Memory Items Flashcards
PF: TOGA AP OFF Follow SRS (17.5 degrees if no SRS No config Change
Confirm TOGA
Call trends
PF: AP OFF Full Backstick / TOGA Disregard FD’s Speed brakes Retracted Level Wings No Config Changes
Verify TOGA
Verify Speebrake Stowed
Call “Alpha Floor” if it activates
Predictive Windshear A321
Aural: “Monitor Radar Display” “Go Around WS Ahead” At pilot discretion: Do WS Escape procedure or Normal GOAR Give PIREP
Engine Failure After V1
Set TOGA (10-12 Nose Up) Airborne: TRIM and AP On (Check Beta) Start APU @1000 AGL: VSI Zero Flaps Up @ Greendot: Open CLB and MCT After T/O Checklist ENG Fail Checklist (Trim into Rudder you are stepping on) (FD will provide TGT CLB A/S. V2 - V2+10)
Airway Intercept of Airway on Flight plan
Pull HDG ID a fix onAirway behind A/C CLR Fixes until fix behind A/C is the “From” WPT Insert Arm NAV (Blue)
Airway Intercept of Airway not on Flight Plan
- ID Anchor Pt. On airway that will be new from WPT and place at 3L
- Lateral Select 3L and select Airways at 5L
- Enter Airway ID and Enter next “To” WPT and insert.
- Go to top of FLT Plan page and clean up to correct “To” WPT.
- Select NAV
Fluid Check on Shutdown
- MinOil 13 Qts. (10 Qts. non-Mx station)
- 1000 PSI O2
- HYD Qty normal
- If CL2 Airspace more than 1 Hour - check IRS drift- if above 2NM per hour = Logbook entry
High EGT on Takeoff
- 319/320 890C Max
- 321 950C Max
- 800C by 80kts = Monitor for OVTMP
- 891C or Higher = below 80 kts = ABORT
- 80 kts = continue and reduce thrust @ 400 AGL on hot engine
ENG Fail @ Cruise
Set MCT A/T OFF Set Greendot Set ALT from “Rec Max” on PROG Page Maintain ALT until Greendot At Greendot = Open Descent Drift down Complete = A/T On, Select Managed SPD to get LRC
Optimal Glide = Greendot or 200kts
Unreliable Airspeed
If Safe Conduct of Flight is Impacted:
- A/P A/T FD. = OFF
- Below Thrust Red ALT: 15 and TOGA
- Above TR ALT + below 10K: 10 and CL
- Above TR ALT + above 10K: 5 and CL
- Flaps 1,2,or 3 No Config Change
- Flaps Full….Select FL 3
- Speed brakes Stowed
- LG Up
- Above MSA/Pattern ALT = Troubleshoot
Fuel Imbalance
-Inner Tanks 3300lbs
-Outer Tanks. 1550lbs
-Min Fuel: 3500lbs (319/320)
3700lbs (321)
-Emergency Fuel 3000lbs
-Fuel Burn: HLDG or LO Alt Vector = 100lbs per min
-FAF to Landing: 200lbs
-@15K = 2000lbs to Fly 100nm
PF: “TCAS ARMED” or “Not Armed” AP OFF FD’s OFF MNVR as Req’d @ “Clear of Conflict” return to ATC CLNC
PNF: Verify: TCAS Armed Both FD’s OFF Notify ATC and then Notify Clear of Conflict
ALPHA Floor Recovery
-Activates 1/2 way between ALHA Prot and ALPHA Max
-Available anytime above 100’ RA even with A/T Off
Indications: THR goes to TOGA
A FLOOR in Col. 1
PF: Set TOGA A/T OFF Set TL’s in CLB Detent A/T pb ON
A/S above ALPHA Prot
A/S above VLS before Config Change
Backup Speed Scale (BUSS)
If All ADR’s Fail or Turned OFF BUSS Activates
- A/P F/D and A/T must be disconnected
- ALT Law
- Stall Warning Active
- Cabin Pressure must be controlled manually
- Flight Path Vector may work
- Do Not use Spoilers
Removal of Smoke / Fumes Checklist
Only Accomplish if Smoke Fumes are the greatest threat