What time is it?
Master Chief/Senior Chief/Chief! Due to the fallacious nature of my chronometer, and the inability of my cerebrum to function in the manner of an august Chief Petty Officer, I am unable to ascertain the correct military time to a punctilious degree; however, it is my firm belief that the approximate military time is(state time).
How long have you been in the navy?
All me bloomin’ life Master Chief/Senior Chief/Chief! Me mother was a mermaid, me father was King Neptune. I was born on the crest wave, and rocked in the cradle of the deep. Barnacles and kelp is me clothes. Seaweed is me hair. Every tooth in me head is a marlinspike. Every bone in me body is a spar. When I spits, I spits tar. I am tough, I is, I am, I Arrrrrrr.
Are you a Chief Petty Officer?
Nope. But it is (general time of day: morning, afternoon, evening, nighttime) and you a (Master Chief, Senior Chief, or Chief) so at least I’m able to figure that much out. I think the rest will come with time. I doubt it but maybe.
Who is this training about?
It’s not about me, it’s all about them. My Sailors, my Officers and my family. It’s all about them.
What do you say when asked a question for which you have no answer:
Not being informed to the highest degree of accuracy, I hesitate to articulate for fear that I might deviate from the true course of rectitude and perhaps provide potentially spurious information.
How do you address a CPO?
Using the utmost reverence… “ Selectee ACC(SEL) Schmuckatelly at your service. Is there some small, medium, or large task that I may perform for you?”
What is the Golden Rules of a Good Chief Petty Officer? (2 rules)
1) A good Chief possesses the humility to do what has to be done.
2) A good chief possesses the moral courage to say “NO”.
What are the THREE universal excuses of an E-7?
1) An E-7 does not possess humility because he/she has an inflated ego
2) An E-7 does not make mistakes because he/she does the least amount he/she can do….NOTHING.
3) An E-7 does not possess moral courage because he/she is simply a “Yes man/woman”.
What are the Chiefs Basic Rules? (10 rules) Rule #1
1) The Chief is always right
What are the Chiefs Basic Rules? (10 rules) Rule #2
2) In the impossible hypothesis that a subordinate may be right, Rule #1 becomes effective immediately.
What are the Chiefs Basic Rules? (10 rules) Rule #3
3) The Chief does not sleep; he/she rests
What are the Chiefs Basic Rules? (10 rules) Rule #4
4) The Chief is never late; he/she is detained elsewhere.
What are the Chiefs Basic Rules? (10 rules) Rule #5
5) The Chief is never on liberty; his/her attention is required elsewhere.
What are the Chiefs Basic Rules? (10 rules) Rule #6
6) The Chief never reads the paper in his/her office; he/she studies complexities of global happenings.
What are the Chiefs Basic Rules? (10 rules) Rule #7
7) The Chief is always the Chief; even in a towel and shower shoes.
What are the Chiefs Basic Rules? (10 rules) Rule #8
8) Whosoever enters the Chief’s office with an idea of their own must leave with the Chiefs idea.
What are the Chiefs Basic Rules? (10 rules) Rule #9
9) The Chief never gossips; he/she passes on good information.
What are the Chiefs Basic Rules? (10 rules) Rule #10
10) If in your ignorance you fail to grasp the truth, fear not… return to rule #1.
Chief Petty Officers Serve with Honor
Tradition, Valor, and Victory are the Navy’s heritage from the past. To these may be added dedication, discipline, and vigilance as the watchwords of the present and future. At home or on distant shores we serve with pride, serving confidently with the respect of our country, our shipmates and our families. Our responsibilities sober us, our adversities strengthen us. Service to our country is our special privilege.
What are the Five Reflections of VADM Hajime Hatsushita?
1) Hast thou not gone against sincerity?
2) Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds?
3) Hast thou not lacked vigor?
4) Hast thou exerted all possible efforts?
5) Hast thou not become slothful?
Performing as a Chief or being paid as an E-7?
The Chief is always a part of the answer;
The E-7 is always part of the problem.
The Chief always has a program;
The E-7 always has a excuse.
The Chief says, “Let me give you a hand with that”;
The E-7 says “That’s not my job.”
The Chief sees an answer for every problem.
The E-7 sees a problem for every answer.
The Chief sees a green near every sand trap;
The E-7 sees a sand trap near every green.
The Chief says, “it may be difficult, but it’s possible”;
The E-7 says, “it may be possible, but it’s too difficult.”
The Chief works harder than an E-7 and has more time:
The E-7 is always “too busy” to do what is necessary.
The Chief makes commitments!
The E-7 makes Promises.
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #1
1) You can be flexible or you can be in charge. You cannot be both at the same time.
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #2
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #3
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #4
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #5
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #6
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #7
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #8
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #9
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #10
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #11
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #12
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #13
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #14
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #15
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #16
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #17
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #18
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #19
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #20
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #21
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #22
Pieces of Advice from Chiefs Past and Present (23 rules) Rule #23