Memory Items Flashcards
1 Engine start lever (affected engine) . . . . CUTOFF
1 Autopilot (if engaged) . . . . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
2 Autothrottle (if engaged). . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
3 F/D switches (both) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
4 Set the following gear up pitch attitude and thrust:
Flaps extended . . . . . . . . . . 10° and 80% N1
Flaps up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4° and 75% N1
1 APU fire switch. . . Confirm . . . .Pull, rotate to the stop, and hold for 1 second
2 APU switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
ENGINE FIRE or Engine Severe Damage or Separation
1 Autothrottle (if engaged). . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
2 Thrust lever (affected engine) . . . . . . Confirm . . . . . . . Close
3 Engine start lever (affected engine) . . . . . . Confirm . . . . . CUTOFF
4 Engine fire switch (affected engine) . . . . . . Confirm . . . . . . . . Pull
To manually unlock the engine fire switch, press the override and pull.
5 If the engine fire switch or ENG OVERHEAT light is illuminated:
Engine fire switch (affected engine) . . . . . Rotate to the stop and hold for 1 second
Engine Limit or Surge or Stall
•Engine indications are abnormal
•Engine indications are rapidly approaching or exceeding limits
•Abnormal engine noises are heard, possibly with airframe vibration
•There is no response to thrust lever movement or the response is abnormal
•Flames in the engine inlet or exhaust are reported.
1 Autothrottle (if engaged). . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
2 Thrust lever (affected engine) . . . . Confirm. . . . .Retard until engine indications stay within limits or the thrust lever is closed
Loss Of Thrust On Both Engines
1 ENGINE START switches (both) . . . . . . . . . . .FLT
2 Engine start levers (both) . . . . . . . . . . . CUTOFF
3 When EGT decreases:
Engine start levers (both) . . . . . . .IDLE detent
4 If EGT reaches a redline or there is no increase in EGT within 30 seconds:
Engine start lever (affected engine) . . . . Confirm . . . . . CUTOFF, then IDLE detent
If EGT again reaches a redline or there is no increase in EGT within 30 seconds, repeat as needed.
Runaway Stabilizer
1 Control column. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hold firmly
2 Autopilot (if engaged) . . . . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
3 Autothrottle (if engaged). . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
4 Control column and thrust levers . . . . . . . . . . . Control airplane pitch attitude and airspeed
5 Main Electric Stabilizer trim . . . . . .Reduce control column forces
6 If the runaway stops after the autopilot is disengaged: Do not re-engage the autopilot or autothrottle.
■ ■ ■ ■
7 If the runaway continues after the autopilot is disengaged:
STAB TRIM cutout switches (both) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CUTOUT
If the runaway continues:
Stabilizer trim wheel . . . . . . . . . . Grasp and hold
1 Autothrottle (if engaged). . . . . . . . . . .Disengage
2 Thrust lever (affected engine) . . . . . . Confirm . . . . . . . Close
3 If the ENG OVERHEAT light stays illuminated:
►►Go to the ENGINE FIRE or Engine Severe Damage or Separation checklist on page 8.2
■ ■ ■ ■
Smoke, Fire or Fumes
1 Oxygen masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ON, 100%
2 Crew and cabin communications . . . . . .Establish
Smoke or Fire From Lithium Battery
1 If necessary transfer control to the flight crew member seated on the opposite side of the fire.
Oceanic Diversion - All Engine
1 Initiate applicable drills and time critical checklists.
2 Declare emergency and request clearance.
- Choose one:
- If clearance obtained: Proceed per clearance.
- If clearance unavailable: Turn at least 30° Right or Left and offset 5 NM. When established on the offset, +/- 500 ft.
Oceanic Diversion - Engine Out
1 Initiate applicable drills and time critical checklists.
2 Declare emergency and request clearance.
3 Choose one:
If clearance obtained: Proceed per clearance. ►►Go to step 4
If clearance unavailable: Turn at least 30◦ Right or Left and offset 5NM. Minimize descent until established on the offset. When established on offset, descend to below FL290 and maintain +/-500 ft.
