Memory items Flashcards
what are the RVSM required equipment
#auto pilot must be operational #Altitude alerting system must be operational #Altitude reporting transmitter 2 (1) one must be operational #Air data computers 2 must be operational
CRJ 700 Max ramp weight
CRJ 700 Take off weight
CRJ 700 Max landing weight
CRJ 700 Max zero fuel weight
CRJ 700 Min flight weight
CRJ 700 Min operational empty weight
CRJ 900Max ramp weight
CRJ 900 Take off weight
CRJ 900 Max landing weight
CRJ 900 Zero fuel weight
CRJ 900 Min flight weight
Max airport altitude for take off and landing
Max operating altitude
Max ambient temp for takeoff and landing
ISA +35C
Min ambient temp for takeoff and landing
When must Cowl anti ice be on
10C (50f) or below
visible moisture such as fog 1500meaters and 1 mile or rain , sleet ,and ice christals
When opporating on runways and ramp with or taxiway where there is surface snow,ice standing water or slush is preasent .
Icing condition is flight exist in flight at
Tat of 10C (50F) and visible moisture in any form is encountered (clouds ,rain ,snow,sleet or ice cristals ) except when the SAT is -40C (-40F)
In iceing conditions
ICE is announceaded by the ice detection system
When must the wing anti ice system be on
When outside air temp is 5C or (41 F)
Visible moisture such as fog with visibility 1500 meters or 1 mile or less with rain snow sleet or iced christals
When runways is contaminated with surface snow , slush or standing water .
When type ii or IV antiiceing fluid has been applied . Wing anti ice must be selected on if required just prior to trust increase for takeoff
When dees anti ice condition exist in flight ?
10 C or 50F or below visible moisture in any form is encountered such as
When does icing conditions exist in flight
TAT 10C 50F or below and visible moisture (such as rain,snow,sleet or ice crystals.
Engine cowl anti ice must be on when
In icing conditions
ICE is announced by the ice detection system
When is take off prohibited
When ice,snow or slush adhering to the critical areas of , wing ,upper fuselage horizontal stabilizer , vertical stabilizer , control surfaces ,and engine inlet .
Is take off permitted with frost adhering to aircraft surface
The upper surface if its possible to distinguish surface features
Max 1/8 in in (3.0mm) layer of frost on the underside of the wing if it is clouded by cold soak fuel
How far must you be from a suitable airport if the carriage is labeled cargo
60 min
CRJ 700 under seat
99 cu ft 12lbs per seat
CRJ 700 over head
97.8 cu ft 1180lbs
CRJ 700 forward cargo
109 cu ft 1000lbs
CRJ 700 Aft cargo
374 cu ft 3740 lds
Aft delta
2610 lbs
CRJ 900 under seat
99 cu ft. 12 lbs
CRJ 900 overhead
97.8 cu ft 1180 lbs
CRJ 900 FORWARD cargo
109 cu ft 850 lbs
CRJ 900 aft cargo
374 cu ft 3740 lbs
Max runway slope
+2. -2
Max tail wind component
10 knots
Min flight crew
I pilot one co pilot
When must the flight deck door be closed
At all times during flight except permitting access and egress
What are the ozone level restrictions
.25 parts per million , sea level equivalent and at any time above flight level 320
0.1 parts per million, sea level equivalent ,time weighted average during any three (3) hours interval above flight level 270
When does icing conditions exist in flight
TAT 10C 50F or below and visible moisture (such as rain,snow,sleet or ice crystals.
Engine cowl anti ice must be on when
In icing conditions
ICE is announced by the ice detection system
When is take off prohibited
When ice,snow or slush adhering to the critical areas of , wing ,upper fuselage horizontal stabilizer , vertical stabilizer , control surfaces ,and engine inlet .
