Memory Flashcards




= the no. items a memory store can hold at any one time.

STM Study: Jacobs (1887) & Miller (1956) - study of immediate digit span.
-Participants recall random lists of digits/no. in correct order.
-List increases by one digit/no. each time.
-Digit span measured at the point where participants can no longer recall the digits in the correct sequence.

STM Findings: STM capacity limited to 5-9 items (7 items of info +/- 2)

LTM Study: N/A

LTM Findings: unlimited.

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= the length of time a memory store can store/remember an item for.

STM Study: Peterson & Peterson (1959) trigram retention study.
-Participants briefly presented with a consonant trigram (e.g. WGP)
-They were asked to count backwards in 3s from a random no. (to prevent rehearsal).
-Participants were asked to recall trigrams at different time intervals ranging from 3-18 seconds.

STM Findings: STM duration is brief wen rehearsal is prevented - up to 30 seconds.
Participants could recall 80% trigrams correctly after 3 seconds but fewer than 10% after 18 seconds.

LTM study: Bahrick et al (1975) - high school yearbook study.
-Tested nearly 400 American high-school graduates on their memory of former school mates.
-Used a variety of recognition and name-matching tasks.

LTM Findings: 30 seconds-lifetime.
-Memory better on recognition than recall.
-Memory began to decline after 47 years.

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= the form in which the store remembers the item e.g. visually, acoustically or semantically.

STM Study: Conrad (1964) study of acoustic confusion.
-Participants were shown a random sequence of 6 consonants briefly on a screen.
-Some sounded similar.
-Some sounded different.
-Participants were then asked to write down the consonants in the correct order.

STM Findings: Mainly acoustic.
Participants found it more difficult to recall & made more errors on the lists of similar sounding consonants.

LTM Study: Baddeley (1966) Acoustic/Semantic encoding.
-Participants presented with 10 words from each of 4 categories:
1.Words that sound similar
2.Do not sound similar
3.Mean the same
4.Do not mean the same
-Rehearsal was prevented (counting) & recall tested after 20 mins.

LTM Findings: Mainly semantic
-Participants performed well on words with similar meaning.
-Baddeley concluded that this was because LTM codes for meaning.

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Multi-store model


Proposed by Atkinson & Schiffrin (1968) consisting of 3 main stores: Sensory, STM & LTM.

Explains how info flows from one storage system to another:
-Info received through senses enters sensory store, constantly receive info, most receives no attention.
-If attention is paid to it it is transferred & processed by STM, if not attended to it is forgotten.
-If rehearsed efficiently it is transferred to LTM.

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Sensory register


Particular registers for different senses:
-Iconic (vision)
-Echoic (sound)
-Haptic (touch)
= passive stores -> cannot control what enters & its functioning.
Constantly bombarded with info, so has mechanism for selecting relevant & discarding rest.

Capacity: Very large

Duration: Limited
-iconic = 500 milliseconds
-echoic = 2 seconds

-iconic = visually
-echoic = acoustically

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Evaluation points for multi-store model


+ Supporting case studies:
-Clive Wearing contracted viral infection & left with brain damage & major memory disruption.
-Episodic severely impaired, had difficulty recalling events from past e.g. wedding day.
-Basic semantic memory = relatively unaffected e.g. meanings of words.
-Displayed procedural memories e.g. tie shoelaces, walking, talking, complex piano pieces
->Points to clear distinction between LTM & STM, supporting proposal they are separate stores. Clear that virus just attacked STM.

