Memory EPs Flashcards
Emergency Shutdown
- Throttles - CLOSE
- Rotor Brake - EN
- APU - OFF (blank)
- Battery - OFF
6. Exit helicopter
- Battery - OFF
APU Fire
- APU fire PBA illuminated and voice alert
- Smoke
- Fire
- APU - OFF (blank)
- APU fire PBA - ARM
- READY/DISCH PBA - DISCHARGE. Illumination of READY indicates fire bottle is ready for discharge. Ensure indication changes to DISCH to show fire bottle discharged.
- Helicopter - SHUTDOWN
5. Exit helicopter
- Helicopter - SHUTDOWN
Engine Fire on Start (External)
- Engine fire PBA (AE) illuminated and voice alert
- Smoke
- Fire
- Throttle (AE) - CLOSE
- START PBAs - OFF (blank)
- FUEL 1 and FUEL 2 PBAs - CLOSE
- ENG fire PBA (AE) - ARM
- READY/DISCH PBA - DISCHARGE. Illumination of READY indicates fire bottle is ready for discharge. Ensure indication changes to DISCH to show fire bottle discharged.
6. Helicopter - SHUTDOWN
7. Exit helicopter
- READY/DISCH PBA - DISCHARGE. Illumination of READY indicates fire bottle is ready for discharge. Ensure indication changes to DISCH to show fire bottle discharged.
Engine Hot Start
1. MGT reaches 867C before starter cutout
- Throttle (AE) - CLOSE
- START PBA (AE) - ENGAGE. Motor until MGT decreases below 145C or 2-minute automatic timeout is reached.
4. Helicopter - SHUTDOWN
- START PBA (AE) - ENGAGE. Motor until MGT decreases below 145C or 2-minute automatic timeout is reached.
Single-Engine Failure During Takeoff
- Left Yaw
- Nr decreases
- Engine indications (AE) decrease
- ENG 1/2 OUT (AE) and RPM warning lights illuminated with voice messages
- ENG 1/2 OUT (AE) or RPM LOW warning legend is displayed on FLT page warning banner.
*1. Controls - ADJUST (to control Nr and establish single-engine flight parameters)
*2. Stores - JETTISON (as appropriate)
If landing site exists:
3. Helicopter - Land
If unable to land:
4. Controls - ADJUST (to climb and establish/maintain autorotation parameters)
5. Single-Engine failure in flight procedures - EXECUTE
Rotor Brake Pressurizes in Flight
- ROTOR BRAKE warning light and aural tone
- ROTOR BRAKE voice message
- Rotor brake handle not stowed
- Decrease in Nr
- RPM warning light and aural tone
(2N, 2W not on card)
*1. Rotor brake handle - STOWED If warning light remains illuminated and secondary indications exist: *2. HYD 1 PBA - OFF (illuminated) *3. COOLER PBA - HYD 2 (illuminated) *4. Nr - MONITOR 5. Airspeed - ADJUST 100 KIAS or less 6. Land as soon as Possible
SCAS Hardover
1. Uncommanded excessive development of pitch, roll, and/or yaw rates
(1C not on card)
- Aircraft Control - Regain
3. Airspeed - Less than 100 KIAS
4. Land as soon as Practical
- Aircraft Control - Regain
Complete Loss of Tail Rotor Thrust/Components (hover)
- Uncontrollable yaw
- Possible nose tuck
- High Frequency Vibrations
- Throttles - IDLE
- Autorotation - ACCOMPLISH
3. Helicopter - SHUTDOWN
- Autorotation - ACCOMPLISH
Complete Loss of Tail Rotor Thrust/Components (Flight)
- Uncontrollable yaw
- Possible nose tuck
- High Frequency Vibrations
*1. Autorotation - ACCOMPLISH
Jammed/Fixed Pitch/Loss of Tail Rotor Pitch Control
- Directional pedals do not effect a change in yaw. Pedals may or may not move
- Yaw movement related to changes in collective
- Aircraft may experience sudden excursion in pitch, roll, and/or yaw
*1. Use power and airspeed to align the nose
2. Execute a long shallow approach to set up for appropriate landing technique
If fixed left:
3. Execute a hovering or slide on landing (as appropriate)
If fixed right (acceptable slide landing speed):
4. Adjust power and airspeed to land with the nose aligned in the direction of travel.
If excessive fixed right (unacceptable speed required for landing):
5. Utilize throttle, collective and airspeed to land at the slowest GS possible with the aircraft aligned in the direction of travel
