Memory AO3 Flashcards
Evaluate the nature of memory
P- Badddley not meaningful material
E- words no meaning to ppts
E- info meaningful semantic in stm
evaluate the nature of memory
P- lacked control
E- ppts distrated
E- reduces internal validity
evaluate the nature of memory
P- conflicting research to miller
E- cowan reviewed and only 4 chuncks
E- accpected capactity wrong
evaluate the nature of memory
(peterson and perterson)
P- artificial stimuli
E- trigrams don’t reflect life
E- lacks mundane realism and external validity
evaluate the nature of memory
P- high external validity
E- used real memories of school
E- findings accurtley represent life
C- confounding variables uncontrolled
evaluate the multi store model (MSM)
P- large support distinct stm ltm
E- KF stm damage
E- exsist as seperate stores
evaluate the multi store model (MSM)
P- Makes sense LTM semantic
E- eg, remeber idea of a speach
E- effective face validity
evaluate the multi store model (MSM)
P- pioneering model inspired
E- shortcomings led to WMM
E- Beneficial contribution
evaluate the multi store model (MSM)
P- little ecological validity
E- peterson and peterson nonsense trigrams investigating STM
E- findings may not be accurate reflecting life
evaluate the multi store model (MSM)
(Types LTM)
P- evidence for different types of LTM
E- Clive wearing struggled semantic fine procedural
E- Ltm one stor inaccurate
evaluate the multi store model (MSM)
(Types stm)
P- Evidence suggest types of stm
E- KF stuggle verbal fine visual
E- Stm one store inaccurate
evaluate the multi store model (MSM)
P- argued two types rehersal
E- msm descibes only maintenance
E- elaborative needed ltm when linked to existing knowledge
evaluate long term memory
(types LTM)
P- evidence support different ltm
E- HM learn procedural but not others. Got better at tasks he couldn’t remember doing
E- Showing LTM stores damage seperately.
C- However lack of control in case studies. Unrepresentative
evaluate long term memory
(brain scans)
P- brain scans differnt types differnt parts
E- Episodic and Semantic in same place but diffent sides
E- showing different types ltm different stores suggesting accurate
evaluate long term memory
(not seperate)
P- Episodic and semantic not seperate
E- instead should be decterative and non-declerative
E- difficult to seperate. Stored close together
evaluate long term memory
P- identifying types allows development treatments
E- Episodic memory improve on cognitive imparment when trained compared to control
E- real life applications, positive outcome
Evaluate the working memory model (WMM)
P- centeral executive explain psychological disorders
E- schizophrenic patients shows baddleys disexecutive syndrome compared control. Handled by CE
E- Raises possibility Schizophrenia caused by CE
I- Active reaserch. Potential treatments
Evaluate the working memory model (WMM)
P- support comes form KF
E- Poor smt for verbal but not visual
E- suggesting viso-spatial sketchpad not damaged.
I- supports seperate stores.
Evaluate the working memory model (WMM)
(Case study)
P- evidence from supporting CS treated cautiously.
E- Conserns unique cases- unreliable
E- no baseline. no control
I- no population validity
Evaluate the working memory model (WMM)
(dual task)
P- dual task supports different sub systems
E- ppts struggle two tasks same system but not diff. Due to no competition for system
E- support exisitance seperate stm stores
Evaluate the working memory model (WMM)
P- critisised vss suggests spatial info is first visual
E- blind people have spatial awareness
E- vss overly simplified