+ Support from Serial Position Effect:
-Murdock (1962) presented participants with list of words to recall any order.
-Found that words at beginning & end of list recalled better than middle = serial position effect.
-Words at beginning = primary effect - rehearsed - LTM.
-Words at end = recency effect - STM (can stay up to 30 seconds without rehearsal).
->Provides existence for separate stores.

x Mere rehearsal doesn’t ensure transfer from STM to LTM:
-Bekerian & Baddeley (1980) found people didn’t know of changes to BBC radio wavelengths despite hearing info on average over 1000 times.
->Questions role of transferring info from STM to LTM - according to MSM info should have been rehearsed sufficiently.

x Info which isn’t rehearsed can be stored in LTM:
-Jenkins (1974) demonstrated some info can be retained in LTM even when participants not warned about recalling = incidental learning.
-Occurs due to interest, funniness, or personal relevance.
-> MSM cannot account for recall of this info, proposes that STM must rehearse in order for transfer, may not always be true.

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Types of LTM


Endel Tulving (1985) one of first cognitive psychologists to realise MSM view of LTM = too simplistic & inflexible & thus proposed 3 LTM stores.
Can be divided into 2 main types:
-Declarative = ‘knowing that’ e.g. facts, details, events.
-Procedural = ‘knowing how’ e.g. how to do things.

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Episodic memory


= refers to our ability to recall events from our lives.
WWW criteria:
-What happened
-Where it happened
-When it happened
Likened to a diary - memories of a single episode will include several elements e.g. people, places, objects, behaviours - all interwoven to produce a single memory.

Time-stamped: Yes (can remember when happened)

Awareness: Conscious effort to recall memories.

Brain localisation:
Initial coding - prefrontal cortex
Consolidation & storage - neocortex.
Memories of different parts of events - different visual, auditory & olfactory areas but connected in hippocampus to create memory of event rather than collection of separate memories.

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Semantic memory


= contains general knowledge - our knowledge of the world.
Includes facts but in broadest possible sense.
Likened to an encyclopaedia & dictionary.

Time-stamped: No - less personal knowledge & more facts we all share.

Awareness: Conscious effort to access.

Brain localisation: some disagreement:
-some evidence of involvement of hippocampus & related areas.
-usage of several areas.
-coding mainly associated with frontal & temporal lobes.

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Procedural memory


= memory for actions, skills or how we do things.
e.g. driving a car - (eventually) change gear without realising.

Time-stamped: No - we don’t often recall when we learnt.

Awareness: Without conscious awareness or great deal of effort.

Brain localisation:
Motor skills - prefrontal cortex, parietal cortex & cerebellum all engaged.
-Cerebellum = coordinate flow & timing of movements.
-Damage to cerebellum & basal ganglia = affect on procedural.
-> 1977 study of Alzheimer patients - discovered procedural memory functions better than declarative as it is less dependent on affected regions of brain (cerebellum & basal ganglia).

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Evaluation of types of LTM


+ Research from Clinical Case Studies:
-Patient HM & Clive Wearing - both episodic severely impaired from amnesia - difficulty recalling events from past.
-Semantic relatively unaffected e.g. meaning of words.
-Procedural intact - how to tie shoelaces, Clive could still read music and play piano (professional musician).
-> Supports Tulving’s view that there are many different stores in LTM - one store can be damaged but others remain unaffected - clear evidence of different types of memory & stored in different parts in brain.

+ Support from neuroimaging evidence:
-Brain scan studies for different stores in brain e.g. Tulving et al (1994) got participants to perform various memory tasks while scanned (PET).
-Found episodic & semantic both recalled from prefrontal cortex - area is divided one on each hemisphere of brain. (Left for semantic, right for episodic).
-> Supports view that there is physical reality to different types of LTM within brain.

+ Real-life applications:
-Being able to identify different aspects of LTM allows psychologists to target certain types of memory in order to better people’s lives.
-Belleville (2006) demonstrated episodic memories could be improved in older people who had a mild cognitive impairment.
-Trained participants performed better on test of episodic after training control group.
-> Episodic most affected by mild cognitive impairment highlighting benefit of being able to distinguish between types of LTM - enables specific treatments to be developed.

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Explanations for forgetting:


= occurs when 2 pieces of info conflict with each other - results in forgetting of one or both items, or some distortion.
Proposed mainly as explanation in LTM - once memory reaches LTM its more or less permanent, therefore any forgetting is most likely because we can’t get access even though available.