Engine Inoperative Cruise/Driftdown
Ensure adequate thrust set on operating engine by calling.
• Disengage autothrottle
• Select CON thrust in FMC
• Manually set Maximum Continuous Thrust (MCT)
Confirm that the thrust mode changes to CON and the thrust is set to MCT.
Request ENG OUT to be selected on the ECON CRZ page.
ENG OUT prompt…………………………… SELECT
FAILED ENG L (R) prompt…………………SELECT
This displays ENG OUT CRZ and the FMC calculates engine out target speed and maximum engine out altitude at the current gross weight.
Determine drift down requirement and advise PF, then:
• Set the Maximum Engine Out Altitude in the MCP Altitude Window.
• Set the Engine Out Target Airspeed in the MCP IAS Window.
Allow airspeed to slow to Engine Out Target Airspeed then:
LVL CHG……………………………………….. Engage
All Exterior lights…………………………………. ON
Initiate turn (if required).
• At altitude capture, determine optimum cruise altitude.
• Manually adjust thrust to maintain the ENG OUT speed.
• Proceed to land at nearest suitable airport.
Nose High Recovery
• Recognize and confirm the situation
• Disengage autopilot and autothrottle
• Apply as much as full nose-down elevator
• * Apply appropriate nose down stabilizer trim
• Reduce thrust
• * Roll (adjust bank angle) to obtain a nose down pitch rate
• Complete the recovery:
- When approaching the horizon, roll to wings level
- Check airspeed and adjust thrust
- Establish pitch attitude
• Call out attitude, airspeed and altitude throughout the recovery
• Verify all required actions have been completed and call out any omissions.
Nose Low Recovery
• Recognize and confirm the situation
• Disengage autopilot and autothrottle
• Recover from stall, if required
• * Roll in shortest direction to wings level (unload and roll if bank angle is more than 90 degrees)
• Recover to level flight:
- Apply nose up elevator
- *Apply nose up trim, if required
- Adjust thrust and drag as required
• Call out attitude, airspeed and altitude throughout the recovery
• Verify all required actions have been completed and call out any omissions.
1. Call “FIREWALL”.
2. Disengage autopilot.
3. Disengage autothrottle.
4. Aggressively apply maximum* thrust.
5. Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate to an initial pitch attitude of 20°.
6. Retract speedbrakes.
7.:If terrain remains a threat, continue rotation up to the pitch limit indicator (if available) or stick shaker or initial buffet.
8. Do not change gear or flap configuration until terrain separation is assured.
9. Monitor radio altimeter for sustained or increasing terrain separation.
10. When clear of terrain, slowly decrease pitch attitude and accelerate.
1. Assure maximum* thrust.
2. Verify all required actions have been completed and call out any omissions.
3. Monitor vertical speed and altitude (radio altitude for terrain clearance and barometric altitude for a minimum safe altitude.)
4. Call out any trend toward terrain contact.
Overrun Warnings (ORW)
In Air: GO-Around
1. Simultaneously close the thrust levers and apply maximum manual wheel brakes.
2. Verify speed brakes are deployed or raise the SPEED BRAKE lever.
3. Apply reverse thrust up to the maximum amount consistent with conditions.
4. Continue maximum braking until certain the airplane can stop on the runway.
1. Verify actions as follows:
2. Thrust levers closed.
3. Maximum brakes applied.
4. Verify SPEED BRAKE lever UP and call “SPEEDBRAKES UP.” If SPEED BRAKE lever is not UP, call “NO SPEEDBRAKES”.
5. Reverse thrust applied. When both REV indications are green, call “REVERSE GREEN”. If there is no REV indication(s) or the indication(s) stays amber, call “NO REVERSE NUMBER 1” (or 2), as appropriate”.
Call out omitted action items.
