after liftoff) is _____ feet AGL
The minimum altitude for autopilot engaged during a Non-ILS approach (UAL Limit) is
250 feet AGL or the missed approach point (whichever occurs earlier)
The minimum altitude for autopilot engaged during a nonautoland ILS approach with CAT 1 FMA is _____ ft AGL
The minimum altitude for autopilot engaged during nonautoland ILS approach with CAT 2 or 3 FMA is _____ feet AGL
When should the autopilot be disengaged during an autoland (one or two autopilots)
at rollout
Icing conditions exist on the ground and for takeoff when visible moisture is present and the outside temperature is _____ degrees C or below
Icing conditions exist in flight during descent/approach when visible moisture is present and the total air temperature is at or below _____ degrees C.
When must engine anti-ice be turned on
When the outside air temperature is 10 degrees C or below in clouds, fog/mist with visibility of one mile or less
The maximum EGT during engine start is _____ degrees C
635 degrees C
The engine starter duty cycle for consecutive start attempts is: First Attempt, 15 seconds off, Second Attempt, 15 seconds off, and
Third Attempt, 30 minutes off.
The engine starter duty cycle for continuous engagement (cranking) is _____ min on, _____ min off
5, 30
The min engine oil quantity before engine start is _____ quarts
The maximum flaps/slats extended altitude is _____ feet MSL
The minimum flight deck oxygen pressure (40XX, 41XX, 42XX, 46XX, 47XX) is _____ PSI +/- adjustments
The maximum landing gear retraction speed is _____ KIAS
The maximum landing gear extension speed (UAL) is _____ KIAS
The minimum flight deck oxygen pressure (48/49XX) is ___ PSI +/- adjustments.