-> Interference between memories makes it harder for us to locate them, and this is experienced as ‘forgetting’.

Types of interference:
Proactive = when older memory interferes with a newer one
e.g. teacher learned many names in past - difficulty remembering new ones.
Retroactive = when a newer memory interferes with a older one
e.g. teacher learned so many new names - cannot remember old names.

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Evaluation for inference as an explanation for forgetting


+ Research Support:
-Interference is worse when the memories (or learning) are similar - McGeoch & McDonald (1931)
-Studied retroactive by changing amount of similarity between 2 sets of materials.
-Participants had to learn a new list of 10 words until they could remember with 100% accuracy. They then learnt a new list.
-6 groups of participants who had to learn different types of lists: synonyms, antonyms, unrelated words, nonsense syllables, 3-digit no. & no new list (rested).
-When recalling original list again, synonyms produced worst recall.
-> Shows interference is strongest wen materials are similar.

+ Evidence from lab studies:
-Most consistently demonstrated findings in psychology. 1000s lab experiments carried out e.g. McGeoch & McDonald.
-Most studies show both types are likely to be common ways of forgetting LTM.
-> Lab experiments control effects of irrelevant influences & thus give confidence that interference is a valid explanation for some forgetting.

x Problems using lab studies to test:
-Much greater chance interference demonstrated in lab than real-life situations for 1 good reason.
-Stimulus materials in most studies are list of words - completely different to learning things in everyday life e.g. faces, birthdays.
-> Use of artificial tasks makes interference much more likely in the lab. Interference may not be as likely as explanation for forgetting in everyday life as it is in lab.

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Explanations for forgetting:
Retrieval failure


-Insufficient cues - when info is initially placed in memory, associated cues are stored at same time.
If cues are not available at time of recall, it may make it appear you have forgotten when really due to retrieval failure - not able to access memories there.
Two types:

Context-dependent forgetting:
-occurs with external retrieval cues - forgetting when external environment is different at recall from how it was at coding.
Research - Godden & Baddeley (1975):
-carried out study using deep-sea divers as participants.
-divers learnt list of words either underwater or on land then asked to recall in either environment - 4 conditions.
-when learning in different environment to recall = 40% lower recall than others.
-external cues at learning different from ones at recall - retrieval failure.

State-dependent forgetting:
-occurs when internal retrieval cues - forgetting occurs when internal environment is dissimilar to when coded i.e. mental state (e.g. recall drunk, learned sober).
Research - Goodwin et al (1969)
-asked male volunteers to remember list of words when either sober or drunk (those in drunk condition 3x over UK drink driving limit).
-participants asked to recall lists after 24hrs.

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Evaluation for Retrieval Failure as an explanation for forgetting


+ Applications in real-life:
-Cognitive Interview uses research findings from retrieval failure to improve recall from witnesses.
-Aims to recreate conditions in which individual first seen event e.g. weather, time, mood = context reinstatement.
-thought that this increases number of cues available & helps to access info from variety of different sources.
-Found to have improved recall by 34% over standard interview technique.
-> Supports as when we increase number of cues then our memory will improve as a result.

x Questioning context effects:
-Baddeley (1977) argues context effects are not actually very strong, esp in real-life
e.g. hard to find an environment as different from land as underwater.
-in contrast learning something in one room & recalling in another is unlikely to result in much forgetting as environments are generally not different enough.
-> Limitation as means real-life applications of retrieval failure due to contextual cues don’t actually explain much forgetting.

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Working model


Baddeley & Hitch questioned existence of single STM store - argued that STM was far more complex than a mere ‘stopping off’ point - saw more as an ‘active store’ holding several pieces of info consciously thought about.
Compared to a computer screen where several operations are performed on current data.

They thought this because:
-If you do 2 things at once & are both visual tasks, you perform less well than if you do them separately.
-If you do 2 things at once & 1 is visual & 1 involves sound, there is no interference.