6. Execute a sharp reduction in collective or rapid throttle reduction to align the nose in the direction of travel.
Dual-Engine Failure in Flight
- Left yaw
- Rapid Nr decay
- Rapid settling
- ENG 1/2 OUT warning lights
- Number 1/2 ENGINE OUT voice messages
- Engine instruments for both engines decrease
- RPM warning light and aural tone
- ROTOR RPM voice message
(1 W, 1C not on card)
*1. Autorotation - ACCOMPLISH
Single-Engine Failure in Flight
- Nr decreases
- ENG 1 or 2 OUT warning light
- NUMBER 1 or 2 ENGINE OUT voice message
- AE instruments decrease
- RPM warning light and aural tone
- ROTOR RPM voice message
(1W, 1C not on card)
*1. Controls - ADJUST
*2. Stores - JETTISON (as appropriate)
If single-engine flight is not suitable:
3. Helicopter - LAND
If single-engine flight is sustainable:
4. Failed Engine - IDENTIFY
5. Throttle (AE) - CLOSE
6. Fuel PBA (AE) - CLOSE
7. XFEED PBA - OPEN (illuminated)
8. INTCON PBA - OPEN (blank)
9. Engine Restart in Flight - As required
10. Land as soon as Possible
Engine Np Underspeed
- Nr/Np droops if power demand exceeds single-engine limit
- Np mismatch with Nr at 100% or slightly drooped
- MGT decrease
- Ng decrease
- Torque split
- Controls - ADJUST (to maintain Nr and establish single-engine flight parameters)
- Stores - JETTISON (as appropriate)
3. AE - IDENTIFY (low MGT)
4. Throttle (AE) - ADVANCE to DECU lockout
5. Land as soon as Practical
- Stores - JETTISON (as appropriate)
Engine Ng/Np Overspeed
- Increase in Ng, Np, and Nr
- Increase in MGT
- Torque split
- ENG 1 or 2 NP or NG OVERSPEED caution message and aural tone
- Possible rotor RPM warning light, ROTOR RPM HI warning message and aural tone
- The good engine reduces power and Np of the overspeeding engine may increase well over 100%
(1W, 1N not on card)
- Controls - ADJUST (to control Nr)
3. Throttle (AE) - Adjust manually to maintain 100% Nr
4. Land as soon as Practical
- Controls - ADJUST (to control Nr)
Compressor Stalls
- AE bangs/pops
- No throttle response
- Decreasing or erratic Ng
- Increasing or erratic MGT
(1N not on card)
*1. Controls - ADJUST (to maintain Nr, reduce power, and establish single-engine parameters)
*2. Stores - JETTISON (as appropriate)
If conditions persist:
3. Throttle (AE) - IDLE
4. Bleed Air (Heater, ENG ANTI-ICE) - AS REQUIRED
If compressor stall persists (MGT continues to rise above normal, Ng decreases below normal idle speed, or any other malfunction is indicated)
5. Throttle (AE) - CLOSE
6. Perform single-engine procedures - AS REQUIRED
If MGT decreases or stall clears:
7. Throttle (AE) - ADVANCE slowly to full open
9. Land as soon as Practical
Fuselage Fire in Flight
- Smoke
- Fumes
- Fire
*1. Land Immediately
Dual-Engine Fire in Flight
- Smoke
- Fumes
- Fire
- ENG 1/2 Fire warning on FLT page
- ENG 1/2 fire light on glareshield and aural one
- ENGINE NUMBER 1/2 voice message
(1C, 1N not on card)
- Controls - ADJUST (to establish an autorotation)
- Stores - JETTISON (as appropriate)
- Throttles - CLOSE
- FUEL 1 and FUEL 2 PBAs - CLOSE
- ENG fire PBAs - ARM
- READY/DISCH PBA - DISCHARGE. Illumination of READY indicates fire bottle is ready for discharge. Ensure indication changes to DISCH to show fire bottle discharged.
- Autorotative Landing - ACCOMPLISH
Single-Engine Fire in Flight
- Smoke
- Fumes
- Fire
- ENG 1/2 Fire warning on FLT page
- ENG 1/2 fire light on glareshield and aural one
- ENGINE NUMBER 1/2 voice message
- Smoke trail observed during yaw maneuver
*1. Controls - ADJUST (to establish an autorotation)
*2. Stores - JETTISON (as appropriate)
*3. Throttles (AE) - CLOSE
*5. ENG fire PBA (AE) - ARM
*6. READY/DISCH PBA - DISCHARGE. Illumination of READY indicates fire bottle is ready for discharge. Ensure indication changes to DISCH to show fire bottle discharged.
7. XFEED PBA - OPEN (illuminated)
8. INTCON PBA - OPEN (blank)
9. Land as soon as Possible
If fire persists:
10. Land Immediately
Electrical Fire
- Smoke or fumes
- Equipment failure
- Fire
- High AMPS indication
(5W, 2C not on card)
*1. AE - OFF and CBs pulled
If fire persists:
*2. INV 1 and INV 2 PBAs - OFF (illuminated)
If fire persists:
*3. GEN 1 and GEN 2 PBAs - OFF (illuminated)
If fire persists:
*4. Land Immediately
If smoke, fumes or fire is not evident and continued flight is necessary:
5. GEN 1/2 PBAs - ON (blank)
6. INV 1/2 PBAs - ON (blank)
7. Necessary equipment - ON
If smoke, fumes or fire is evident on any step 3-7:
8. Applicable equipment - OFF and CBs pulled
9. Land as soon as Practical
If a generator cannot be restored:
10. Land as soon as Possible
Engine-Driven Suction Fuel Pump Failure
- ENG 1/2 BST PUMP FAIL caution message with aural tone
- Engine performance indications decrease (AE)
- Engine performance indications for non-affected engine change to OEI limits if affected engine Ng falls below 50%. TRQ indication for non-affected engine will rise
- Nr decreases
*1. XFEED PBA - OPEN (illuminated)
2. INTCON PBA - OPEN (blank)
3. Land as soon as Possible
If affected engine has flamed out:
4. Single-Engine Failure Procedures - EXECUTE
Main Driveshaft Failure
- Rapid Nr decay
- Left yaw
- RPM warning light and aural tone
- High Np
- Zero TRQ indication
- Grinding sounds with possible loud banging noise
*1. Autorotation - ACCOMPLISH
Autorotative Landing
1W, 3C, 6N not on card
*1. Controls - ADJUST (to maintain Nr and desired airspeed)
*2. Stores - JETTISON (as appropriate)
*3. Throttles - CLOSE
After Touchdown:
5. Emergency Shutdown - COMPLETE