Memory Definitions Flashcards
State of emotional arousal where there is a feeling or experience of apprehension and uncertainty
Central executive
Part of working memory that coordinates other components
Cognitive interview
Interview technique devised to improve the accuracy of witness recall
Context-dependent failure
Forgetting which occurs because the external cues at recall are different to those at the time of learning
The length of time information remains in memory
Episodic buffer
Part of working memory which is a temporary store integrating information from the other components
Episodic memory
Type of long-term memory for information about specific experiences and events in our lives
Eyewitness testimony
An account given by people of an event they have witnessed
Failure to retrieve memories
Inner scribe
Stores information about the physical relationship of items (part of the visuo-spatial sketchpad)
Interference theory
Memory can be disrupted not only by previous learning but also by what is learned in the future
Leading question
Question phrased in such a way that it prompts a particular kind of answer
Long-term memory
Permanent store holding unlimited amounts of information for long periods
Misleading information
Incorrect information given the an eyewitness after an event
Techniques used to improve memory
Multi-store model
Explanation of memory that sees information flowing through a series of storage systems
Phonological loop
Part of working memory that deals with auditory information
Post-event discussion
A potential source of misleading information where witnesses discuss what they saw afterwards
Primary acoustic store
Part of the phonological loop which stores words heard
Proactive interference
A cause of forgetting by which previously stored information prevents learning and remembering new information
Procedural memory
Long-term memory for “knowing how”
Unpleasant material is pushed into the unconscious mind
The recall of stored memories
Retrieval failure
Difficulties in recall that are due to the absence of the correct retrieval cues
Retroactive interference
Occurs when newly learned information interferes with and impedes the recall of previously learned information
A cognitive framework or concept that helps organize and interpret information
Semantic memory
Type of long-term memory for information about the world that is not linked to particular contexts or events
Sensory register
Store of sensory information that lasts no more than a few seconds
Short-term memory
Temporary memory store that holds limited amount of information for a short period of time
State-dependent failure
Forgetting which occurs because the emotional or physical state at recall is different to that at the time of learning
Visual cache
Part of the visuo-spatial sketchpad that stores information about form and colour
Visuo-spatial sketchpad
Part of working memory that deals with visual information
Working memory model
Model that suggests short-term memory is composed of three, limited capacity stores