Central executive


Most important component in model - responsible for range of imp control processes:
-setting goals
-correcting errors
-switching attention between tasks
-retrieving info from LTM
-coordinating activity needed to carry out more than one processing task at a time.

Most important role = monitoring and coordinating the operation of the slave systems.

It is flexible - can process info from any modality & has some storage capacity (limited).


Phonological loop


Limited capacity.
Deals with auditory info & preserves order of info.

Loop - based on sub-vocal repetition - info goes round in a loop (i.e. repeating info in head)

Baddeley (1986) further sub-divided loop:
-phonological store = holds words you hear - like an ‘inner ear’
-articulatory process = used for words that are seen or heard - silently repeated (looped) - like an ‘inner voice’

Appears that phonological loop used for learning new words.
Phonological store ‘simply’ holds auditory data.


Visuo-spatial sketchpad


Referred to as ‘inner eye’
Visual and/or spatial info is temporarily stored here.
Visual = what things look like.
Spatial = relationship between things.

Sketchpad used when you have to plan a spatial task.
Also used when engaged in visual task e.g. working out how many windows in your house - most people create a visual image of their house in working memory.

Logie (1995) suggested sub-dividing store into:
-visual cache = stores visual material about form & colour.
-inner scribe = handles spatial relationships & rehearses & transfers info in visual cache to Central Executive.


Episodic buffer


Baddeley (2000) added 3rd slave system - needed a general store.
Slave systems = deal with processing & temp storage of specific kinds of info.

Central executive has no storage capacity - nowhere to hold info relating to both visual & acoustic info.

Episodic buffer = extra storage system - limited capacity.
-Integrates info from central executive, phonological loop & visuo-spatial sketchpad.
-Maintains sense of time-sequencing - basically recording events happening.
-Sends info to LTM.


Evaluation for working model


+ Research support: Dual-task studies:
-Dual-task performance (i.e. doing 2 things at once) supports existence of visuo-spatial sketchpad.
-Baddeley et al (1975) showed participants had more difficulty doing 2 visual tasks than both visual & verbal task at same time.
-Increased difficulty is because both visual tasks compete for same slave system.
-> Means there must be a separate slave system (V.S.S) that processes visual input and has a limited capacity.

+ Research support: word length effect:
-Describes the fact that people cope better with short words in working memory (STM) than long words.
-Seems PL holds amount of info you can say in 2 seconds (Baddeley et al 1975).
-Makes it hard to remember a list of long words compared to short.
-Longer words can’t be rehearsed on phonological loop because they don’t fit in.
-> Supports idea that capacity of PL is set by length of time it takes to say words rather than actual no. of words said.

+ Support from brain damaged patients:
-Patient KF - poor STM ability for verbal info but could process visual info i.e. difficulty with sounds but could recall letters & digits.
-> Suggests that just PL was damaged leaving other areas of his memory intact. Supports existence of a separate visual & acoustic store.

x Function of CE = unknown:
-Cognitive psychologists suggests CE = unsatisfactory & doesn’t explain anything.
-Baddeley recognised and said: ‘most imp but least understood component’.
-CE needs to be more clearly specified than it just being simply ‘attention’ e.g. some psychologists believe it to be more than 1 system with separate stores.
-The way in which it functions such as allocating resources is not clearly understood.
-> WMM cannot fully explain memory until we know more about its most vital store.


EWT: Misleading Info & Post-event discussion


Loftus showed eyewitness memories can be affected by leading questions.
Leading Q = Q that, either by its form or content, suggests to the witness what answer is desired or leads them to desired answer.
->Serious implications for judicial system, since jurors seem to be particularly convinced by EWT.

Study: Loftus & Palmer (1974) ‘Smashed/contacted’ car speed
Aims: investigated accuracy of memory after witnessing car accident, in particular if leading questions distort accuracy of immediate recall - people notoriously poor at estimating speed of car - likely to look for hints.

