Memooryyy Flashcards
What is the function of the Hippocampus?
Encodes episodic memories but does not store them.
What is the function of the Cerebellum?
Encodes implicit procedural memories.
What is the function of the Amygdala?
Encodes emotional memories including fear, disgust, anger, and excitement.
What is the function of the Neocortex?
Stores our explicit memories.
What is the function of the Basal Ganglia?
Encodes and stores our implicit memories (unconscious habits and behaviours).
Define Classical Conditioning
A learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired.
Define Operant Conditioning
A learning process whereby the consequences of behaviour determine the likelihood that it will be performed again in the future.
Define Observational Learning
Involes the aquisition of information, skills or behaviour through watching the performance of others, either directly or indirectly via some form of media or other means.
Define Learning
Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of experience.
What is an Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)?
Any stimulus that consistently produces a particular response.
What is a Neutral Stimulus (NS)?
The name given to the stimulus before it becomes conditioned.
What is an Unconditioned Response (UCR)?
A response which occurs automatically when the UCS is presented.
What is a Conditioned Stimulus (CS)?
The stimulus which is neutral at the start of conditioning.
What is a Conditioned Response (CR)?
The behaviour which is identical to the UCR but is caused by the CS after conditioning.
What occurs before conditioning?
The NS produces no response while the USC elicits the UCR.
What occurs during conditioning?
The NS is repeatedly paired with the UCS to produce the UCR.
What occurs after conditioning?
NS becomes a CS; CS produces a CR, which is usually similar to the previously UCR.
What is an Antecedent?
A stimulus that occurs before the behaviour.
What is a Behaviour (OC)?
The behaviour that occurs due to the antecedent.
What is a Consequence?
The consequence to the behaviour.
What is Reinforcement?
A process in which a stimulus strengthens or increases the frequency or likelihood of a response that it follows.
What is Punishment?
The process of delivering an unpleasant consequence following a response, or the removal of a pleasant consequence following a response.
What is Positive Reinforcement?
Involves giving or applying a positive reinforcer after the desired response has been made.
What is Negative Reinforcement?
Involves the removal of an unpleasant stimulus.
What is Positive Punishment?
Involves the presentation of a stimulus, thereby decreasing the likelihood of a response occurring again.
What is Negative Punishment?
Involves the removal or loss of a stimulus and thereby decreasing the likelihood of a response occurring again.