memo list Flashcards
RRIF minimal withdraw Formulary / age 71 rates
= RRIF Amount/ (90 – Age at Jan 1st)
- minimal withdraw is 5.28%
Pension Adjustment for DB
unreduced pension age 拿满pension的年龄
= (start age + qualifying factor)/2
Early/late CPP and late OAS
- age 60, 36% total clawback. 7.2% yearly, 0.6% monthly
- age 70, 42% total increase. 8.4% yearly, 0.7% monthly
late OAS
- 36% increase to age 70, 7.2% yearly, 0.6% monthly
OAS Clawback
clawback amt = (net of income - $79,845 )*15%
- over 129,260 no OAS
GIS Clawback
Each $2 of income reduces GIS by $1.
= income*0.5
- employment income
- first 5k exempt
- (超过5k-15k的部分) *0.25
- OAS not include
Charitable tax credit
The donation could be carried forward up to 5 years
- credit
- 15% first $200 - provinces match the Federal credit at their lowest tax rate
- 29% $200以上 donor’s highest tax -provinces - limitation
- 平常最多75% of net income
- exception (for 100% of net income)
- Year of Death and Year Prior
- Cultural Property
- Ecological sensitive land
Retiring Allowances- like severance pay
1996年后開始工作而收到的severance pay不能create RRSP room
- service prior to 1996 generates $2000 per year of RRSP contribution room. - service prior to 1989 generates add a further $1500(total $3500) per year of RRSP contribution room, but only if the taxpayer was not a member of a pension plan with vested rights.
bank - CDIC
how much can CDIC insure
Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Credit unions are not CDIC members.
- Maximum of $100,000 per account type per institution
5 years term gic not include
types of insured accounts are: • Individual accounts. • Joint accounts. • RRSP accounts. • RRIF accounts. • TFSA accounts. • Trust accounts. • Pre-paid property taxes on mortgaged properties.
Insurance- Assuris can insure
Death/Sickness/income/cash value/Annuity
- Death
- 200k- 100%
- 200k+ 85% 无上限
- Sickness
- 60k- 100%
- 60k+ 85%
- income
- 2k- 100%
- 2k+ 85%
- cash value
- 60k- 100%
- 60k+ 85%
- Annuity
- 100k- 100%
- 100k+ no coverage
securities can be insured
- offer up to $1,000,000 of protection
GDS = Housing cost / Gross income
- Housing Cost : mortgage rent/ heat/ 50% condo /property tax
- 2020 maximum permitted GDS for a Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) insured mortgage is 35%
- usually between 30% and 35%
TDS= (Housing cost + other debt servicing) /Gross income
2020 maximum permitted GDS for a Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) insured mortgage is 42%
- Most lenders set an upper limit of around 40% to 45%
principal residence exemption formular A own both property for 20 years house FMV 800K ACB 250K cottage FMV 900K ACB 300K what's taxable income at deemed disposition now
Exempt gain = {(years designated as principal residence + 1) × capital gain} / years owned
- 先看哪个cap gain 高,选高的作为PR
- 算最多exemption是900-300=600k
- 需要几年拿满exemption,根据公式 19 年就够了
- 所有house 还可以再有一年的exemption
如果passive asset 超过标准,strategy to qualify the QSBC for LCGE (90% active income)
- if there is CDA - tax free pay out
- pay the extra dividend to shareholder - not preferable since will put shareholder on highest tax rates. 但如果有CNIL 可以先发dividend,用CNIL抵。
- reduce the CNIL (cumulative net investment loss)
- acquire some active assets
- buy equipment / inventory
- buy a small competitor
- establish RCA / IPP (not recommend since cost is high)
- charitable donation
- retirement allowance - if work previous to 1996, can create 2k/mos
- create hold co. - move cash to hold co.
How much Deduction for CPP Contributions
CPP’s YMPE $61,600 5.45%
[(Lesser of YMPE and pensionable earnings) – YBE] x 5.45% = [61,600 -
3,500] x 5.45% = 3,166
transferring the property to joint tenancy
pro (3点) & con(4点)
easy fast
- There will not be delays nor disputes, the asset will transfer automatically to the surviving joint tenants.
tax benefit
- **bypass the probate** - He will not have to pay probate on the investment property, and it will not be on his list of assets at death. - **rental income splitting** - parent can split income related to the investment property with his daughters. Because they are adults, there will be no income attribution back to parent; the income will be divided by three.
- loss control the property - **His daughters can make changes to the property or sell their portion without Barney’s consent.
- loss control for how to distribute the estate - This may not be Barney’s intended flow of the asset. One daughter may be better at managing investment properties.
risk on other relationship - marriage/ business
- potential risk on **marriage breakdown** - Both daughters are married. If either of their marriages breakdown the investment property may be included in family assets to split. - potential risk on **current business for creditors** - Because their business is not incorporated, creditors of the business can access the daughters’ personal assets, including the investment property. They both have significant mortgages; creditors are likely to access assets beyond their homes.