Experiment 1: effect of leading Q:
-lab experiment involving 45 students.
-shown seven short films of different traffic accidents.
-after each film given questionnaire to describe accident.
-one group given ‘hit’ question, other 4 given ‘smashed’, ‘bumped, & ‘contacted’.
Findings = estimated speed determined by verb:
-smashed - 41mph
-contacted - only 32 mph

Experiment 2: effect of post-event info:
-150 participants split into 3 groups.
-one given ‘smashed’, another ‘hit’, 3rd given no indication.
-week later asked if they saw any broken glass (there was not any)
-smashed - 32% claimed to see glass
-control group - only 12%

Conclusion = memory recall can be distorted by language used.
-Participants had different interpretations due to use of verb -unclear whether due to demand characteristics or genuine change in memory.
-Leading Q can be part of post-event discussion - when more than 1 witness to event, may discuss what they saw -> may influence accuracy of recall.


Evaluation of Loftus’ research (misleading Q & post-event discussion)


+ Experimental support for post-event discussion:
-Loftus study - 120 college students who’d visited disneyland in childhood asked to evaluate advertising material, fill out questionnaires & answer questions about trip.
-Group 1 read fake ad with no cartoon characters, group 2 read fake ad with no cartoon & exposed to cardboard cut-out of bugs bunny in room, group 3 read fake ad featuring bugs bunny, group 4 read fake ad featuring bugs bunny & saw cardboard cut-out.
-Group 1 = control, other groups contained some post-event info.
-30% group 3 & 40% group 4 claimed to have met bugs bunny at disneyland (not true).
->Shows how post-event info can create inaccurate memory, demonstrating memory is changeable & vulnerable to inaccuracy.

+ Applications of findings:
-Important contribution in understanding the unreliability of EWT.
-Seems clear from research that memory for events can be distorted in light of misleading-info.
-Important implications in way police question witnesses & questioning in court - urged to use as few leading Q as possible.
-Based on evidence, the Devlin Report (1976) recommended trial judge be required to instruct jury that it is not safe to convict on a single EWT alone except in exceptional circumstances or when substantial evidence.
-> Research into EWT is one area in which psychologists believe they can make an important positive difference to lives of real people.

x Lacks ecological validity:
-Lab experiment may not represent real life as people don’t take experiment seriously and/or they are not emotionally aroused as they would be in a real accident.
-Witnessing genuine accident = alarming, stressful & emotional experience - may alter memory in ways that don’t happen in safe lab experiment.
-e.g. Forster et al (1994) found if participants thought they were watching real-life robbery & responses would influence trial, identification of robber would be more accurate.
-> Studies using artificial tasks may tell us very little about how leading questions affect EWT in real-life accidents or crimes.

x Lacks population validity:
-Use of students as participants = not representative of general population in a no. of ways.
-Importantly they may be way less experienced drivers so less confident in ability to estimate speeds.
-> May have influenced them to be more swayed by the verb in the Q & in turn reduces validity of findings.


EWT: Anxiety


Jurors often place considerable importance on evidence provided by EW (i.e. eyewitness memory).

Baddeley (1997) has reported that 74% suspects were convicted in 300 cases where EW identification was only evidence against them.

Numerous research studies have identified several problems with EWT, including anxiety at time of incident, that is, during encoding stage of memory process.

When considering reliability of EWT it is important to bear in mind the type of crime being recalled - some involving violence are associated with high levels of anxiety in victims or bystanders.
Whether such anxiety leads to unreliable remembering depends on no. factors.

