Memory Flashcards
Types of long term memory
Episodic, semantic, procedural
What does the wmm include
Central executive, phonological loop, Visuo-spacial sketchpad and episodic buffer
Explanations on forgetting
Proactive and retroactive interference and retrieval failure due to absence of cues
Factors affecting the accuracy of eye whiteness testimony
Misleading information( ie leading questions and post event discussions, anxiety
What are the 5 senses in the sensory memory
Seeing, hearing, smell, touch, taste
Who made the msm
Atkinson and shiffrin
What is encoded information
How stores in memory systems process information
What is the capacity for stm
What is the duration for stm
What is the capacity of ltm
Duration of ltm
Depends on how long we live
Encoding for stm
Encoding for ltm
Procedural memory
Studied by Fitts(1954)
Long term memory store for our knowledge of how to do things. We recall these memories without a conscious effort
Forgetting because one memory blocks another causing one or both memories to be distorted or forgotten
Retro active interference
When newer memories disrupt older memories
Proactive interference
When older memories affect new ones
Episodic buffer
Keeps events in a time line
Produced by baddeley
Takes information from the wmm and creates and binds it together for example
Imagine you are walking down the street and you see a red car. The visual information about the car is processed by the visual-spatial sketchpad, while the color red is processed by the phonological loop. The episodic buffer integrates these two types of information into a single representation, so that you can remember seeing a red car later on.
Articulatory process
Part of the phonological loop which allows us to repeat stuff in our head ( maintenance rehearsal)
Maintenance rehersal
When you repeat things in your head over and over again to remember things for a short amount of time. Not for long term
Baddeleys lab experiment on encoding stm and ltm
how info is converted into a form the brain can store
Procedure of baddeleys experiment
Participants were divided into 4 groups, each group was given a list (iv)
Group 1 -acoustically similar
Group 2 acoustically dissimilar
Group 3 -semantically similar
Group 4- semantically dissimilar
Findings of the baddeley encoding study
For those participants take part in the stm study- acoustically similar performed the worst recall do 10%.
Recall for the other lists was comparitivelg good(60-80%)
Capacity -Jacobs digit span test
To investigate the capacity of stm
Procedure of jacobs study
Jacobs read aloud lists of either letters or numbers. He gradually increased the length of these lists until ppts could only successfully recall them 50% of the time.
Jacobs stm findings
stm capacity for numbers was 9 where as letters was 7.
Evaluation of jacobs stm study
Strength - used a wide age range in his sample
Weaknesses - conducted a long time ago
Stm for duration Peterson and Peterson
Investigate the duration of stm when no rehearsal is allowed
Procedure of p&p experiment
Ppts where read a nonsense trigram and then asked to count backwards In threes starting from 3 digit numbers for a specified time period. This was called the retention interval and varied from 3 to 18 secs. The counting backwards acted as a distraction task designed to prevent rehearsal.
Conclusion of p&p study
Without rehearsal stms duration is very short
Bahrick ltm for duration study
To investigate the existence of very long term memories using real life memories
Bahricks procedure
400 ppts ranging in age feom 17 to 74 were asked to remember the names of classmates from their high school. They were also shown a set of photos and lists of names. Some of which were ex school friends. They had to identify their ex school friends.
Bahricks findings
Those who’d left high school within the previous 1.5 years recalled 90% of the Dave’s and names in the recognition Task. Those who’d left 48years recalled 80% of the names and 70% of the faces
Eye witness testimony lofftus and Palmer leading questions
45 ppts shown 7films of different traffic accidents. The ppts were asked if there was any smashed glass. The ppts given the stronger word said yes
Improving eyewitness testimony- cognitive interview
Police technique for interviewing witnesses to reduce inaccurate info from leading questions
4 stages of cognitive interview
Mental reinstatement
Report everything
Change order
Change perspective
Evaluation of cog interview
+effective and increases accuracy
- time consuming for police, artificial research, different police regions will use different techniques
Where is semantic info in the brain
Left prefrontal cortex
Where is episodic in the brain
Right prefrontal cortex
Where is Procedural in the brain
In the cerebellum and the basal ganglia
Wmm eval
+There is supporting evidence ( the dual task studies)
Case study evidence =Km and Clive wearing and kf
+ brain scan evidence that can look into different parts of the brain that are active depending on the component in use