Approach to Stall Recovery or Stall Recovery
1. Simultaneously call “STALL”
2. Hold the control column firmly.
3. Disengage autopilot and autothrottle.
4. Smoothly apply nose down elevator to reduce the angle of attack until buffet or stick shaker stops. Nose down stabilizer trim may be needed.*
5. Continue the recovery:
6. Roll in the shortest direction to wings level if needed.**
7. Advance thrust levers as needed.
8. Retract the speedbrakes.
9. Do not change gear or flap configuration, except • During liftoff, if flaps are up, call for flaps 1.
• Complete the recovery:
10. Check airspeed and adjust thrust as needed.
11. Establish pitch attitude.
12. Return to the desired flight path.
13. Re-engage the autopilot and autothrottle if desired.
Windshear Escape Maneuver
Below 1000’
- 15 knots indicated airspeed
- 500 fpm vertical speed
- 5° pitch attitude
- 1 dot displacement from the glideslope
- Unusual thrust lever position for a significant period of time.
2. Disengage autopilot.
3. Push either TO/GA switch.
4. Aggressively apply maximum thrust*
5. Disengage autothrottle.
6. Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate toward an initial pitch attitude of 15 °.
7. Retract speedbrakes.
8. Follow flight director TO/GA guidance (if available)**
1. Call “windsheer toga”
2. Push either TO/GA switch*
3. Verify TO/GA mode annunciation.
4. Verify thrust advances to GA power
5. Retract speedbrakes.
6. Monitor system performance**
9. Do not change flap or gear configuration until windshear is no longer a factor.
Maintain wings level to maximize climb unless turn required
10. Monitor vertical speed and altitude.
11. Do not attempt to regain lost airspeed until windshear is no longer a factor.
Flight Crew Member Incapacitation
Incapacitated if:
- The flight crew member does not respond intelligently to two communications
- The flight crew member does not respond to a single verbal challenge, and/or a significant deviation from the standard flight profile exists
i. Assume control of the aircraft and ensure a safe flight profile is maintained; the first priority of the non-incapacitated operating flight crew member is to maintain the safe operation of the aircraft.
ii. The autopilot shall be engaged.
iii. Request the flight attendants (or a flight deck jumpseat occupant) to assist. If a PA announcement is required to alert the cabin crew, the Urgent Communication Procedure shall be employed.
iv. When the aircraft is established at a safe altitude, in a safe configuration, the non-incapacitated flight crew member, with assistance, should:
• Tilt the incapacitated flight crew member’s seat back; and
• Move the seat full aft and move the rudder pedals full forward; and
• Move the incapacitated flight crew member’s head back; and
• Use the incapacitated flight crew member’s shoulder harness as a restraint; and
• When practicable, remove the incapacitated flight crew member from the seat and replace, if possible, with another flight crew member
Severe Turbulence
.76/280 - whatever is lower
Yaw Damper ………………………………………………………….ON
Autothrottle ………………………………………………..Disengage
AUTOPILOT ………………………………………………………. CWS
A/P status annunciators display CWS for pitch and roll.
Note: If sustained trimming occurs, disengage the autopilot.
ENGINE START switches ………………………………………..FLT
Thrust …………………………………………………………………. Set
Set thrust as needed for the phase of flight. Change thrust setting only if needed to modify an unacceptable speed trend
Moderate to Heavy Rain, Hail or Sleet
ENGINE START switches ………………………………… CONT
Autothrottle …………………………………………… Disengage
Thrust Levers……………………………………….Adjust Slowly
If thrust changes are necessary, move the thrust levers slowly.
Avoid changing thrust lever direction until engines have stabilized at a selected setting. Maintain an increased minimum thrust setting.
IAS/MACH …………………………………..Use a slower speed
Using a slower speed improves engine tolerance to heavy precipitation intake.
Consider starting the APU (if available).
Ground Incident
- If an immediate evacuation is not required I will PA,
“REMAIN SEATED, REMAIN SEATED”. - If urgent contact with the In-Charge is required, I will PA,
“IN-CHARGE FLIGHT ATTENDANT CALL (OR REPORT TO) THE FLIGHT DECK”. - If an evacuation is required I will call,