The Yerkes-Dodson Law
From a review of 21 studies, Deffenbacher et al (2004) carried out meta-analysis of 18 studies published 1974-1997. Looked at effects of heightened anxiety on accuracy of EW recall. From these studies = considerable support for hypothesis that high levels of stress negativity impacted on accuracy of EWT. Some studies found emotional arousal may enhance accuracy of memory - Christianson & Hubinette (1993) - questioned 58 real witnesses to bank robberies. Those threatened in some way were more accurate in recall & remembered more detail. Continued true 15 months later. Deffenbacher suggested this apparent contradiction could be explained by Yerkes-Dodson Law which states: -performance improves with increases in arousal up some optimal point then declines wither further increases. Many researchers believe anxiety effects in EWT are curvilinear - small to medium increases in arousal may increase accuracy of memory, but high levels interfere with accuracy.
Evaluation of Yerkes-Dodson Law
x Difficult to establish cause & effect: -Is correlational - only looks at relationship between 2 co-variables. -Is accuracy of recall definitely caused by high or low arousal or are there other contributing factors that haven't been considered. x There are issues with reliability: -Deffenbacher used findings from 18 different studies - possible that researchers who conducted this research used slightly different techniques. -Makes it difficult to compare findings & more difficult to use them to support each other. -We can't say findings are reliable as research may have been conducted using different techniques. + Advantages of meta-analysis: -Useful technique as allows researcher to investigate the findings of a very large sample of participants (increasing population validity) over long period of time (1974-1977). -Enables researcher to easily compare trends & to draw conclusions. + Some of research is high in ecological validity: -Christianson & Hubinette questioned witnesses of real-life crimes. -Testing real-life memories. -Witnesses would actually have been in a stressful situation & not artificial environment. -Findings more valid.
Weapon-focus effect
Evidence that in violent crimes, arousal may focus witness on more central details of attack (weapon) than more peripheral details (what was going on). Study: Loftus et al (1987) Aim: to test idea that presence of weapons in a crime draws people's attention away frim a criminal & makes their subsequent recall of events worse. Procedures: 36 students from University of Washington - half recruited from advertisement & paid $3.50, other half psychology students given extra credits. Deceived with story about real purpose. Lab experiment - participants divided into 2 groups, experimental & control. Eye movements monitored during stages: -Both shown 18 slides of man in queue in taco shop waiting to order. -Towards end, 4 of slides showed man in queue handing over cheque or drawing gun and receiving money in return. -Students shown series of distractor slides for about 15 mins & asked to write notes about them. -Then completed questionnaire asking to recall details from first 18 slides including aspects of man's appearance. -Finally given description of man & asked to pick out his picture from a series of 12 head & shoulders photographs & say how confident they were about being right. -IV was if second man in queue pulled out a gun (experimental) or if he pulled out a cheque (control). Results: No significant differences in questionnaire scores. Was significant differences in photo identification task: -Cheque - 39.8% correctly identified -Gun - 11.1% Also significantly longer eye fixation time on gun compared to cheque. Conclusion: Weapon narrowed focus of visual attention resulting in poorer EWT - i.e. participants spent longer looking at gun & therefore more difficulty in identifying suspect.
Evaluation for weapon-focus effect
+ Supporting research: -In initial experiment Loftus et al used 2 conditions, one involving weapon & one not. -In both conditions participants heard a discussion in adjoining room. -Condition 1 man emerged holding pen covered in grease on hands. -Condition 2 discussion more heated & man emerged holding paperknife covered in blood. -When asked to identify from 50 photos, participants in condition 1 49% accurate, compared with 33% accuracy in condition 2. -> Suggests weapon may have distracted attention from person holding it & therefore might explain why EW sometimes have poor recall of violent crimes. x Use of photographs to identify the man: -May have had negative impact of recall, may have been better if they had opportunity to identify him from a line-up. -Would be able to see height, build etc. -In real world, witness would have this opportunity in identity parade. -> Ecological validity questionable as it doesn't give an accurate picture of our ability to identify individuals under real-life conditions. x Lacks population validity: -Relatively young sample, could be argued students re better at remembering info than target population. -Sample not representative of wider population. -Youths more often used to seeing weapon (TV, films, video games) may not be so surprised. -> Would reduce validity of results. x Ethnocentrism: -Study of all-American sample - guns legal in US. -Findings may well have been more produced if sample obtained from UK where guns not legal. -> Could be presumed that this sample would spend even longer looking at the gun & so performance on identification task may have been worse than American sample.
