Memory Items Flashcards
Dual Engine Failure ( If below FL300)
- Fuel Boost Buttons(both) ON
- Anti-ICE Switches(all) OFF
- Throttles (both) Cut Off then Idle
- Airspeed 200-250KIAS
Environmental Smoke or Odor
- Oxygen Mask/Goggles DON and EMER
- MIC SEL Buttons(both) MASK
Electrical Fire or Smoke
- Oxygen Mask/Goggles DON and EMER
- MIC SEL Buttons MASK
Smoke Removal
- Oxygen Mask/Goggles DON and EMER
- MIC SEL Buttons MASK
Emergency Descent
1.AP Trim DISC Button PUSH and Release
2.Throttles IDLE
3.Speedbrake EXTEND
4. Inital Pitch Attitude 20 Down
5. Airspeed MMO/VMO
6. Pass Oxy ON
7. Transponder EMER
8. Anti-ICE/Deice As Required
9. Altitude 15.000ft or MSA (whichever is higher)
Thrust Reverser In-Flight Deployment
- Control Wheel GRIP
- AP Trim Disc Button PUSH
- EMER Stow Switch(affected Side) EMER
- Airspeed DECREASE to 140KIAS
Wheel Brake Failure
1.Brake Pedals REMOVE FEET
2.Emergency Brake Handle Pull
3.Speedbrake(After TD) EXTEND
4.Thrust Reversers Maximum Reverse Thrust
5.Landing Distance Multiply by 1.4
6.Directional Control Maintain with Nosewheel Steering
Autopilot Malfunction
- AP Trim Disc Button PUSH
Electric Elevator Runaway Trim
- AP Trim Disc Button PUSH and HOLD
2.Throttles DECREASE as required to Control airspeed
3.Pitch Trim Wheel As required
4.Pitch Trim CB PULL - AP Trim Disc Button Release
Inadvertant Stall
1.Autopilot DISCONNECT
2.Pitch Attitude REDUCE
3.Roll Attitude LEVEL
4.Throttles TO Detent
5.Airspeed INCREASE
6.Altitude RETURN to a safe Altitude
7.Throttles AS Required
Emergency Evacuation
1.Parking Brake SET
2.Throttles(both) CUTOFF
3.Norm/Emer Button NORM
4.Left/Right Eng Fire Buttons PUSH
5.Bottle 1/2 Buttons(if fire suspected) PUSH
6.APU Master Button OFF
7.BATT Button OFF
ENG Fail Speed Below V1
1.Takeoff ABORT
2.Brakes APPLY
3.Throttles IDLE
4.Speedbrake EXTEND
5.Thrust Reversers DEPLOY of no fire suspected
Eng Fail Speed above V1
1.Climb to a safe altitude
2.Wing XFlow (if wing anti-ice on) ON
3.Accelerate VR Rotate
4.Positive Climb Gear UP
5.Speed FLC V2
6.Inform ATC
7.Acceleration ALT HOLD
8.Speed V2+10kt
10.FLC 160
11.Set Climb Thrust
12.AP/YD On
13.Start procedure
1.Immediately execute a vertical escape maneuver
2. Throttles TO Detent
3.Go Around Buttons Push
4.Airplane Pitch Attitude Smoothly Rotate to 7 Degrees Initially
5.Speedbrakes Confirm Retracted
6.Do Not retract Flaps or Gear until Safe climbout is assured
No Takeoff
1.Takeoff ABORT
2.Flap Postion 7 or 15
3.Speedbrake Retract
4.Elevator Trim Set for Takeoff
5.Stab MISCOMPARE CAS Verify not displayed
Engine Fire L and/or R
1.Throttle IDLE
If Eng Fire Light Remains ON
2.Eng Fire Button PUSH
3.Illuminated Bottle Armed Button PUSH
Cabin Altitude
- Oxygen MASK DON and 100%
2.MIC SEL Buttons MASK - Emergency Descent AS Required
Battery Overtemp
1.Amperage Note
2.Norm/EMER Button EMER
3.Amperage Note Decrease
APU Fire
APU Fire Button PUSH
- EMER Stow Switch(affected side) EMER
2.Thrust Reverser Levers Check Thrust Reverser Levers in stowed full forward Position