Memory Loss Flashcards
Memory Loss. Definition:
(1) Dementia due to __________ refers to a wide range of alterations in thinking, mood, and behavior resulting from neurologic damage related to brain trauma.
(2) Head trauma severe enough to cause brief loss of consciousness or post-traumatic amnesia can produce long-lasting _______ and _______
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- cognitive and behavioral changes
(1) ________________1 forces act within the cranium to produce injury and the swirling movement of brain tissue causes diffuse injury to axons and contusions to cortical areas adjacent to jagged bone.
(2) The _________ is especially susceptible to damage due to being near the sphenoid ridge.
(3) Frontal lobes are also susceptible to countercoup injury.
(4) Biochemical alterations can also develop, as is seen in chronic traumatic encephalopathy where repeated minor head injuries lead to dementia.
- Deceleration and acceleration
- hippocampus
Treatment Memory loss/Trauma
- Determine deficit
- give appropriate counselling
- Treat symptoms of dizziness, headaches, and mood alteration
Clinical Findings:
(1) Fatigue, headache, and/or dizziness occur shortly after trauma.
(2) Later, a Post-Concussive Disorder can develop which includes slowing of information processing, impaired attention, and poor memory.
(3) Head injuries can be rated using Glasgow Coma Scale (see Neuro lecture on TBIs).
(4) Amnesia almost always involves loss of memory for the event and frequently includes loss of recall for events immediately before (retrograde amnesia) and after (anterograde amnesia) the head trauma.
(5) Amnesia can present itself in someone repeatedly asking a question that has already been answered.