The cognitive interview
Cognitive psychologists have tried to improve the accuracy of EWT due to importance in legal system & serious repercussions when it goes wrong - one suggestion is the ways witnesses are questioned by police. Fisher et al (1987) studied real interviews by experienced detective officers in Florida over 4mo period. -> witnesses frequently bombarded with series of brief, direct & closed questions aimed to elicit facts. Sequencing of questions seemed to be out of sync with witnesses' own mental representation of the event - often interrupted & not allowed to talk freely of experiences. Fisher felt these interruptions were unhelpful as broke concentration & encouraged shorter answers with less detail. Geiselman et al (1985) developed cognitive interview technique as a more effective tool for police: 1. Improve effectiveness of interviewers when questioning witnesses. 2. To apply results of psychological research to this area, particularly Loftus, who already dispelled myth that EW memory operates like a video camera. They identified 4 principles they believed would enhance accurate recall
Report everything
Definition: encourages witnesses to report all detail that they can remember regardless of how trivial it may appear. Instruction: report every detail you can recall even if it seems trivial. Based on principle that there is consistency between the actual incident & recreated situation, there is an increased likeliness that witnesses will recall more details & be more accurate in their recall.
Context reinstatement
Definition: tries to recreate scene of incident in the mind of witness, includes sights, sounds, smells but also crucially it attempts to model the emotions & feelings of the person at the time. Based on concept of cue dependent memory. Instruction: mentally reinstate the context of the target event. Recall the scene, the weather, what you were thinking & feeling at the time, the preceding events etc. Based on principles that there is consistency between actual incident and recreated situation, there is an increased likeliness that witnesses will recall more details & be more accurate in their recall.
Recall in reverse order
Definition: encourages witness to recall events in different orders e.g. starting halfway through a sequence of events & then working backwards. Instruction: report the episode in several different temporal orders moving backwards & forwards in time. Based on assumption that info that has been observed can be retrieved through a number of different 'routes' into an individual's memory, therefore it is more productive to vary these routes during questioning.
Recall from a different perspective
Definition: encourages witnesses to view the scene as others present may have seen it e.g. as other witnesses, victim or the perpetrator may have seen the incident. Instruction: try to describe the episode as it would have been seen from different viewpoints, not just your own. Based on assumption that info that has been observed can be retrieved through a number of different 'routes' into an individual's memory, therefore it is more productive to vary these routes during questioning.
Evaluation of the cognitive interview
+ Research support: -Geisalmam et al (1985) investigated effectiveness of the CI by showing 89 participants videos of a simulated crime. Then tested 48 hours later. -Split into 3 groups, interviewed by experienced LA police officer using either: CI, standard police interview, or interview under influence of hypnosis. -Interviews recorded & EW reports assessed for correct & incorrect responses. -Found CI elicited more info than either of other 2 methods & produced roughly same no. incorrect statements. -CI = 41% correct, standard = 30% correct. -> Shows CI is more effective than other questioning techniques for gathering accurate info from witnesses. + Enhanced CI: -Has been improved & now includes an attempt to build greater report between witness & interviewer. -Made clear to witness that interviewer has no knowledge of event & they have to do all the work. -Modified version is called 'enhanced CI'. -> Bekerian & Dennett (1993) claim the CI had been proven to be one of the most successful areas of applied memory research, increasing validity. x Practical problems involving application of CI: -Police may be reluctant as takes much more time than standard. -e.g. More time needed to establish rapport with witness & allow them to relax. -CI requires special training & many forces have not been able to provide more than a few hours. -> Means that it is unlikely that the 'proper' version of CI is actually used, may explain why police have not been that impressed by it. x Problems with 'change of perspective': -These questions are rarely used by forces. -Perhaps due to concerns among police that use of this technique may mislead witnesses into thinking they are being asked to speculate on the event they had witnessed - no one can bear certain what another person saw. -> Due to worries such as these, this particular technique is less frequently used in practice, reducing validity.