Is take off permitted with frost adhering to aircraft surface
The upper surface if its possible to distinguish surface features
Max 1/8 in in (3.0mm) layer of frost on the underside of the wing if it is clouded by cold soak fuel
How far must you be from a suitable airport if the carriage is labeled cargo
60 min
CRJ 700 under seat
99 cu ft 12lbs per seat
CRJ 700 over head
97.8 cu ft 1180lbs
CRJ 700 forward cargo
109 cu ft 1000lbs
CRJ 700 Aft cargo
374 cu ft 3740 lds
Aft delta
2610 lbs
CRJ 900 under seat
99 cu ft. 12 lbs
CRJ 900 overhead
97.8 cu ft 1180 lbs
CRJ 900 FORWARD cargo
109 cu ft 850 lbs
CRJ 900 aft cargo
374 cu ft 3740 lbs
Max runway slope
+2. -2
Max tail wind component
10 knots
Min flight crew
I pilot one co pilot
When must the flight deck door be closed
At all times during flight except permitting access and egress
What are the ozone level restrictions
.25 parts per million , sea level equivalent and at any time above flight level 320
0.1 parts per million, sea level equivalent ,time weighted average during any three (3) hours interval above flight level 270
N1 %
red 99.5 Green 0 to 99.4
N2 %
Red 99.4 Green 0 to 99.3
Ool temp C
Red 164 Amber 156 to 165 Green -40 to 155
Oil pressure psi
RED 0 to 24 variable
CRJ 700 oil pressure ground start
182 psi 95 psi after 10 min
CRJ 700 N 1
CRJ 700 Normal take off power two engines is limited to
5 min
CRJ 700 Apr power one engine is limited to
10 min
CRJ 700 ITT must be below ______ before attempting to ground start engine
continuous engine ignition
take off and landings on contaminated runway
Flight through moderate or heavy intensity icing
Flight through moderate or heavy intensity turbulence
Flight in the vicinity of thunderstorm
The use of flex is not recommended
wing or cowl anti ice bleeds are in use
Runway is contaminated with standing water ,slush ,show and ice
warning of forecast wind shear and down draft
Anti skid system is inoperative
The engine cannot achieve full rated trust
CRJ 700 Engine start on the ground 1 & 2
Max time 90 sec 10 sec cool down
CRJ 700 Engine start on the ground 3 to 5
Max time 90 sec 5 min cool down
CRJ 700 start monitoring in flight 1
Max time 120 sec 10 sec cool down
CRJ 700 start monitoring in flight 2 through 5
Max time 60 sec 5 min cool down
Motoring on ground 1
Max time 90 sec 5 min cool down
Motoring on ground 2 through 5
Max time 30 sec 5 min cool down
CRJ 700 Windmilling
Alt from 21,000 to 10,000
speed 290 knots to Vmo and 7.2% N2 minimum
CRJ 700 Windmilling
Alt from 10,000 to Sea leavel
speed 250 knots to Vmo and 7.2% N2 minimum
CRJ 700 Starter assisted
Alt from 21,000 to sea leavel
speed Vref to Vmo and from 0 to 45 %
CRJ 700 All engine out rapid realign
Alt from 10,000 to sea level
FADEC rapid relight capability has been demonstrated at 200 KIAS for up to 15 second fuel interruptions
CRJ 900 Windmilling
Alt from 21,000 to Sea leavel
speed 250 knots to Vmo and 7.2% N2 minimum
CRJ 900 Starter assisted
Alt from 21,000 to sea leavel
speed Vref to Vmo and from 0 to 45 %
CRJ 900 All engine out AOE rapid realign
Alt from 10,000 to sea level
FADEC rapid relight capability has been demonstrated at 200 KIAS for up to 15 second fuel interruptions
Note 1 30 deg ether direction aircraft nose , no wind speed limit and < 5 knots windspeed
No limit - TOGA trust may be applied before brake release but must set by 60 KIAS
NOTE 2 .30 deg in either direction of nose between 5 and 30 knots wind speed
Apply up to 75% N1 before break released , then set toga trust by 60 knots
NOTE 3 > in either direction of aircraft nose
Apply maximum of idle/taxi thrust before brakes released , then set TOGA thrust by 60 KIAS
Max permissible fuel imbalance between left and right wing
during take off 300 lbs all other phases of flight 800 lbs
left / right wing tank
pressure 74,920 Gravity (700) 7,290 lbs
900 7,405
Center tank
Pressure 4,610
Total Fuel
Pressure 19,594 Gravity (700) 14,580 (900
) 14,810
take off with fuel load in excess of 500 lbs in center tank is not prohibited
Each main tank is above 4,400 ibs
The min fuel quantity for go around is
600 lbs assuming clime angle 10 deg nose up
The max consumption of oil for each engine
189 cubic centiliters per hour 6.4 us unces or .05 gallons per hour
max duration without oil servicing
36 hours
Min ambient temperature for starting a cold soak APU
-40 C /-40F
APU starting motor is limited to
3 starts in 1 hour A two min delay must be given between starting attempts
Max APU rpm
1038 C
APU Bleed air Extraction
Not permitted above 25,000
APU engine start during ground opp-orations
No bleed air extraction limitation Each engine may be started using the APU bleed air source .
RED 807 Green 0 to 806